Ohio Admin. Code 3701-17-19 - Records and reports
(A) Nursing homes shall keep the following
records and such other records as the director may require:
(1) An individual medical record shall be
maintained for each resident . Such record shall be started immediately upon
admission of a resident to the home and shall contain the following:
(a) Admission record. Name, residence, age,
sex, race/ethnicity, religion, date of admission, name and address of nearest
relative or guardian, admission diagnoses from referral record and name of
resident 's physician and, if applicable, other licensed health
professional acting within the applicable scope of practice.
(b) Referral record. All records, reports,
and orders which accompany the resident as required by rule
3701-17-10 of the Administrative
(c) Nursing notes and care
notes. A note of the condition of the resident on admission and subsequent
notes as indicated to describe changes in condition, unusual events or
accidents. Other individuals rendering services to the resident may enter notes
regarding the services they render.
(d) Medication administration record. A
doctor's order sheet upon which orders are recorded and signed by the physician
or other licensed health professional acting within the applicable scope of
practice, including telephone orders as required by rule
3701-17-13 of the Administrative
Code; a nurse 's treatment sheet upon which all treatments or medications are
recorded as given, showing what was done or given, the date and hour, and
signed by the nurse giving the treatment or medication; or other documentation
authenticating who gave the medication or treatment.
(e) Resident progress notes. A sheet or
sheets upon which the doctor, dentist, advanced practice nurse and other
licensed health professionals may enter notes concerning changes in diagnosis
or condition of the resident . Resident refusal of treatment and services shall
also be documented in the progress notes.
(f) Resident assessment record. All
assessments and information required by rule
3701-17-10 of the Administrative
(g) Care plan. The plan of
care required by rule
3701-17-14 of the Administrative
(h) Photograph. A photograph
is only necessary for residents who have been identified as being a elopement
risk. The photograph of the resident shall be updated annually.
(2) The nursing home shall
maintain all records required by state and federal laws and regulations, as to
the purchase, delivery, dispensing, administering, and disposition of all
controlled substances including unused portions.
(3) The nursing home shall maintain a record
of all residents admitted to or discharged from the nursing home .
(B) A record shall be kept showing
the name and hours of duty of all persons who work in the home . The nursing
home shall maintain each employee's current home address in its personnel
(C) All records and reports
required under rules
3701-17-01 to
3701-17-26 of the Administrative
Code shall be prepared, maintained, filed, and transmitted when required, and
shall be made available for inspection at all times when requested by the
director or his authorized representative. The records may be maintained in
electronic format, microfilm, or other method that assures a true and accurate
copy of the records are available.
(1) The
nursing home shall maintain the records and reports required by paragraph(A)(1)
of this rule in the following manner:
(a) The
home shall safeguard the records and reports against loss, destruction, or
unauthorized use and store them in a manner that protects and ensures
(b) The home shall
maintain the records and reports for seven years following the date of the
resident 's discharge, except if the resident is a minor, the records shall be
maintained for three years past the age of majority but not less than seven
(c) Upon closure of the
home , the operator shall provide and arrange for the retention of records and
reports in a secured manner for not less than seven years. The operator shall
notify the director of the location where the records will be stored.
(2) The nursing home shall
maintain all other records and reports required by rules
3701-17-01 to
3701-17-26 of the Administrative
Code for seven years.
(3) Upon the
request of the resident or former resident
, or
the resident 's or former resident 's legal
representative, the nursing home shall provide:
(a) Access to medical and financial records
and reports pertaining to the resident within twenty-four hours, excluding
holidays and weekends; and
Photocopies of any records and reports, or portions thereof, at a cost not to
exceed the community standard for photocopying, unless otherwise specified by
law, upon two working days advanced notice.
(D) All records and reports required by
Chapter 3701-13 of the Administrative Code shall be maintained and made
available in accordance with that chapter.
Upon the change
of operator of a nursing home , the records required to be kept pursuant to this
rule shall be transferred to the new operator of the home .
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3721.04
Rule Amplifies: 3721.04
Prior Effective Dates: 5/2/66, 3/1/1971, 3/8/81, 12/21/92, 9/5/97, 10/20/01, 4/1/12
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.