Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-293-38 - Register of blind

The following information is used in maintaining a registry of blind persons in the state:

(1) Name: Register of Blind Persons.
(2) Type of System: both automated and manual.
(3) Purpose: to allow the board to meet the requirements of Sections 10-208 and 10-305 of CGS to prepare and maintain a registry of blind in the state including cause of blindness and capacity for education and industrial training.
(4) Source of Data: routine sources of information are the blind or visually impaired person, physicians, optometrists, educational institutions and other state agencies such as the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
(5) Legal Authority: Sections 10-298 and 10-305 of CGS.
(6) Categories of Personal Data:
(A) medical including diagnosis, cause of blindness and prognosis;
(B) educational including grade level, performance level and potential for learning; and
(C) vocational including work history, vocational capacities and interests.
(7) Categories of other Data: blind person's name, address, birth date and telephone number.
(8) Category of Person: a register is maintained of all persons in the state who are reported to the board as being blind and may include persons who are reported as being seriously visually impaired and liable to become blind.
(9) Use of Information: information in the Register of Blind Persons is used by persons identified in Section 10-293-50(a) (3) of these regulations to:
(A) assist the board to work with other agencies;
(B) take measures to prevent blindness;
(C) develop resources to meet the educational, vocational, social and economic needs of blind persons;
(D) plan programs of training;
(E) determine the future need for resources; and
(F) to plan and prepare budget to meet the educational and vocational needs of blind persons.
(10) Retention Schedule: the Register of Blind Persons is retained for five (5) years.


Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-293-38
Effective July 28, 1988

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.