PTOA: Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules | Statutes at Large | 90 Stat.

This list is taken from the Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules provided by GPO [Government Printing Office] It is not guaranteed to be accurate or up-to-date, though we do refresh the database weekly. More limitations on accuracy are described at the GPO site.

PToA table: statl
Page CFR Title Parts
125 49 256
145 36 64
418 9 3
419 9 3
420 9 3
423 9 3
503 16 1012, 1204,
506 16 1301, 1302, 1304,
823 22 64
999 31 52
1113 28 15
1241 45 702
1320 18 1312
1320 22 1104
1320 32 229
1320 36 805
1348 28 32
1369 38 3
1918 36 68
2094 34 692
2253 42 57
2341 31 51
2629 49 256
2743 36 254
2917 36 330
2928 33 276