[Comment: For dates of non-regulatory government publications,
publications of recognized organizations and associations, federal rules, and
federal statutory provisions referenced in this rule, see rule
3745-300-15 of the
Administrative Code titled "Incorporation by reference - voluntary action
(A) Applicability.
(1) A
phase II property assessment shall be
conducted in accordance with this rule if a
phase I property assessment
conducted in accordance with rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code reveals any
information that establishes any reason to
believe that a
release of hazardous substances or
petroleum has or may have
occurred on or from the
property, or there is reason to believe that a
from an off-
property source area is impacting the
property. This rule does not
apply when a
release is in an area that is demonstrated to be de minimis in
accordance with paragraph (E)(2)(a) of rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code.
(2) Factors
affecting eligibility of a
property. The
volunteer shall utilize
from phase I or phase II
property assessments to determine that a
property is
eligible for the
voluntary action program in accordance with rule
3745-300-02 of the
Administrative Code at the time of the
no further action letter
(B) Purpose of
phase II property assessment.
(1) The
purpose of a
phase II property assessment is to conduct an investigation
sufficient to determine whether all
applicable standards are met or to
determine that
remedial activities conducted in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code demonstrate or result in compliance with
(2) A
volunteer may
elect to conduct
remedial activities at any point during a
phase II property
assessment without first deriving standards, provided that the
activities comply with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code, and provided that the
volunteer completes the activities
in paragraph (E) of this rule.
(C) Data quality objectives for phase II
property assessments. The
volunteer shall develop and implement data quality
objectives consistent with U.S.
EPA's "Guidance on Systematic Planning Using
the Data Quality Objectives Process" according to the limitations and intended
uses of those objectives. To achieve the purpose in paragraph (B) of this rule,
volunteer, at a minimum, shall complete one iteration of the following
(1) Identify the goals of the phase II
property assessment, including the applicable standards that need to be
achieved to demonstrate compliance with this chapter.
(2) Identify the data and information
necessary to support the objectives of the phase II property assessment.
Evaluate historical information from the phase I property assessment and
determine if data gaps are present that should be addressed.
(3) Define the boundaries of the phase II
property assessment, including spatial and temporal limits.
(4) Determine the identified areas that need
to be investigated or addressed, factoring in current and reasonably
anticipated future use of the property.
(5) Develop an approach to identify chemicals
of concern (COCs), complete exposure pathways, and current and reasonably
anticipated future receptors.
Specify how the data and information collected in the phase II property
assessment shall be used in the decision-making process to assess identified
areas. Clarify performance and acceptance or rejection criteria for the
(7) Identify whether
additional data or
information are necessary to evaluate
exposure pathways if
exposure units in a
property-specific risk assessment conducted in
accordance with rule
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code.
(8) Develop a
sampling and analysis plan to obtain the data.
(9) Develop a conceptual site model that
illustrates the relationships between contaminants, transport media, and
receptors during various phases of the
voluntary action as needed. The
conceptual site
model shall describe the
exposure scenarios that
identify the
environmental media,
COCs, current and reasonably anticipated
future land use and
receptor populations, and a determination of
pathway completeness.
(10) The
final conceptual site model, which represents conditions at the time of the no
further action letter issuance, shall be included in the phase II property
assessment report that is completed in accordance with paragraph (J) of this
(D) Sampling and
sample analysis. The
volunteer shall identify the samples and analytes that the
laboratory shall analyze, and the
volunteer shall ensure the following:
(1) The
sampling procedures employed at the property are consistent with the sample
quality requirements of the certified laboratory.
(2) Data from the
laboratory are adequate for use in the
voluntary action. At a minimum, the
volunteer shall do the following:
(a) Notify the
laboratory when samples are to be used
for a voluntary action and when
laboratory data are required.
Ensure that the
laboratory is
certified or accredited for and capable of
performing the analyses that are required for the
property, including those
necessary to form the basis of the
no further action letter.
(c) Communicate to the
laboratory the applicable
standards required for the property and ensure that the certified laboratory is
capable of detecting the COCs in environmental media at or below the applicable
standards for the property. Cumulative adjustments for multiple chemicals and
pathways shall be evaluated to determine the applicable standards that shall be
achieved to evaluate compliance with applicable standards.
(d) Use appropriate detection limit to
represent any applicable standard where the
laboratory is not capable of detecting
the COCs at or below the applicable standard until such time that a lower
detection is achieved.
Perform data verification.
(3) Acceptable quality assurance and quality
control procedures are established and employed when field data are collected
during the
phase II property assessment. The field quality assurance and
quality control procedures shall serve to minimize sources of error, minimize
the potential for cross contamination, and maximize the representativeness of
the data collected. At a minimum, the field quality assurance and quality
control procedures shall include the following:
(a) Review of the laboratory's quality
assurance program plan and standard operating procedures for consistency with
field quality assurance and quality control procedures.
