Chapter 1 - Division of Oil and Gas
- § 805 KAR 1:001 - Definitions for 805 KAR Chapter 1
- § 805 KAR 1:010 - General information associated with oil and gas permits
- § 805 KAR 1:020 - Protection of fresh water zones
- § 805 KAR 1:030 - Well location and as-drilled location plat, preparation, form and contents
- § 805 KAR 1:040 - Vacuums; use of
- § 805 KAR 1:050 - Bonds; requirements, cancellation
- § 805 KAR 1:060 - Plugging wells
- § 805 KAR 1:080 - Gas storage reservoirs; drilling, plugging in vicinity
- § 805 KAR 1:100 - Commission's rules of procedure, spacing of deep well drilling, wildcat wells and pooling of interests
- § 805 KAR 1:110 - Underground injection control
- § 805 KAR 1:120 - Operating or deepening existing wells and drilling deeper than the permitted depth
- § 805 KAR 1:130 - Deep well administrative regulation relating to casing, cementing, plugging, gas detection and blow-out prevention in oil and gas wells
- § 805 KAR 1:140 - Directional and horizontal wells
- § 805 KAR 1:160 - Posting of an identification sign and a danger sign on a crude oil tank battery site
- § 805 KAR 1:170 - Content of the operations and reclamation plan
- § 805 KAR 1:180 - Production reporting
- § 805 KAR 1:190 - Gathering lines
- § 805 KAR 1:210 - Comment period for pooling of oil and gas shallow wells
- § 805 KAR 1:220 - Public liability insurance and self-insurers
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.