9 CFR § 95.22 - Bones, horns, and hoofs for trophies or museums; disinfected hoofs.
(a) Clean, dry bones, horns, and hoofs, that are free from undried pieces of hide, flesh, and sinew and are offered for entry as trophies or for consignment to museums may be imported without other restrictions.
(b) Clean, dry hoofs disinfected in the region of origin may be imported without other restrictions if the following conditions are met:
(1) The hoofs have been disinfected using one of the following methods:
(i) Dry heat at 180 °F (82.2 °C) for 30 minutes;
(ii) Soaking in boiling water for 20 minutes;
(iii) Soaking in a 0.1 percent chlorine bleach solution for 2 hours;
(iv) Soaking in a 5 percent acetic acid solution for 2 hours; or
(v) Soaking in a 5 percent hydrogen peroxide solution for 2 hours.
(2) The hoofs are accompanied by a certificate issued by the national government of the region of origin and signed by an official veterinary inspector of that region stating that the hoofs have been disinfected and describing the manner in which the disinfection was accomplished.