7 CFR Subpart C - Subpart C—Standards
Official Cotton Standards of the United States for Length of Staple (§§ 28.301 - 28.307)
- § 28.301 Measurement: humidity; temperature.
- § 28.302 Terms of designation.
- § 28.303 Standards for length of staple for American upland cotton.
- § 28.304 Original representation of American Pima cotton staple lengths.
- § 28.306 Over 13/16 inch staple.
- § 28.307 Bale of different staple lengths.
Authority: Sections 28.301 to 28.307 issued under Sec. 10, 42 Stat. 1519; 7 U.S.C. 61. Interpret or apply sec. 6, 42 Stat. 1518, as amended, sec. 4854, 68A Stat. 580; 7 U.S.C. 56, 26 U.S.C. 4854. -
Official Cotton Standards of the United States for the Color Grade of American Upland Cotton (§ - )
Authority: Section 28.401 to 28.451 issued under Sec. 10, 42 Stat. 1519; (7 U.S.C. 61). Interpret or apply Sec. 6, 42 Stat. 1518, as amended; (7 U.S.C. 56), unless otherwise noted. Source: 57 FR 34497, Aug. 5, 1992, unless otherwise noted. -
Light Spotted Cotton (§§ 28.411 - 28.416)
Spotted Cotton (§§ 28.421 - 28.426)
tinged cotton (§§ 28.431 - 28.434)
yellow stained cotton (§§ 28.441 - 28.442)
below color grade cotton (§ 28.451)
Official Cotton Standards of the United States for the Leaf Grade of American Upland Cotton (§ - )
Authority: Sections 28.461 to 28.482 issued under Sec. 10, 42 Stat. 1519; (7 U.S.C. 61). Section 28.482 also issued under Sec. 3c, 50 Stat. 62 (7 U.S.C. 473c) and 90 Stat. 1841-1846 as amended (7 U.S.C. 15b). Interpret or apply Sec. 6, 42 Stat. 1518, as amended; (7 U.S.C. 56), unless otherwise noted. -
leaf grades (§§ 28.461 - 28.467)
below leaf grade cotton (§ 28.471)
general (§§ 28.480 - 28.482)
Official Cotton Standards of the United States for the ColorGrade of American Pima Cotton (§§ 28.501 - 28.508-28.510)
- § 28.501 Color Grade No. 1.
- § 28.502 Color Grade No. 2.
- § 28.503 Color Grade No. 3.
- § 28.504 Color Grade No. 4.
- § 28.505 Color Grade No. 5.
- § 28.506 Color Grade No. 6.
- § 28.507 Color Grade No. 7.
- §§ 28.508-28.510 [Reserved]
Authority: Secs. 28.501 to 28.510 issued under Sec. 10, 42 Stat. 1519 (7 U.S.C. 61). Interpret or apply Sec. 6, 42 Stat. 1518, as amended (7 U.S.C. 56.) -
Official Cotton Standards of the United States for the Leaf Grade of American Pima Cotton (§§ 28.511 - 28.517)
Application of Standards and Explanatory Terms (§§ 28.521 - 28.522)
Symbols and Code Numbers Used in Recording Cotton Classification (§ 28.525)
Authority: Sec. 28.525 issued under Sec. 10, 42 Stat. 1519 (7 U.S.C. 61). Interpret or apply Sec. 6, 42 Stat. 1518, as amended (7 U.S.C. 56). -
Official Cotton Standards of the United States for Fiber Fineness and Maturity (§§ 28.601 - 28.603)
- § 28.601 Official cotton standards for fiber fineness and maturity.
- § 28.602 Terms of designations.
- § 28.603 Procedures for air flow tests of micronaire reading.
Authority: Sections 28.601 to 28.603 issued under secs. 6, 10, 42 Stat. 1518, 1519, sec. 4854, 68A Stat. 580; 7 U.S.C. 56, 61, 26 U.S.C. 4854. Source: Sections 28.601 through 28.603 appear at 30 FR 7239, May 29, 1965, unless otherwise noted.