Chapter 3701-17 - Nursing Homes
- § 3701-17-01 - Definitions
- § 3701-17-02 - Application of rules
- § 3701-17-03 - License fee; application; issuance; revocation
- § 3701-17-03.1 - Expedited inspections
- § 3701-17-04 - Type and number of residents in home; beds
- § 3701-17-05 - Prohibitions
- § 3701-17-06 - Responsibility of operator and nursing home administrator; quality assurance and performance improvement
- § 3701-17-07 - Qualifications and health of personnel
- § 3701-17-07.1 - Required training and competency evaluation for nurse aides working in long-term care facilities
- § 3701-17-07.2 - Dining assistants
- § 3701-17-07.3 - Nurse aide registry
- § 3701-17-08 - Personnel requirements
- § 3701-17-09 - Resident life enrichment
- § 3701-17-10 - Resident assessments; advanced care planning
- § 3701-17-11 - Infection control; tuberculosis control plan
- § 3701-17-12 - Notification and reporting of changes in health status, illness, injury and death of a resident
- § 3701-17-13 - Medical supervision
- § 3701-17-13.1 - [Rescinded] Use of advanced practice nurses in nursing homes
- § 3701-17-14 - Plan of care; treatment and care: discharge planning, bathing
- § 3701-17-15 - Restraints
- § 3701-17-15.1 - [Rescinded] Prone restraint
- § 3701-17-16 - Equipment and supplies
- § 3701-17-17 - Medicines and drugs
- § 3701-17-18 - Food and nutrition
- § 3701-17-19 - Records and reports
- § 3701-17-20 - Smoking or use of flame producing devices; waste containers and ash trays
- § 3701-17-21 - Dining and recreation rooms; utility rooms; toilet rooms
- § 3701-17-22 - General building and sanitation requirements; overhead paging
- § 3701-17-23 - Space requirements; limitation of number in wards
- § 3701-17-24 - Temperature regulation in homes
- § 3701-17-25 - Disaster preparedness, fire and carbon monoxide safety
- § 3701-17-26 - Variances
- § 3701-17-50 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-51 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-52 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-52.1 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-53 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-54 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-55 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-57 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-58 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-59 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-59.1 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-60 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-61 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-62 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-63 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-64 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-65 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-66 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-67 - [Rescinded]
- § 3701-17-68 - [Rescinded]
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.