Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 17, § 93115.3 - ATCM for Stationary CI Engines - Exemptions
(a) The in-use stationary diesel agricultural
emission standard and other requirements of section
93115.8(b) do not
apply to agricultural emergency standby generator set engines equipped with
nonresettable hour meters with a minimum display capability of 9,999 hours or
remotely-located agricultural engines provided the owners or operators of such
engines comply with the registration requirements of section
93115.8(c) and
(d) and the applicable recordkeeping and
reporting requirements of section
(b) The requirements specified in sections
93115.7, and
93115.10(a) do
not apply to new or in-use stationary diesel-fueled CI engines used in
agricultural operations .
(c) The
requirements specified in section
93115.9 do not apply to single
cylinder cetane test engines used exclusively to determine the cetane number of
diesel fuels in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM ) Standard D 613-03b, "Standard Test Method for Cetane Number of Diesel
Fuel Oil," as modified on June 10, 2003, which is incorporated herein by
(d) The requirements
specified in sections
93115.6(b)(3) and
93115.7(b)(1) do
not apply to in-use stationary diesel-fueled CI engines used in emergency
standby or prime applications that, prior to January 1, 2005, were required in
writing by the district to meet and comply with either minimum technology
requirements or performance standards implemented by the district from the
"Risk Management Guidance for the Permitting of New Stationary Diesel-Fueled
Engines," October 2000, which is incorporated herein by reference.
(e) The requirements specified in section
93115.6(b)(3) do
not apply to permitted in-use stationary emergency standby diesel-fueled CI
engines that will be removed from service or replaced prior to January 1, 2009,
in accordance with an approved Office of Statewide Health Planning Development
(OSHPD) Compliance Plan that has been approved prior to January 1, 2009, except
that this exemption does not apply to replacement engines for the engines that
are removed from service under the OSHPD plan.
(f) The requirements in sections
93115.5 and
93115.7 do not apply to any
stationary diesel-fueled CI engine used solely for the training and testing of
United States Department of Defense (U.S. DoD) students or personnel of any
U.S. military branch in the operation, maintenance, repair and rebuilding of
engines when such training engines are required to be configured and designed
similarly to counterpart engines used by the U.S. DoD, U.S. Military services
or North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces in combat, combat support,
combat service support, tactical or relief operations used on land or at
(g) The requirements specified
in sections
93115.5 through
93115.8 do not apply to stationary
diesel-fueled CI engines used solely on San Nicolas or San Clemente Islands.
The Ventura County Air Pollution Control District Air Pollution Control Officer
(APCO) and the South Coast Air Quality Management District APCO shall review
the land use plans for the island in their jurisdiction at least once every
five (5) years and withdraw this exemption if the land use plans are changed to
allow use by the general public of the islands.
(h) The requirements specified in sections
93115.6 and
93115.7 do not apply to stationary
diesel-fueled engines used solely on outer continental shelf (OCS) platforms
located within 25 miles of California's seaward boundary.
Exemption for Emergency Engines
at Nuclear Facilities. The requirements in section
93115.6(b)(3) do
not apply to any in-use stationary diesel-fueled CI engines for which all of
the following criteria are met:
(1) the engine
is an emergency standby engine ;
the engine is subject to the requirements of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
(3) the engine is used
solely for the safe shutdown and maintenance of a nuclear facility when normal
power service fails or is lost; and
(4) the engine undergoes maintenance and
testing operations for no more than 200 hours cumulatively per calendar
year .
for Exemption for Low-Use Prime Engines Outside of School Boundaries.
The district APCO may approve a Request for Exemption from the provisions of
section 93115.7(b)(1) for
any in-use stationary diesel-fueled CI engine located beyond school boundaries,
provided the approval is in writing, and the writing specifies all of the
following conditions to be met by the owner or operator :
(1) the engine is a prime engine ;
(2) the engine is located more than 500 feet
from a school at all times;
(3) the
engine operates no more than 20 hours cumulatively per year. The district APCO
may use a different number of hours for applying this exemption if the
diesel-fueled CI engine is used solely to start a combustion gas turbine
engine , provided the number of hours used for this exemption is justified by
the district , on a case -by-case basis, with consideration of factors including,
at a minimum, the operational requirements of a facility using a combustion gas
turbine engine and the impacts of the emissions from the engine at any receptor
location .
(k) The
requirements in sections
and 93115.8(b)(1) through
(3) do not apply to in-use dual-fueled diesel
pilot CI engines that use an alternative fuel or an alternative diesel
fuel .
