(1) The duties that a radiologist assistant
may perform, and the level of supervision which must be provided by the
supervising radiologist, are specified in the "Radiologist Assistant Role
Delineation - January 2005, " which is herein incorporated by reference, except
(a) With regard to Clinical Activity
#23, the radiologist assistant shall not administer radiopharmaceuticals unless
the assistant is also currently certified by the department as a Nuclear
Medicine Technologist.
(b) With
regard to Clinical Activity #24, the radiologist assistant shall only
administer medications orally while under the direct supervision of the
(c) With regard to
Clinical Activity #25, the radiologist assistant shall only monitor the patient
for side effects or complications of a pharmaceutical while under the direct
supervision of the radiologist.
With regard to Clinical Activity #27f, the radiologist assistant shall only
perform PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) placement while under the
direct supervision of the radiologist.
(e) With regard to Clinical Activity #28, the
radiologist assistant may only perform those additional procedures authorized
in compliance with the Radiologist Assistant Role Delineation; however, a
radiologist assistant is prohibited from performing the duties specified in
Section 468.302(3)(h) 2., F.S.
(2) Within 30 days of beginning work, a
radiologist assistant must submit to the department a written statement from
the supervising radiologist indicating the radiologist is supervising the
assistant. This written statement must also contain:
(a) The date the supervisory relationship
(b) The full name and
Florida certification number of the radiologist assistant;
(c) The full name and Florida license number
of the supervising radiologist; and,
(d) The signatures of the supervising
radiologist and radiologist assistant.
Within 30 days of the termination of the supervisory
relationship between the radiologist and the radiologist assistant, the
radiologist assistant must submit a written statement to the department
indicating the termination date of the supervisory