(A) Whenever an
inspection of a
food establishment is made, the findings shall be recorded on a
printed or electronic inspection report form, which shall summarize the
requirements of
105 CMR
590.000 and the
2013 Food Code. A prototype of an inspection form, which meets
the requirements of FC 8-403.10 may be obtained from the
Department. A
board of
health may use this form or, subject to approval by the
Department, any form
consistent with this prototype. Each
board of health shall submit the form it
adopts to the
(B) If an
inspection reveals that a
food establishment does not comply with
105 CMR
590.000, the
of health or its agent shall notify the permit holder or person in charge of
the violations and shall order the permit holder to correct the violations. The
inspection report may, if so stated, constitute an order to correct, or the
board of health or its authorized agent may issue a separate order. An order to
correct shall include, but need not be limited to the following:
(1) Administrative information about the
establishment and the inspection including, but not limited to:
(a) The food establishment's legal identity,
street and mailing addresses, permit holder's name and address, type of
establishment and operation as specified under FC 8-302.14(C), inspection date,
type of inspection and other information such as type of water supply and
sewage disposal, status of the permit, and personnel certificates that may be
(b) The name of the
(c) The date and time of
the inspection;
(d) The time frame
for correction of the violations as specified under FC 8-404.11, 8-405.11, and
(e) The signature of a
member of the board of health or its agent; and
(f) The signature of the person in charge of
the food establishment at the time of the inspection, or other proof of service
of the order.
Specific factual observations of violative conditions or other deviations from
105 CMR
590.000, that
require correction by the permit holder, including, but not limited, to:
(a) Nonconformance with specific provisions
105 CMR
(b) Failure of the person in charge to
demonstrate the knowledge of foodborne illness prevention, application of HACCP
principles, and the requirements of the 2013 Food Code as
specified in FC 2-102.11;
Failure of food employees and the person in charge to demonstrate their
knowledge of their responsibility to report a disease or medical condition as
specified in FC 2-201.11;
Failure of the appropriate food employees to demonstrate their knowledge of,
and ability to perform in accordance with, the procedural, monitoring,
verification, and corrective action practices required by the FC-regulatory
authority as specified under FC 8-103.12;
(e) Failure of the person in charge to
provide records required by the FC-regulatory authority for determining
conformance with a HACCP plan as specified under FC 8-201.14;
(f) Nonconformance with critical limits of a
HACCP plan; and
(g) A determination
by the inspector whether any of the violations create an imminent health
(3) A statement
that the order when signed constitutes an order of the
board of health to
correct any violations of
105 CMR
590.000 that are
indicated on the order within the time periods designated. It shall be within
the discretion of the
board of health whether the order shall be signed by the
board of health or its agent.
(4) A
statement that failure to comply with any time limits for correction may result
in suspension or revocation of the food establishment permit and cessation of
food establishment operations.
A statement informing the permit holder of his right to a hearing before the
board of health, his responsibility to request the hearing in writing within
ten days of receipt of the notice, and the address of the board of