N.J. Admin. Code § 2:24-7.1 - General scope and applicability

(a) This subchapter is not applicable to beekeepers not overwintering any hives, migratory commercial beekeepers, or commercial beekeepers.
(b) This subchapter establishes additional apiary standards for the breeding and keeping of honey bees and related activities, not otherwise contained in this chapter.
(c) Nothing in this subchapter shall be interpreted to supersede the protections afforded by the Right to Farm Act, P.L. 1983, c. 31 (N.J.S.A. 4:1C-1et seq.), as amended and supplemented, or to create any standards to be applied under that act.
(d) This subchapter establishes standards of administrative procedure for delegating the authority to monitor and enforce the rules adopted pursuant to this subchapter to municipalities.
(e) The apiary standards in this subchapter reflect consideration of the population densities in rural, suburban, and urban areas of the State and the densities and intensities of development and differing land uses in communities throughout the State.
(f) Notwithstanding compliance with this chapter including these apiary standards, it shall be unlawful for any beekeeper to keep any hive or hives in such a manner or of such disposition as to pose a direct threat to:
1. Public health and safety; or
2. Bee health, as determined by the State Apiarist or his or her designee.


N.J. Admin. Code § 2:24-7.1
Adopted by 51 N.J.R. 577(a), effective 5/6/2019

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.