Chapter 1 - Medicaid Services
- § 907 KAR 1:005 - Nonduplication of payments
- § 907 KAR 1:006 - Coverage of and payment for services for persons eligible for benefits under both Title XIX and Title XVIII
- § 907 KAR 1:008 - Ambulatory surgical center services and reimbursement
- § 907 KAR 1:022 - Nursing facility services and intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability
- § 907 KAR 1:023 - Review and approval of selected therapies as ancillary services in nursing facilities
- § 907 KAR 1:025 - Payment for services provided by an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability, a dually-licensed pediatric facility, an institution for mental diseases, or a nursing facility with an all-inclusive rate unit
- § 907 KAR 1:026E - Dental services' coverage provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:028 - Independent laboratory and radiological service coverage and reimbursement
- § 907 KAR 1:030 - Home health agency services
- § 907 KAR 1:031 - Payments for home health services
- § 907 KAR 1:032 - Dual licensed pediatric facility services
- § 907 KAR 1:033 - Payments for dual licensed pediatric facility services
- § 907 KAR 1:037 - Hospital furnished nursing facility services
- § 907 KAR 1:038E - Hearing Program coverage provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:039 - Hearing Program reimbursement provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:042 - Amounts payable for hospital furnished skilled nursing and intermediate care facility services
- § 907 KAR 1:044 - [Repealed]
- § 907 KAR 1:045 - Reimbursement provisions and requirements regarding community mental health center services
- § 907 KAR 1:047 - Community mental health center primary care services
- § 907 KAR 1:048 - Family planning services
- § 907 KAR 1:049 - Payments for family planning services
- § 907 KAR 1:054 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding federally-qualified health center services, federally-qualified health center look-alike services, and primary care center services
- § 907 KAR 1:055 - Payments for primary care center, federally-qualified health center, federally-qualified health center look-alike, and rural health clinic services
- § 907 KAR 1:060 - Ambulance transportation
- § 907 KAR 1:061 - Payments for ambulance transportation
- § 907 KAR 1:065 - Payments for price-based nursing facility services
- § 907 KAR 1:075 - Hearings and appeals for individuals with an intellectual disability
- § 907 KAR 1:082 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding rural health clinic services
- § 907 KAR 1:084 - Payment for medical assistance services furnished out of state
- § 907 KAR 1:102 - Advanced practice registered nurse services
- § 907 KAR 1:104 - Reimbursement for advanced practice registered nurse services
- § 907 KAR 1:126 - Dental services' coverage provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:145 - Supports for community living services for an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability
- § 907 KAR 1:155 - Payments for supports for community living services for an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability
- § 907 KAR 1:160 - Home and community based waiver services version 1
- § 907 KAR 1:170 - Reimbursement for home and community based waiver services version 1
- § 907 KAR 1:180 - Freestanding birth center services
- § 907 KAR 1:190 - Payments for freestanding birth center services
- § 907 KAR 1:260 - Coordination of benefits between the Medicaid Program and the Crime Victims Compensation Board
- § 907 KAR 1:270 - Podiatry program services
- § 907 KAR 1:280 - Payments for podiatry program services
- § 907 KAR 1:330 - Hospice services
- § 907 KAR 1:340 - Reimbursement for hospice services
- § 907 KAR 1:350 - Coverage and payments for organ transplants
- § 907 KAR 1:360 - Preventive and remedial public health services
- § 907 KAR 1:400 - Incorporation by reference of the Renal Dialysis Center Services Manual
- § 907 KAR 1:434 - Incorporation by reference of the Family Planning Services Manual
- § 907 KAR 1:440 - Case management services
- § 907 KAR 1:450 - Nurse aide training criteria and registry
- § 907 KAR 1:479 - Medical supplies, equipment, and appliances covered benefits and reimbursement
- § 907 KAR 1:560 - Medicaid hearings and appeals regarding eligibility
- § 907 KAR 1:563 - Medicaid covered services appeals and hearings unrelated to managed care
- § 907 KAR 1:575 - Compliance with laboratory certification requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:585 - Estate recovery
- § 907 KAR 1:595 - Model Waiver II service coverage and reimbursement policies and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:604 - Cost-sharing prohibited within the Medicaid program
- § 907 KAR 1:615 - Supplemental policy for the Medicaid Program
- § 907 KAR 1:626 - Reimbursement of dental services
- § 907 KAR 1:631 - Vision Program reimbursement provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:632E - Vision program coverage provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:671 - Conditions of Medicaid provider participation; withholding overpayments, administrative appeal process, and sanctions
- § 907 KAR 1:672 - Provider enrollment, disclosure, and documentation for Medicaid participation
- § 907 KAR 1:673 - Claims processing
- § 907 KAR 1:675 - Program integrity
- § 907 KAR 1:677 - Medicaid Recipient Lock-in Program
- § 907 KAR 1:680 - Vaccines for Children Program
- § 907 KAR 1:715 - School-based health services
- § 907 KAR 1:720 - Coverage and payments for the Kentucky Early Intervention Program services provided through an agreement with the state Title V agency
- § 907 KAR 1:755 - Preadmission Screening and Resident Review Program
- § 907 KAR 1:780 - Converted dual-licensed hospital-based nursing facility beds
- § 907 KAR 1:790 - Medicaid service category expenditure information
- § 907 KAR 1:835 - Michelle P. waiver services and reimbursement
