Rule 291.
(1) This
rule does not apply if prohibited by
336.1278 and unless the requirements of
336.1278a have been met.
(2) The requirement of
336.1201(1) to obtain a
permit to
install does not apply to any
emission unit in which
potential emissions meet
the conditions listed in subdivisions (a) to (d) of this subrule and table 23
for all air contaminants listed. In addition, records shall be maintained in
accordance with subdivisions (e) and (f) of this subrule.
(a) The combined potential emissions of all
toxic air contaminants with screening levels greater than or equal to 0.04
micrograms per cubic meter and less than 2 micrograms per cubic meter shall not
exceed 0.12 tons per year.
(b) The
combined potential emissions of all toxic air contaminants with screening
levels greater than or equal to 0.005 micrograms per cubic meter and less than
0.04 micrograms per cubic meter shall not exceed 0.06 tons per year.
(c) The combined potential emissions of all
toxic contaminants with screening levels less than 0.005 micrograms per cubic
meter shall not exceed 0.006 tons per year.
(d) The emission unit has no potential
emissions of asbestos and/or subtilisin proteolytic enzymes.
(e) A description of the emission unit shall
be maintained throughout the life of the unit.
(f) Documentation and/or calculations
identifying the quality, nature, and quantity of the
air contaminant emissions
are maintained in sufficient detail to demonstrate that the
potential emissions
are less than those listed in subdivisions (a) to (d) of this subrule and Table
23. Such documentation shall include the
toxic air contaminant screening level
applicable at the time of installation and/or
modification of the
Table 23. Potential Emissions from Air Contaminants
Air Contaminant
Potential Emissions Not to be Exceeded
CO2 equivalent
75,000 tons per year
10 tons per year
10 tons per year
10 tons per year
VOC (as defined in
5 tons per year
10 tons per year
5 tons per year
3 tons per year
0.1 tons per year
1 ton per year
Sulfuric acid mist
0.12 tons per year
Hydrogen sulfide
2 tons per year
Total reduced sulfur
2 tons per year
Reduced sulfur compounds
2 tons per year
Total mercury
0.12 pounds per year
Total toxic air contaminants not listed in
5 tons per year
23 with any screening level
Total air contaminants not listed in table 23 that
are non-carcinogenic and do not have a screening level
6 tons per year
Mich. Admin. Code R. 336.1291
24, Eff. 12/27/2016