Ohio Admin. Code 3701-17-06 - Responsibility of operator and nursing home administrator; quality assurance and performance improvement
The operator is
responsible for:
Operation of the nursing home ;
Payment of the
annual license renewal fee to the director ;
Submission of
such reports as may be required, using an electronic system prescribed by the
director , including the immediate reporting of real, alleged, or suspected
abuse, neglect, or misappropriation; and
Compliance with
Chapter 3721. of the Revised Code, Chapters 3701-13 and 3701-61, and rules
3701-17-01 to
3701-17-26 of the Administrative
Code, and all federal, state, and local laws applicable to the operation of a
nursing home .
Each operator shall appoint an administrator . The
administrator is responsible for:
Daily operation of the nursing home in accordance with
rules 3701-17-01 to
3701-17-26 of the Administrative
Implementation of the provisions of section
3721.12 of the Revised Code,
including the development of policies and procedure that ensure the rights of
residents are not violated;
Ensuring that
individuals used by the home are competent to perform their job
responsibilities and that services are provided in accordance with acceptable
standards of practice; and
If the nursing
home is physically part of a hospital, inform a prospective resident , prior to
admission, that the home is licensed as a nursing home and is not part of the
acute care service of the hospital.
Each nursing home
shall establish and maintain an ongoing quality assurance and performance
improvement (QAPI) program to address all systems of care and management
practices, including clinical care, quality of life, and resident choice. As
part of the QAPI program, each home shall, at minimum:
Establish a
quality assurance committee that shall meet on an ongoing basis, but at least
quarterly to systematically:
Monitor and evaluate the quality of care and quality of
life provided in the home ;
investigate, and monitor incidents, accidents, and events that have occurred in
the home ;
Track and monitor the effectiveness of the infection
control program;
Identify problems and trends; and
Develop and
implement appropriate action plans to correct identified problems;
Participate in at least one quality improvement project
every two years from those approved by the department of aging through the
nursing home quality initiative established under section
173.60 of the Revised
The records of meetings of the quality assurance
committee by this rule are not required to be disclosed to the director . The
nursing home shall document, and the director shall verify through interviews
with committee members and, as necessary, direct care staff, that:
The home has a
quality assurance committee which addresses quality concerns;
Staff know how to
access that process; and
The committee has established a protocol or method for
addressing specific quality problems in the nursing home that the home believes
to have now been resolved.
Good faith
attempts by the committee to identify and correct quality deficiencies will not
be used as a basis for sanctions.
Replaces: 3701-17-06
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3721.04
Rule Amplifies: 3721.01, 3721.04, 3721.072
Prior Effective Dates: 5/2/1966, 3/1/71, 12/21/92, 9/5/97, 10/20/01, 4/1/12, 9/1/15
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.