Nev. Admin. Code § 284.892 - Duties of employee who is referred to employee assistance program

1. If an employee is referred to an employee assistance program as a result of a positive result on a screening test or pursuant to NAC 284.653, the employee or the employee assistance program to which the employee was referred shall provide to the appointing authority:
(a) Evidence of the employee's consultation with a counselor employed by the employee assistance program; and
(b) Any recommendation of the counselor with respect to the employee's rehabilitation, within 5 working days after the date of the initial consultation.
2. The employee or the employee assistance program to which the employee was referred shall provide to the appointing authority on a monthly basis all recommendations of the counselor with respect to the employee's rehabilitation.
3. The employee or the employee assistance program to which the employee was referred shall provide to the appointing authority evidence of the employee's completion of any rehabilitation program recommended by the counselor within 5 working days after completing the program.
4. An employee is subject to disciplinary action if
(a) Evidence of the employee's consultation with a counselor or successful completion of a rehabilitation program is not provided to the appointing authority in accordance with this section; and
(b) The appointing authority determines that the failure to provide the evidence is the fault of the employee.


Nev. Admin. Code § 284.892

Added to NAC by Dep't of Personnel, eff. 12-26-91; A 11-12-93

; A by R069-19A, eff. 5/21/2020
NRS 284.065, 284.155, 284.407

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.