(l) The requirements in
sections 93115.5,
93115.8(b)(1) through
(3), and
93115.9 do not apply to
dual-fueled diesel pilot CI engines that use diesel fuel and digester gas or
landfill gas .
(m) The requirements
in sections
and 93115.8(b)(1) through
(3) do not apply to in-use stationary
diesel-fueled CI engines that have selective catalytic reduction
(n) The requirements of
section 93115.6(b)(3) do
not apply to in-use emergency fire pump assemblies that are driven directly by
stationary diesel-fueled CI engines and only operated the number of hours
necessary to comply with the testing requirements of National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) 25 "Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of
Water-Based Fire Protection Systems," 2002 edition, which is incorporated
herein by reference.
(o) The
requirements of sections
93115.7(a), and
93115.7(b) do not
apply to any stationary diesel-fueled CI engine used to power equipment that is
owned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and used
solely at manned-space flight facilities including launch, tracking, and
landing sites, provided the District APCO approves this exemption in writing.
This exemption only applies to diesel engines that power equipment which is
maintained in the same configuration as similar equipment at all manned space
flight facilities.
Request for Delay in Implementation for Remotely Located In-Use Prime
Engines. Prior to January 1, 2011, the district APCO may approve a
Request for Delay in Implementation from the provisions of 93115.7(b)(1) until
January 1, 2011, for any in-use stationary diesel-fueled CI engine , provided
the approval is in writing, and the writing specifies all the following
conditions to be met by the owner or operator :
(1) the engine is a prime engine ,
(2) the engine is located more
than one mile from any receptor location , and
(3) the impacts of the emissions from the
engine at any receptor location result in:
a prioritization score of less than 1.0; and
(B) a maximum cancer risk of less than 1 in a
million; and
(C) a maximum Hazard
Index Value of less than 0.1.
Request for Delay in
Implementation of Fuel Requirements. Prior to January 1, 2006, the
district may approve a Request for Delay in implementation from the provisions
of 93115.5 until a date as determined by the district , for any new or in-use
stationary diesel-fueled CI engine , provided the approval is in writing, and
the writing specifies the following information:
(1) the engine is a new stationary CI engine
or an in-use stationary diesel-fueled CI engine , and
(2) the engine 's fuel consumption rate,
(3) the identification of the
fuel in the fuel tank at the time of approval, and
(4) the specification of the fuel in the fuel
tank at the time of approval; and
(5) the amount of fuel in the fuel tank at
the time of approval; and
(6) the
anticipated number of hours per year the engine is planned to be operated;
(7) the date when compliance
with the fuel use requirements specified in section
93115.5 is
(r) The
operational restrictions in section
93115.6(a)(1) and
93115.6(b)(2) for
engines located at or near school grounds do not apply to engines located at or
near school grounds that also serve as the students' place of residence, e.g.
boarding schools.
(s) The
requirements of section
93115.6(b)(3) do
not apply to any stationary diesel-fueled emergency standby engine primarily
used by the United States Department of Defense located at Command Transmitter
(CT) sites until December 31, 2009. Each stationary diesel-fueled emergency
standby engine at a CT site will be allowed a maximum of 100 total annual hours
of operation for maintenance and testing .
(t) Upon the prior written approval of the
APCO , the requirements of this ATCM do not apply to stationary CI engines used
(1) as engine test cells and
test stands for testing burners, CI engines, or CI engine components, e.g.,
(2) for operation or
performance testing of fuels, fuel additives, or emission control devices at
research and development facilities; or
(3) for maintenance, repair, or rebuild
training at educational facilities.
(u) If the Executive Officer or District
finds, based on verifiable information from the engine manufacturer ,
distributor , or dealer, that current model year engines meeting the current
emission standards are not available or not available in sufficient numbers or
in a sufficient range of makes, models, and horsepower ratings, then the
Executive Officer or the District may allow the sale, purchase, or installation
of a new stock engine meeting the emission standards from the previous model
year to meet the new stationary diesel-fueled engine emission standards
pursuant to title 13 of the California Code of Regulations or 40 CFR part
2. Repealer of subsections (s)-(s)(2)(B), subsection relettering and amendment of newly designated subsection (s) filed 5-19-2011; operative 5-19-2011 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2011, No. 20).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 39600, 39601, 39658, 39659, 39666, 41511 and 43013, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 39002, 39650, 39658, 39659, 39666, 40000, 41511 and 43013, Health and Safety Code.
2. Repealer of subsections (s)-(s)(2)(B), subsection relettering and amendment of newly designated subsection (s) filed 5-19-2011; operative 5-19-2011 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4 (Register 2011, No. 20).
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