Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 722.311 - Hazardous Waste Determination at an On-Site Central Accumulation Area

When an eligible academic entity makes the hazardous waste determination, pursuant to Section 722.111, for unwanted material at an on-site central accumulation area, it must fulfill the following requirements:

a) A trained professional must accompany all unwanted material that is transferred from the laboratory to an on-site central accumulation area.
b) All unwanted material removed from the laboratory must be taken directly from the laboratory to the on-site central accumulation area.
c) The unwanted material becomes subject to the generator accumulation regulations of Section 722.116, for an SQG, or Section 722.117, for an LQG, as soon as the material arrives in the central accumulation area, except for the "hazardous waste" labeling requirements of Sections 722.116(b)(6) and 722.117(a)(5).
d) A trained professional must determine, pursuant to Section 722.111(a) through (d), if the unwanted material is a hazardous waste within four calendar days after the unwanted material has arrived at the on-site central accumulation area.
e) If the unwanted material is a hazardous waste, the eligible academic entity must fulfill the following requirements:
1) It must write the words "hazardous waste" on the container label that is affixed or attached to the container, within four calendar days after the unwanted material has arrived at the on-site central accumulation area and before the hazardous waste may be removed from that area;
2) It must write the appropriate USEPA hazardous waste numbers on the container label that is associated with the container (or on the label that is affixed or attached to the container, if that is preferred) before the hazardous waste may be treated or disposed of on-site or transported offsite;
3) It must count the hazardous waste toward the amount used to determine the eligible academic entity's generator category, pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 722.113, in the calendar month that the hazardous waste determination was made; and
4) It must manage the hazardous waste according to all applicable hazardous waste regulations.


Ill. Admin. Code tit. 35, § 722.311

Added at 34 Ill. Reg. 18817, effective November 12, 2010

Amended at 42 Ill. Reg. 22047, effective 11/19/2018

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.