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
- § 907 KAR 1:005 - Nonduplication of payments
- § 907 KAR 1:006 - Coverage of and payment for services for persons eligible for benefits under both Title XIX and Title XVIII
- § 907 KAR 1:008 - Ambulatory surgical center services and reimbursement
- § 907 KAR 1:022 - Nursing facility services and intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability
- § 907 KAR 1:023 - Review and approval of selected therapies as ancillary services in nursing facilities
- § 907 KAR 1:025 - Payment for services provided by an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability, a dually-licensed pediatric facility, an institution for mental diseases, or a nursing facility with an all-inclusive rate unit
- § 907 KAR 1:026E - Dental services' coverage provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:028 - Independent laboratory and radiological service coverage and reimbursement
- § 907 KAR 1:030 - Home health agency services
- § 907 KAR 1:031 - Payments for home health services
- § 907 KAR 1:032 - Dual licensed pediatric facility services
- § 907 KAR 1:033 - Payments for dual licensed pediatric facility services
- § 907 KAR 1:037 - Hospital furnished nursing facility services
- § 907 KAR 1:038E - Hearing Program coverage provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:039 - Hearing Program reimbursement provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:042 - Amounts payable for hospital furnished skilled nursing and intermediate care facility services
- § 907 KAR 1:044 - [Repealed]
- § 907 KAR 1:045 - Reimbursement provisions and requirements regarding community mental health center services
- § 907 KAR 1:047 - Community mental health center primary care services
- § 907 KAR 1:048 - Family planning services
- § 907 KAR 1:049 - Payments for family planning services
- § 907 KAR 1:054 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding federally-qualified health center services, federally-qualified health center look-alike services, and primary care center services
- § 907 KAR 1:055 - Payments for primary care center, federally-qualified health center, federally-qualified health center look-alike, and rural health clinic services
- § 907 KAR 1:060 - Ambulance transportation
- § 907 KAR 1:061 - Payments for ambulance transportation
- § 907 KAR 1:065 - Payments for price-based nursing facility services
- § 907 KAR 1:065E - Payments for price-based nursing facility services
- § 907 KAR 1:075 - Hearings and appeals for individuals with an intellectual disability
- § 907 KAR 1:082 - Coverage provisions and requirements regarding rural health clinic services
- § 907 KAR 1:084 - Payment for medical assistance services furnished out of state
- § 907 KAR 1:102 - Advanced practice registered nurse services
- § 907 KAR 1:104 - Reimbursement for advanced practice registered nurse services
- § 907 KAR 1:126 - Dental services' coverage provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:145 - Supports for community living services for an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability
- § 907 KAR 1:155 - Payments for supports for community living services for an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability
- § 907 KAR 1:160 - Home and community based waiver services version 1
- § 907 KAR 1:170 - Reimbursement for home and community based waiver services version 1
- § 907 KAR 1:180 - Freestanding birth center services
- § 907 KAR 1:190 - Payments for freestanding birth center services
- § 907 KAR 1:260 - Coordination of benefits between the Medicaid Program and the Crime Victims Compensation Board
- § 907 KAR 1:270 - Podiatry program services
- § 907 KAR 1:280 - Payments for podiatry program services
- § 907 KAR 1:330 - Hospice services
- § 907 KAR 1:340 - Reimbursement for hospice services
- § 907 KAR 1:350 - Coverage and payments for organ transplants
- § 907 KAR 1:360 - Preventive and remedial public health services
- § 907 KAR 1:400 - Incorporation by reference of the Renal Dialysis Center Services Manual
- § 907 KAR 1:434 - Incorporation by reference of the Family Planning Services Manual
- § 907 KAR 1:440 - Case management services
- § 907 KAR 1:450 - Nurse aide training criteria and registry
- § 907 KAR 1:479 - Durable medical equipment covered benefits and reimbursement
- § 907 KAR 1:560 - Medicaid hearings and appeals regarding eligibility
- § 907 KAR 1:563 - Medicaid covered services appeals and hearings unrelated to managed care
- § 907 KAR 1:575 - Compliance with laboratory certification requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:585 - Estate recovery
- § 907 KAR 1:595 - Model Waiver II service coverage and reimbursement policies and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:604 - Cost-sharing prohibited within the Medicaid program
- § 907 KAR 1:615 - Supplemental policy for the Medicaid Program
- § 907 KAR 1:626 - Reimbursement of dental services
- § 907 KAR 1:631 - Vision Program reimbursement provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:632E - Vision program coverage provisions and requirements
- § 907 KAR 1:671 - Conditions of Medicaid provider participation; withholding overpayments, administrative appeal process, and sanctions
- § 907 KAR 1:672 - Provider enrollment, disclosure, and documentation for Medicaid participation
- § 907 KAR 1:673 - Claims processing
- § 907 KAR 1:675 - Program integrity
- § 907 KAR 1:677 - Medicaid Recipient Lock-in Program
- § 907 KAR 1:680 - Vaccines for Children Program
- § 907 KAR 1:715 - School-based health services
- § 907 KAR 1:720 - Coverage and payments for the Kentucky Early Intervention Program services provided through an agreement with the state Title V agency
- § 907 KAR 1:755 - Preadmission Screening and Resident Review Program
- § 907 KAR 1:780 - Converted dual-licensed hospital-based nursing facility beds
- § 907 KAR 1:790 - Medicaid service category expenditure information
- § 907 KAR 1:835 - Michelle P. waiver services and reimbursement