Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 3, § 585 - High-Temperature, Short-Time Pasteurization

(a) All HTST pasteurizing devices shall be equipped so as to automatically prevent the forward flow of milk or milk products which have not been heated to the required temperature.
(b) The regenerator must be designed and installed so that the raw product will at all times be at a lower pressure than the pasteurized product.
(c) The raw product "cross-overs" shall be constructed so that any leakage will be to the atmosphere.
(d) The holding time of at least 15 seconds in forward flow and diverted flow is required in the pasteurization of milk or fluid derivatives. In the pasteurization of ice cream mix or ice milk mix the holding time shall be at least 25 seconds in forward flow and diverted flow; and the temperature of pasteurization shall be at least 175 degrees F.

No holding time is required in the pasteurization of milk or milk products if the temperature of pasteurization in approved high-temperature short-time equipment is at least 192 degrees F. and 194 degrees for the vacreator. Milk and milk products pasteurized by the Roswell process shall be heated to 200 degrees F. and held at that temperature for a minimum of three seconds.

(e) The holding tube must have a positive upward slant from the inlet to the outlet. The brackets must be permanently installed. The indicating and recording controller spuds and the flow diversion valve must be located at the outlet end of the holding tube.
(f) The timing pump shall be so constructed and operated that the speed setting will insure the required holding time. All variable speed pumps must have a high speed stop that can be sealed and so designed that wear or stretch of belts or other driving medium will not shorten the holding time.
(g) HTST pasteurizers shall be checked and sealed by the director or authorized representatives of an approved milk inspection service before using and as often as is necessary to insure satisfactory operation. The timing pump, if variable speed type, shall be sealed to prevent increase of the maximum allowable speed. Other types of pumps, including homogenizers, may be sealed at the option of the control official. The setting device for controlling the flow diversion temperature shall be sealed in a tamper proof manner. Equipment on which the seals are broken or tampered with is not in compliance with Section 515 of the Agricultural Code.
(h) Plant managers shall immediately notify the local milk inspection service or the state representative, whichever has immediate supervision, in case of any readjustment or replacements of parts which may affect the pasteurization holding time or temperature.
(i) All variable control devices shall be sealed in a tamper proof manner to prevent their use above maximum setting.
(j) No manual switches are permitted that will cause a flow diversion valve to assume the forward flow position below pasteurizing temperature.
(k) The recording thermometer device on HTST pasteurizers shall record on the chart the operation of the forward flow control.
(l) Indicating and recording thermometers not exempt by subsection (e) of Section 583 of Administrative Code must comply with the following specifications:

Indicating Thermometers. The scale division must not be more than one-half degree between 138 and 165 degrees F.; accurate within one-half degree F. plus or minus, and not more than eight degrees F. per inch of scale. Lag must not exceed four seconds on temperature rise between 141 and 153 degrees F. when the spud is at room temperature and is then immersed in stirred water at 160 degrees F.

Recording Thermometers. Scale range 145 to 200 degrees F. the smallest scale division must not be more than one degree between 159 and 162 degrees F. Scale lines must be at least one-sixteenth inch wide in this range. The recording device must record the correct time of day. Recording of temperature must be accurate within one degree F. The pen arm setting device must be easily accessible and simple to adjust. The pen must record a thin, clear line. Radial lines that indicate the time must not be closer than one-fourth inch between 159 and 162 degrees F.; the space must not represent more than 10 minutes.

(m) Flow diversion valve controller response not to exceed five seconds on temperature rise from 148 to 160 degrees F. when the spud is at room temperature and then is immersed in well stirred water at 167 degrees F.
(n) The operator of each HTST (high-temperature short-time) pasteurizer must at least once at the beginning of his workday or shift make a notation on the recording thermometer chart of the cutin and cutout temperature of the flow diversion valve.


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 3, § 585
1. New section filed 8-31-51 designated to be effective 10-1-51 (Register 25, No. 4).
2. Amendment filed 9-21-56; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 56, No. 18).
1. New section filed 8-31-51 designated to be effective 10-1-51 (Register 25, No. 4).
2. Amendment filed 9-21-56; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 56, No. 18).

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.