Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 64B32-7.001 - Probable Cause Panel

(1) The Board shall enter final orders in disciplinary cases against respiratory therapists. The determination of probable cause to issue an administrative complaint against a respiratory therapist shall be made by the Probable Cause Panel of the Board.
(2) The Chair of the Board shall appoint at least two people to the probable cause panel and shall designate its chair. The appointed people shall be either current Board members or at least one current Board member and one or more former members of the Board. If available, one member of the panel shall be a consumer member and at least one member shall be a licensed member of the profession. Once appointed, a panel shall serve for no less than six months. With regard to violations of Part V of Chapters 468 and 456, F.S., and/or the rules promulgated pursuant thereto, the determination as to whether there is probable cause that a violation has occurred shall be made by a majority vote of the Probable Cause Panel of the Board.
(3) The Chair of the Board may make temporary appointments to the panel as necessary to conduct the business of the panel in the absence or unavailability of a regularly appointed panel member.
(4) If a Board member has reviewed a case as a member of the Probable Cause Panel, that member, if available, shall be on the panel for reconsideration of that case if reconsideration is requested by the prosecutor.


Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 64B32-7.001

Rulemaking Authority 456.073(2), (4), 468.365 FS. Law Implemented 456.073(4) FS.

New 4-27-00.

New 4-27-00.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.