Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 375-3-1-.04 - Licenses Restricted as to Use for Physical Impairment

(1) No person who is incapacitated by reason of disease, mental or physical disability or by addiction to alcohol or drugs shall be issued a license or have their license renewed by the Department. However, the Department, at its discretion, may issue a license to those applicants for issuance or renewal of a license with certain physical disabilities subject to certain restrictions as follows:
(a) Vision.
(i) No license shall be issued to any person who does not have vision of 20/60 or better and a horizontal field of vision of at least 140 degrees. If corrective lenses are necessary to meet these vision standards, the applicant may only be issued licenses restricted to operating vehicles while wearing such corrective lenses.
(ii) Applicants whose vision, even with corrective lenses, is 20/60 or less in one eye may only be issued licenses restricted to operating vehicles with an outside rearview mirror on the left side.
(iii) In any case where the Department has questions concerning a person's vision it may require a statement with respect thereto made by a physician or osteopath licensed under Ga. Code Chap. 43-34 or under Ga. Code Chap. 43-30 (Optometrist).
(b) Musculoskeletal.
(i) Applicants with the following musculoskeletal disabilities may only be issued licenses restricted to operating vehicles equipped with special equipment as follows:
1) Applicants who have either a hand or arm missing or useless may be issued licenses restricted to operating vehicles equipped with directional signals and automatic shift.
2) Applicants who have either one foot or one leg missing or useless may be issued licenses restricted to operating vehicles equipped with automatic shift, hand dimmer, artificial foot pedal extension, manual brake or some combination thereof as the Department may determine is necessary for the individual applicant. If the applicant's right leg is missing or useless, the license may also be restricted to operating vehicles equipped with left foot accelerator and wide brake pedal.
3) Applicants with both legs missing or useless may be issued licenses restricted to operating vehicles equipped with hand dimmer switch, hand throttle and vacuum brake equipment, automatic shift, or any combination thereof as the Department may determine is necessary for the individual applicant.
(c) The Department may add such additional restrictions or combinations of restrictions to a person's license as it may deem necessary for such person to operate a vehicle safely.
(d) Applicants, before being issued a restricted license, may be required to demonstrate their ability to operate a motor vehicle safely upon highways of this state. This driving demonstration shall be as required in Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 375-3-1-.10.
(2) Any applicant who is denied a license or any renewal thereof due to a mental or physical incapacity may apply to the Driver License Advisory Board pursuant to Chapter 375-3-5 of these Rules for a review of their capability to operate a motor vehicle safely.
(3) Any person who is issued a restricted license and operates a motor vehicle contrary to the restrictions on such license shall have such license revoked.


Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 375-3-1-.04
O.C.G.A. ยงยง 40-5-4, 40-5-34.
Original Rule entitled "Licenses Restricted as to Use for Physical Impairment" adopted. F. Apr. 18, 2006; eff. May 8, 2006. Amended: F. Aug. 12, 2020; eff. Sept. 1, 2020.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.