1. 950 CMR 10.00 - Adjudicatory Proceedings: Securities Division (§ 10.01 to 10.11)
  2. 950 CMR 12.200 - Registration of Broker-Dealer, Agents, Investment Adviser, Investment Adviser Representatives and Notice of Filing Procedures for Federal Covered Advisers (§ 12.201 to 12.207)
  3. 950 CMR 13.300 - Registration of and notice filings for securities (§ 13.301 to 13.306)
  4. 950 CMR 14.400 - GENERAL PROVISIONS (§ 14.401 to 14.413)
  5. 950 CMR 20.00 - Preparing And Filing Regulations (§ 20.01 to 20.06)
  6. 950 CMR 21.00 - Preparing And Filing Notices For The Central Register (§ 21.01 to 21.04)
  7. 950 CMR 31.00 - Adjudicatory Proceedings: Supervisor Of Records (§ 31.01 to 31.10)
  8. 950 CMR 32.00 - Public Records Access (§ 32.01 to 32.10)
  9. 950 CMR 33.00 - Fair Information Practices Regulations (§ 33.01 to 33.32)
  10. 950 CMR 34.00 - Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Flags, Arms And Seal Specifications (§ 34.01 to 34.14)
  11. 950 CMR 38.00 - Access To Fragile Records (§ 38.01 to 38.06)
  12. 950 CMR 39.00 - Regulations On Using Microfilm (§ 39.01 to 39.07)
  13. 950 CMR 41.00 - Gravestone Restoration And Reproduction (§ 41.01 to 41.02)
  14. 950 CMR 46.00 - Post-Election Audits (§ 46.01 to 46.09)
  15. 950 CMR 47.00 - Early Voting Procedures (§ 47.01 to 47.21)
  16. 950 CMR 48.00 - State Ballot Question Petitions (§ 48.01 to 48.08)
  17. 950 CMR 49.00 - Confidential Voter Registration (§ 49.01 to 49.17)
  18. 950 CMR 50.00 - Voting Equipment (§ 50.01 to 50.06)
  19. 950 CMR 51.00 - Polling Place Accessibility For Elderly And Handicapped Voters (§ 51.01 to 51.03)
  20. 950 CMR 52.00 - Voting And Counting Procedures For Paper Ballots (§ 52.01 to 52.04)
  21. 950 CMR 53.00 - Voting And Counting Procedures For Voting Machines (§ 53.01 to 53.04)
  22. 950 CMR 54.00 - Voting And Counting Procedures For Electronic Voting Systems (§ 54.01 to 54.07)
  23. 950 CMR 55.00 - Certification Of Nomination Papers And Petitions (§ 55.01 to 55.04)
  24. 950 CMR 56.00 - Administrative Proceedings Concerning Practices Of Local Election Officials (§ 56.01 to 56.05)
  25. 950 CMR 57.00 - VOTER REGISTRATION (§ 57.01 to 57.08)
  26. 950 CMR 58.00 - Central Registry of Voters (§ 58.01 to 58.05)
  27. 950 CMR 59.00 - State Ballot Law Commission: Adjudicatory Proceedings (§ 59.01 to 59.07)
  28. 950 CMR 60.00 - Voting Equipment Loan Fund (§ 60.01 to 60.08)
  29. 950 CMR 61.00 - Reserved
  30. 950 CMR 62.00 - Trademark Administration, General Provisions And Definitions (§ 62.01 to 62.20)
  31. 950 CMR 63.00 - Reserved
  32. 950 CMR 64.00 - Requisites And Procedures For The Registration Of Trademarks And Service Marks (§ 64.01 to 64.06)
  33. 950 CMR 65.00 - Classification Of Goods And Services
  34. 950 CMR 70.00 - Massachusetts Historical Commission (§ 70.01 to 70.91)
  35. 950 CMR 71.00 - Protection Of Properties Included In The State Register Of Historic Places (§ 71.01 to 71.12)
  36. 950 CMR 72.00 - Special Property Tax Assessment For Substantial Rehabilitation Of Certain Properties Included In The State Register Of Historic Places (§ 72.01 to 72.09)
  37. 950 CMR 73.00 - Standards For The Awarding Of A Matching Grant Pursuant To The Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund (§ 73.01 to 73.08)
  38. 950 CMR 101.00 - Adjudicatory Proceedings: Corporations Division (§ 101.01 to 101.12)
  39. 950 CMR 102.00 - Corporations Division: Introduction
  40. 950 CMR 103.00 - General Provisions (§ 103.01 to 103.07)
  41. 950 CMR 104.00 - Business corporations (§ 104.01 to 104.21)
  42. 950 CMR 105.00 - Professional Corporations (§ 105.01 to 105.13)
  43. 950 CMR 106.00 - Non-profit Corporations (§ 106.01 to 106.16)
  44. 950 CMR 107.00 - Foreign Corporations (§ 107.01 to 107.12)
  45. 950 CMR 108.00 - Limited Partnerships (§ 108.01 to 108.30)
  46. 950 CMR 109.00 - Voluntary Associations And Certain Trusts (§ 109.01 to 109.10)
  47. 950 CMR 110.00 - Service Of Legal Process (§ 110.01 to 110.07)
  48. 950 CMR 111.00 - Limited Liability Partnerships (§ 111.01 to 111.14)
  49. 950 CMR 112.00 - Limited Liability Companies (§ 112.01 to 112.30)
  50. 950 CMR 113.00 - The Massachusetts Business Corporation Act, MGL c. 156D (Part 1 to 16)
  51. 950 CMR 119.00 - Vehicle Protection Product Warranty Registration (§ 119.01 to 119.10)
  52. 950 CMR 120.00 - Information Technology Purchasing Process (§ 120.01 to 120.08)
  53. 950 CMR 130.00 - Administration Of Address Confidentiality Program (§ 130.01 to 130.15)
  54. 950 CMR 131.00 - Alternative Address for Those Engages in Protected Health Care Services (§ 131.01 to 131.14)
  55. 950 CMR 140.00 - Practices And Procedures Relative To Revised MGL C.106, Article 9 Of The Uniform Commercial Code (§ 140.01 to 140.12)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.