- The Religion Clauses
- Overview of the Religion Clauses
Historical Background
- Introduction to the Historical Background of the Religion Clauses
- England and Religious Freedom
- State-Established Religion in the Colonies
- Colonial Conceptions of Religious Liberty
- Virginia's Movement Towards Religious Freedom
- Continental Congresses
- Constitutional Convention, Ratification, and the Bill of Rights
- Early Interpretations of the Religion Clauses
- Government Resolution of Religious Disputes
Establishment Clause
- General Principle of Neutrality
- Accommodationist and Separationist Theories
- Establishment Clause Tests
- Financial Assistance to Religion
- Non-Financial Assistance to Religion
The Free Exercise Clause
- The Free Exercise Clause Overview
- Laws Regulating Religious Belief
Facially Neutral Laws that Interfere With Religious Practice
- Facially Neutral Laws During the 1940s and 1950s
- Facially Neutral Laws From the 1960s Through the 1980s
- Facially Neutral Laws and Internal Government Affairs
- Facially Neutral Laws and Current Doctrine
- Facially Neutral Laws Regulating Prisons and the Military
- Laws that Discriminate Against Religious Practice
- Relationship Between the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses
- Relationship Between Religion Clauses and Free Speech Clause