Mich. Admin. Code R. 336.1215 - Operational flexibility; emissions trading activities between stationary sources, off-permit changes, insignificant changes, and responsible official changes for a renewable operating permit
Rule 215.
(1) The
following provisions apply to operational flexibility within a stationary
source . As provided in
40 C.F.R. §
70.4(b)(12), adopted by
reference in
336.1902, a person may make either of the following
changes to process or process equipment within a stationary source covered by a
renewable operating permit without a revision to that permit , if the changes
are not a modification under any applicable provision of title I of the clean
air act and the changes do not exceed the emissions allowable under the
renewable operating permit , whether expressed therein as a rate of emissions or
in the terms of total emissions, if the person provides written notification to
the department and the United States environmental protection agency at least 7
days prior to the change. The permittee and the department shall attach each
such notice to their copy of the relevant permit :
(a) As provided in
C.F.R. §
70.2 and § 70.4(b)(12)(i),
adopted by reference in
336.1902, a person may make changes that contravene a
specific permit condition, if the changes are not modifications under any
provision of title I of the clean air act and the changes do not exceed the
emissions allowable under the renewable operating permit , whether expressed
therein as a rate of emissions or in terms of total emissions. Such changes do
not include changes that would violate applicable requirements or contravene
federally enforceable permit terms and conditions that are monitoring,
including test methods, recordkeeping, reporting, or compliance certification
requirements. For each such change, the written notification required in this
subrule shall include all of the following information:
(i) A brief description of the change within
the stationary source .
(ii) The
date on which the change will occur.
(iii) Any change in emissions.
(iv) Any permit term or condition that is no
longer applicable as a result of the change.
(b) As provided in
40 C.F.R. §
70.4(b)(12)(ii), adopted by
reference in
336.1902, a person may trade increases and decreases
in emissions within the stationary source according to procedures specified by
an applicable emissions trading program that has been approved by the
administrator of the United States environmental protection agency as a part of
Michigan's state implementation plan, if the person has provided written
notification to the department and the United States environmental protection
agency of the changes at least 7 days prior to the activity taking place.
(i) The written notification required in this
subdivision shall include all information required by the approved state
implementation plan, including at a minimum, all of the following information:
(A) When the proposed change will
(B) A description of each
such change.
(C) Any change in
(D) The permit
requirements with which the stationary source will comply using the emissions
trading provisions of the approved state implementation plan for trading within
a stationary source .
(E) The
pollutants emitted subject to the emissions trade.
(F) The provisions of the approved state
implementation plan with which the stationary source will comply and which
provide for the emissions trade within the stationary source .
(ii) Compliance with the permit
requirements that the stationary source will meet using the emissions trade
shall be determined according to the requirements of the approved state
implementation plan authorizing the emissions trade within the stationary
source .
(c) For the
purposes of this subrule, the emissions allowable under the renewable operating
permit include any emission limitation, standard , or condition, including a
work practice standard , that is required by an applicable requirement or any
emission limitation, standard , or condition, including a work practice
standard , that establishes an emissions cap which the source has assumed to
avoid an applicable requirement .
(2) The following provisions apply to
emission reduction credits trading between stationary sources. As provided in
40 C.F.R. §
70.6(a)(8), adopted by
reference in
336.1902, a person may make any changes without
revision to the renewable operating permit where provided for in the renewable
operating permit and allowed by an applicable interstate or regional emissions
trading program that has been approved by the administrator of the United
States environmental protection agency.
(3) The following provisions apply to
off-permit changes. As provided in
40 C.F.R. §
70.4(b)(14) and (15),
adopted by reference in
336.1902, a person may make a change at a stationary
source covered by a renewable operating permit that is not addressed or
prohibited by the renewable operating permit without a revision to the
renewable operating permit , if all of the following provisions are met:
(a) The change complies with all applicable
requirements and is not a modification under any applicable provision of title
I of the clean air act .
(b) If the
stationary source is an affected source under title IV of the clean air act ,
the change is not contrary to any applicable requirement of title IV.
(c) The person provides contemporaneous
written notification to the department and the United States environmental
protection agency of each change. The written notice shall describe the change,
including all of the following information:
(i) The date of the change.
(ii) Any change in emissions.
(iii) Any pollutants emitted.
(iv) Any applicable requirement that would
apply as a result of the change.
(v) A statement that the notification is
being provided pursuant to this subrule.
(d) The person keeps a record describing
changes made at the stationary source that result in emissions of an air
contaminant which are subject to an applicable requirement , but not otherwise
regulated under the permit , and the emissions resulting from the
(4) The
following provisions apply to insignificant changes. A person may make a change
at a stationary source covered by a renewable operating permit that involves
the insignificant activities listed pursuant to
R 336.1212(2) or
that involves the installation, construction , reconstruction , relocation,
alteration , or modification of any process or process equipment listed pursuant
R 336.1212(3) and
(4) without a revision to the renewable
operating permit , if none of the following provisions apply to the change:
(a) The change would result in a violation of
any applicable requirement .
(b) The
change would require or modify any of the following:
(i) A case-by-case determination of an
emission limitation or other standard .
(ii) For temporary sources, a source -specific
determination of ambient air impacts.
(iii) A visibility or increment
(c) The change
would seek to establish or modify an emission limit, standard , or other
condition of the renewable operating permit that the stationary source has
assumed to avoid an applicable requirement to which the stationary source would
otherwise be subject.
(d) The
change is a major offset modification or a modification under any applicable
requirements of sections 111 or 112, or part C of title I of the clean air
act .
(5) Contemporaneous
written notification shall be made to the department upon a change of address,
name, or phone number of the responsible official or other contact person
identified in the application for the renewable operating permit .
(6) Changes made pursuant to this rule do not
qualify for the permit shield provided by
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