Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 611.740 - General Requirements

a) This Subpart R contains National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. These Subpart R requirements for filtration and disinfection apply in addition to those applying under Subpart B. This Subpart R applies to a Subpart B system supplier serving 10,000 or more persons, unless this Subpart R specifies otherwise. This Subpart R establishes or extends treatment techniques in lieu of MCLs for certain contaminants: Giardia lamblia, viruses, heterotrophic plate count bacteria, Legionella, Cryptosporidium, and turbidity. A Subpart B system supplier serving 10,000 or more persons must treat its source water complying with the treatment techniques in this Subpart R and are in addition to those in Section 611.220. The treatment techniques in this Subpart R consist of installing and properly operating water treatment processes reliably achieving two objectives:
1) At least 99 percent (2-log) removal of Cryptosporidium between a point where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface water runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer for a supplier applying filtration treatment; and
2) Compliance with the profiling and benchmark requirements under Section 611.742.
b) A PWS supplier subject to this Subpart R complies with subsection (a) if it complies with the applicable filtration requirements in Section 611.250 or 611.743 and the disinfection requirements in Sections 611.240 and 611.742.
c) A supplier must not begin constructing an uncovered finished water storage facility.
d) A supplier deciding to significantly change its disinfection practice, as Section 611.742 (c)(1)(A) through (c)(1)(D) describes, must obtain Agency approval in a SEP before of the Agency prior to making the significant change.


Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 611.740

Amended at 27 Ill. Reg. 16447, effective October 10, 2003

Amended at 42 Ill. Reg. 1140, effective 1/4/2018 Amended at 47 Ill. Reg. 16486, effective 11/2/2023

BOARD NOTE: This Section derives from 40 CFR 141.170.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.