Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 2, § 11015 - Definitions

(a) "Recruitment." The practice of any employer or other covered entity that has the purpose or effect of informing any individual about an employment opportunity, or assisting an individual to apply for employment, an activity leading to employment, membership in a labor organization, acceptance in an apprenticeship training program, or referral by an employment agency.
(b) "Date of Determination to Hire." The time at which an employer or other covered entity has made an offer of employment to the individual.
(c) "Pre-employment Inquiry." Any oral or written request made by an employer or other covered entity for information concerning the qualifications of an applicant for employment or for entry into an activity leading to employment.
(d) "Application." Except for recordkeeping purposes, any writing or other device used by an employer or other covered entity to make a pre-employment inquiry or submitted to an employer or other covered entity for the purpose of seeking consideration for employment.
(e) "Placement." Any status, category, rank, level, location, department, division, program, duty or group of duties, or any other similar classification or position for which an employee can be selected or to which an employee can be assigned by any employment practice. Employment practices that can determine placement in this way include, but are not limited to: hiring, discharge, promotion, transfer, callback, or other change of classification or position; inclusion in membership in any group or organization; any referral assignment to any place, unit, division, status or type of work.


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 2, § 11015
1. Change without regulatory effect renumbering former section 7287.2 to new section 11015 and amending NOTE filed 10-3-2013 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2013, No. 40).

Note: Authority cited: Section 12935(a), Government Code. Reference: Sections 12920, 12921, 12940 and 12942, Government Code.

1. Change without regulatory effect renumbering former section 7287.2 to new section 11015 and amending Note filed 10-3-2013 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2013, No. 40).

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.