7 CFR § 1487.9 - Reporting.

§ 1487.9 Reporting.

(a) Participants are required to submit regular financial and performance reports in accordance with their agreement. Reporting requirements and formats for both annual financial and performance reports and final financial and performance reports will be specified in the agreement between CCC and the Participant.


(1) In addition to the information required in 2 CFR 200.328(b)(2), a Participant's performance reports must include pertinent information regarding the Participant's progress, measured against established indicators, baselines, and targets, towards achieving the expected results specified in the agreement. This reporting must include, for each performance indicator, a comparison of actual accomplishments with the baseline and the targets established for the period. When actual accomplishments deviate significantly from targeted goals, the Participant must provide an explanation in the report.

(2) A Participant must ensure the accuracy and reliability of the performance data submitted to FAS in performance reports. At any time during the period of performance of the agreement, FAS may review the Participant's performance data to determine whether it is accurate and reliable. The Participant must comply with all requests made by FAS or an entity designated by FAS in relation to such reviews.

(c) All final performance reports will be made available to the public.

(d) If requested by FAS, a Participant must provide to FAS additional information or reports relating to the agreement.

(e) If a Participant requires an extension of a reporting deadline, it must ensure that FAS receives an extension request at least five business days prior to the reporting deadline. FAS may decline to consider a request for an extension that it receives after this time period. FAS will consider requests for reporting deadline extensions on a case by case basis and will make a decision based on the merits of each request. FAS will consider factors such as unforeseen or extenuating circumstances and past performance history when evaluating requests for extensions.