(A) Every building
occupied as a nursing home on and in continuous operation since December 22,
1964 shall have not less than one room or suitable area which shall be used for
no other purposes than dining and recreation by the residents. Such room or
area shall be so located and of such size as to meet the needs of the residents
and shall not be used for adult day care participants or residential care
facility residents unless the home meets the square footage requirements of
paragraph (B) of this rule. Any building occupied as a nursing home on December
22, 1964 that is discontinued for such use, shall, if such use is resumed,
comply with paragraph (C) of this rule.
(B) Every building erected or converted to
use as a
nursing home after and in continuous operation since December 22,
1964, and before July 17, 2002, shall have a room or suitable area which shall
be used for no other purposes than dining and recreation. The dining and
recreation room or area shall have a minimum total area of twenty-five square
feet per
resident for seventy-five per cent of the
nursing home's licensed
capacity. Any building licensed by the state as a
nursing home on or after
December 22, 1964 that is discontinued for such use, shall, if such use is
resumed, comply with paragraph (C) of this rule.
Each nursing home that shares the dining and recreation room or
area with participants of an adult day-care program, residents of a residential
care facility, or both, shall provide an additional twenty-five square feet per
participant, resident, or both, for seventy-five per cent of the total number
of adult day-care program participants, the licensed capacity of the
residential care facility, or both.
(C) Every building erected or converted to
use as a
nursing home after July 17, 2002 shall have a room or suitable area
which shall be used for dining purposes and a separate room or suitable area
which shall be used for recreational purposes. A
nursing home may use the
dining room or area for recreational purposes when the room or area is not
being used for dining.
(1) Dining room or
area: Twenty-five square feet per
resident for the
nursing home's licensed
Each nursing home that shares the dining room or area with
participants of an adult day-care program, residents of a residential care
facility, or both, shall provide an additional twenty-five square feet per
participant, resident, or both, for the total number of adult day-care program
participants, the licensed capacity of the residential care facility, or
(2) Recreational room
or area: Twenty-five square feet per
resident for seventy-five per cent of the
nursing home's licensed capacity.
Each nursing home that shares the recreation room or area with
participants of an adult day-care program, residents of a residential care
facility, or both, shall provide an additional twenty-five square feet per
participant, resident, or both, for seventy-five per cent of the total number
of adult day-care program participants, the licensed capacity of the
residential care facility, or both.
(D) Every nursing home shall employ methods
and have adequate facilities and supplies for clean and soiled laundry in
accordance with prevailing infection control practices.
(E) Bathrooms and toilet rooms shall conform
to the Ohio building code.
Bathrooms and all fixtures therein shall ensure
resident privacy and dignity in
accordance with paragraph (I) of rule
3701-17-14 of the Administrative
(G) Bathrooms, toilet rooms
and all the facilities therein shall, at all times, be kept in good repair, in
a clean and sanitary condition, free from filth and accumulation of waste, and
shall be provided with a supply of toilet tissue. Each hand washing basin shall
be provided with a soap dispenser. Bathrooms and toilet rooms shall be designed
or equipped to assure full visual privacy for each resident.
(H) Grab rails and other safety devices such
as non-slip surfaces shall be provided and maintained in good repair.
(I) In every building or addition to a
building constructed or converted to use as a
nursing home on or after October
20, 2001, there shall be one room
toilet room directly accessible from
, and exclusively for, each
resident sleeping room,
except the hand washing basin may be located in either
the room containing the toilet or the sleeping room.
No more than two residents may share a toilet
(J) For purposes of
this rule, "bathroom" means a room or rooms conforming to the Ohio building
code containing a group of fixtures consisting of a water closet, lavatory,
bathtub or shower, including or excluding a bidet, an emergency floor drain, or