RELATES TO: KRS 353.180, 353.510, 353.520, 353.561 - 353.564,
353.590, 353.5901, 353.592, 353.651, 353.652, 353.6601 - 353.6606, 353.730,
353.737, 353.991
Department for Natural Resources to regulate the drilling and casing of oil or
gas wells. This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for the
drilling and casing of wells for the purpose of oil or gas extraction.
Section 1. Definitions.
(1)"Annulus" means the space between two (2)
strings of casing or between a string of casing and the bore hole
(2) "Blow-out preventer" or
"BOP" means a device installed on the surface casing, which is the first and
largest diameter casing installed in a well with the primary use to make the
bore hole stand up and to protect a fresh water zone layer of strata capable of
producing or receiving fluids, or installed on the intermediate casing, which
is one (1) or more strings of pipes installed in a well in addition to the
surface casing in which each string is smaller in diameter than the previous.
The device is used to prevent the escape of pressure either in the annulus
between casing and drill pipe or in the open hole without drill pipe and that
is used during drilling operations.
(3) "Casing" or "casing string" means steel
tubes or pipes installed in a well.
(4) "Cement" means hydraulic cement mixed
with water or with additives and that is used to fill the annulus of casing
string or to plug the well.
"Deep well" is defined by KRS 353.510(16).
(6) "KYEM" means the state Kentucky Emergency
Management office under authority of the Department of Military Affairs in
Frankfort, Kentucky, with regional offices throughout the
(7) "Long casing
string" means the last casing installed in a well to be used for production or
injection purposes.
(8) "Shallow
well" is defined by KRS 353.510(15).
Section 2. If an Application for Permit,
ED-1, incorporated by reference in
805 KAR 1:140, for a shallow well proposed
to be drilled to a depth of less than 4,000 feet or above the base of the
lowest member of the Devonian Brown Shale is submitted to the department, the
application shall comply with all requirements of
805 KAR 1:020 and shall be
exempt from Sections 3 and 4 of this administrative regulation.
Section 3.
(1) If an Application for Permit, ED-1,
incorporated by reference in
805 KAR 1:140, for a well permit proposed to be
drilled below a depth of 4,000 feet or the base of the lowest member of the
Devonian Brown Shale, whichever is deeper, is submitted to the department, the
operator shall prepare and submit with the permit application a detailed
drilling and casing plan on Casing and Cementing Plan, Form ED-7, incorporated
by reference in
805 KAR 1:140, for the review by and approval or denial of the
department pursuant to this administrative regulation.
This plan shall include a drafted schematic showing the hole size and depth of
each casing string.
1. The freshwater string
shall be set at least thirty (30) feet below the depth in the approved
2. If fresh water is
encountered during drilling operations deeper than the depth in the approved
permit, the freshwater casing shall be set at least thirty (30) feet below the
actual freshwater depth.
3. A
freshwater casing string shall be set and cement circulated to the surface
before drilling commences.
(b) The plan shall also include a description
of the type, size, and grade of casing to be used and the manner in which the
annulus of the casing string and well bore shall be cemented to protect all
fresh water, coal, mineral, and oil and gas producing formation in the area
proposed for drilling. The volume, class, additives, and weight of the cement
to be used shall also be described.
(3) If an open hole packer assembly is
included on the long casing string, the number of packers shall be included on
the plan.
(4) If drilling fluid is
used, it shall comply with
805 KAR 1:020, Section 2(1)(c).
Section 4.
(1) The operator shall install a blow-out
prevention device capable of:
(a) Closing the
top of the well;
(b) Controlling
the release of fluids;
Permitting pumping into the well; and
(d) Allowing movement of the inner string of
drill pipe.
(a) The device shall be installed on a
shallow well drilled below 4,000 feet or the base of the lowest member of the
Devonian Brown Shale, whichever is deeper, capable of withstanding a working
pressure of 1,500 psi and a test pressure of 3,000 psi.
(b) The device shall be installed on a deep
well and have a minimum working pressure of 3,500 psi and a test pressure of
5,000 psi.
1. A description of this device and
its installation shall be included with the drilling and casing plan required
in Section 3 of this administrative regulation.
a. A
test shall be performed to ensure the
BOP shall operate at its rated capacity:
(i) When the device is initially
(ii) Thirty (30) days
after the initial installation;
(iii) When the operator opens or removes the
BOP; and
(iv) At the request of the
b. The results
of the test shall be kept at the well site and made available to cabinet
personnel upon request.
Section 5. The director shall only waive the
requirements for a
BOP established in Section 4 of this administrative
regulation for a shallow well if the operator submits a written request for the
waiver that includes:
(1) The geologic
formations to be drilled through;
(2) A history of drilling in the vicinity of
the proposed well with pressure measurements that show gas pressures were not
encountered at levels to require the BOP equipment; and
(3) The maximum anticipated gas pressure in
the proposed well.
(1) The operator shall obtain
written instructions from the department prior to plugging the well and the
department shall approve or deny the commencement of plugging
(2) Upon the
department's request, the operator shall submit:
(a) A well log;
(b) Completion report; and
(c) Geophysical logs used for preparing
plugging instructions.
Section 7.
(1) The department shall be notified verbally
within forty-eight (48) hours of any mechanical failure or other deficiency
that may jeopardize the plugging operation or mechanical integrity of the well
encountered while conducting any operation or production of a deep
(a) KYEM or the department shall be
immediately notified if there are any well failures or blow-outs that pose the
likelihood of imminent environmental damage or danger to the public.
(b) The operator shall correct deficiencies,
such as those established in this section, with due diligence.
Section 8. An operator
in noncompliance with the requirements of this administrative regulation shall
be subject to penalties pursuant to KRS 353.991.