7 CFR § 1412.53 - ARC payment provisions.
(a) Effective with the 2019 and subsequent crop years, ARC-CO actual crop revenue and guarantee will be based on the physical location of base acres of the farm.
(1) FSA will divide up to 25 counties into administrative units. Each of the resulting administrative unit will be viewed as a county for ARC-CO payment purposes.
(2) If a farm has base acres physically located in more than one physical location county, the ARC-CO actual revenue and ARC-CO guarantee will be weighted and summarized to the farm level.
(3) If determined applicable by FSA, a historical irrigated percentage and trend-adjusted yield factor will be used to determine guarantee and revenue, which will also be weighted and summarized to the farm level.
(b) Provided all provisions of this part, including but not limited to ARC-CO election and enrollment, have been satisfied for the contract year, CCC will issue, as applicable and consistent with the election and enrollment:
(1) An ARC-CO payment beginning October 1, or as soon as practicable thereafter, after the end of the applicable marketing year for the covered commodity to the producers on a farm for a covered commodity in each crop year if the farm and covered commodity were enrolled in ARC-CO and the farm's weighted and summarized ARC-CO actual crop revenue was less than the farm's weighted and summarized ARC-CO guarantee.
(2) Payment is equal to the result of multiplying the payment acres for the covered commodity times the difference between the farm's weighted and summarized actual crop revenue and the ARC-CO guarantee, not to exceed 10 percent of the farm's weighted and summarized ARC-CO benchmark revenue.
(c) In a county having farms with P&CP acreage history of a covered commodity in 2013 through 2017, where a covered commodity's P&CP acreage was both irrigated and non-irrigated in 2013 through 2017, a separate irrigated and non-irrigated benchmark revenue, guarantee, and actual revenue will be maintained by FSA for the affected county. For farms in those counties with covered commodities enrolled in ARC-CO, the average 2013 through 2017 reported acreage of each covered commodity on the farm with irrigated and non-irrigated status will be used by FSA to calculate a percentage of each applicable covered commodity that will be applied against the irrigated and non-irrigated benchmark revenue, guarantee, and actual revenue.
(d) FSA has determined the irrigated and non-irrigated counties and crops for the 2019 program year.
(e) Provided all provisions of this part, including but not limited to ARC-IC election and enrollment, have been satisfied for the contract year, CCC will issue, as applicable and consistent with the election and enrollment:
(1) An ARC-IC payment beginning October 1, or as soon as practicable thereafter, after the end of the applicable marketing year for the farm if the farm was enrolled in ARC-IC and the ARC-IC actual crop revenue for that farm is less than the ARC-IC guarantee.
(2) Payment is equal to the result of multiplying the payment acres for the covered commodities times the difference between actual crop revenue and the ARC-IC guarantee, not to exceed 10 percent of benchmark revenue for ARC-IC.
(f) If a producer has an interest in multiple farms that have enrolled in ARC-IC, the ARC-IC benchmark revenue for that producer used in the payment calculation will be a weighted average of the benchmark revenue for those multiple farms.
(g) The effective price and guarantee for temperate japonica rice will be based on the price that all medium and short grain (including glutinous) rice receives in California. The effective price and guarantee for medium grain rice outside California will be based on the price that all medium and short grain rice receives outside California.