Mich. Admin. Code R. 336.1290 - Permit to install exemptions; emission units with limited emissions
Rule 290.
(1) This
rule does not apply if prohibited by
336.1278 and unless the requirements of
336.1278a have been met.
(2) The requirement of
336.1201(1) to obtain a permit to
install does not apply to any of the emission units listed in subdivision (a)
of this subrule, if the conditions listed in subdivisions (b), (c), (d), and
(e) of this subrule are met. Notwithstanding the definition in
336.1121(a), for the purpose of this
rule, uncontrolled emissions are the emissions from an emission unit based on
actual operation, not taking into account any emission control equipment.
Controlled emissions are the emissions from an emission unit based on actual
operation, taking into account the control equipment.
(a) An emission unit which meets any of the
following criteria:
(i) Any emission unit that
emits only noncarcinogenic volatile organic compounds or noncarcinogenic
materials that are listed in
336.1122(f) as not contributing
appreciably to the formation of ozone, if the total uncontrolled or controlled
emissions of air contaminants are not more than 1,000 or 500 pounds per month,
(ii) Any emission
unit for which the CO2 equivalent emissions are not more
than 6,250 tons per months, the uncontrolled or controlled emissions of all
other air contaminants are not more than 1,000 or 500 pounds per month,
respectively, and all of the following criteria are met:
(A) For toxic air contaminants, excluding
noncarcinogenic volatile organic compounds and noncarcinogenic materials that
are listed in
336.1122(f) as not contributing
appreciably to the formation of ozone, with initial threshold screening levels
greater than or equal to 0.04 micrograms per cubic meter and less than 2.0
micrograms per cubic meter, the total uncontrolled or controlled emissions
shall not exceed 20 or 10 pounds per month, respectively.
(B) For toxic air contaminants with initial
risk screening levels greater than or equal to 0.04 micrograms per cubic meter,
the total uncontrolled or controlled emissions shall not exceed 20 or 10 pounds
per month, respectively.
(C) The
emission unit shall not emit any toxic air contaminants, excluding
noncarcinogenic volatile organic compounds and noncarcinogenic materials that
are listed in
336.1122(f) as not contributing
appreciably to the formation of ozone, with an initial threshold screening
level or initial risk screening level less than 0.04 micrograms per cubic
(D) For total mercury, the
uncontrolled or controlled emissions shall not exceed 0.01 pounds per
(E) For lead, the
uncontrolled or controlled emissions shall not exceed 16.7 pounds per
(iii) Any
emission unit that emits only particulate air contaminants without initial risk
screening levels and other air contaminants that are exempted under paragraph
(i) or (ii) of this subdivision if all of the following provisions are met:
(A) The particulate emissions are controlled
by an appropriately designed and operated fabric filter collector or an
equivalent control system that is designed to control particulate matter to a
concentration of less than or equal to 0.01 pounds of particulate per 1,000
pounds of exhaust gases and that do not have an exhaust gas flow rate more than
30,000 actual cubic feet per minute.
(B) The visible emissions from the emission
unit are not more than 5% opacity in accordance with the methods contained in
(C) The initial threshold screening level for
each particulate toxic air contaminant , excluding nuisance particulate, is more
than 2.0 micrograms per cubic meter.
(b) The following requirements apply to
emission units utilizing control equipment:
(i) An air cleaning device for volatile
organic compounds shall be installed, maintained, and operated in accordance
with the manufacturers specifications. Examples include the following:
(A) Oxidizers and condensers equipped with a
continuously displayed temperature indication device.
(B) Wet scrubbers equipped with a liquid flow
rate monitor.
(C) Dual stage carbon
absorption where the first canister is monitored for breakthrough and replaced
if breakthrough is detected.
(ii) An air cleaning device for particulate
matter shall be installed, maintained, and operated in accordance with the
manufacturers specifications or the owner or operator shall develop a plan that
provides to the extent practicable for the maintenance and operation of the
equipment in the manner consistent with good air pollution control practices
for minimizing emissions. It shall also be equipped to monitor appropriate
indicators of performance, for example, static pressure drop, water pressure,
and water flow rate.
A description of the emission unit is maintained throughout the life of the
unit .
(d) Records of material use
and calculations identifying the quality, nature, and quantity of the air
contaminant emissions are maintained in sufficient detail to demonstrate that
the emissions meet the emission limits outlined in this rule. Volatile organic
compound emissions shall be calculated using mass balance, generally accepted
engineering calculations, or another method acceptable to the
department .
(e) The records are
maintained on file for the most recent 2-year period and are made available to
the department upon request.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.