(b) Develop field quality assurance and
quality control procedures including but not limited to the following items:
(i) Equipment decontamination.
(ii) Trip blanks, equipment blanks, field
blanks, and duplicates.
Calibration of field instruments, which includes procedures for instrument
correction and re-calibration when necessary.
(iv) Documentation and record
(v) Sample handling,
preservation, and holding times.
(vi) Chain-of-custody.
(E) Phase II property
assessment data collection activities. The sampling activities conducted under
this paragraph shall be performed in accordance with the sampling procedures in
paragraph (D) of this rule. Data collection and data evaluation may be
conducted iteratively in accordance with the conceptual site model as required
by paragraph (C)(9) of this rule. The
volunteer shall collect sufficient data
to make the determinations in paragraph (F) of this rule, in accordance with
the following:
(1) Use of existing
from phase I assessments and data from laboratories not
accredited or certified under this chapter.
(a) Phase I property assessment and other
information. The
person who conducts a
phase II property assessment
shall utilize all
information from a
phase I property assessment conducted in
accordance with rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code and any other
information known to the owner, or the
volunteer if different from the owner, which is relevant to the proper
characterization of environmental conditions on, underlying, or emanating from
(b) Use of data from
prior phase I environmental site assessments. Prior phase I environmental site
assessments and studies not conducted in accordance with rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code may be relied upon, provided that all of the following are
(i) The
information gathered and the
method used to collect and evaluate the data are consistent with paragraph (A)
of rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code.
(ii) The prior
phase I environmental site assessment is amended in such a way as to comply
with rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code.
(iii) The
prior phase I environmental site assessment is amended to comply with paragraph
(E)(1)(c) of this rule, if more than one hundred eighty days has elapsed after
completion of the phase I environmental site assessment.
(c) Amending phase I
property assessments.
volunteer shall ensure that all requirements in paragraphs (C) and (E) of
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code are performed within one hundred eighty days before the
phase II property assessment begins, or that no change in environmental
conditions at the
property occurred after the actions required by paragraphs
(C) and (E) of rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code were conducted. A change in environmental conditions means
information about known or suspected releases to
environmental media that
result in additional identified areas at the
property that are subject to
II property assessment, or previous identified areas that need further
phase II
property assessment due to new
(i) During a determination of whether to
re-evaluate requirements in paragraphs (C) and (E) of rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code, best professional judgment shall be used to decide which
requirements in paragraphs (C) and (E) of rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code shall be re-evaluated to determine whether additional
II property assessment is required.
(ii) If any provisions in paragraphs (C) and
(E) of rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code require re-evaluation, documentation of the additional
information gathered to comply with this paragraph shall be included in an
phase I property assessment report.
(d) Use of non-certified laboratory
data. Data generated by laboratories not certified under this chapter,
non-certified data, and studies not conducted in accordance with this rule may
be used to partially comply with this rule, provided that all of the following
are met:
(i) The information gathered is
consistent with the purposes of this rule, and the methods used to collect and
evaluate the data are consistent with the purposes of this
(ii) The data are evaluated to
ensure quality and consistency with the requirements for data collected in a
phase II property assessment conducted in accordance with this
(iii) The data are confirmed by
samples analyzed by a laboratory with a current certification under this
chapter for the analysis. The confirmatory samples shall be collected as
For ground water, surface water, and air, provided that the
samples are collected from the same sampling points that were used in the
previous study, a minimum of ten per cent of the sample population of each data
set in the previous study shall be confirmed.
For all environmental media not
addressed in paragraph (E)(1)(d)(iii)(a) of this rule, or if the sampling
points used in the previous study cannot be used, or are not used, the
volunteer shall do the following:
Collect a minimum of ten per cent of the sample
population, or at least eight samples, whichever is greater as confirmation
samples, for each data set in the previous study.
Qualitatively compare the non-certified laboratory data set and the certified
laboratory data set and demonstrate that the two are not significantly
different. To make this demonstration, the volunteer shall utilize any method
that is accepted as an academic or industry standard.
(iv) The data or information used in
support of a no further action letter are consistent with existing property
(v) If the requirements of
paragraphs (E)(1)(d)(i) to (E)(1)(d)(iv) of this rule cannot be met, the
volunteer shall determine the concentrations of COCs in identified areas or
exposure units in accordance with paragraph (F)(6) of this
(2) A review and evaluation of existing
regional and
property-specific geologic, hydrogeologic, and physical
characteristics of the
property and the surrounding area by an evaluation of
characteristics in paragraphs (E)(2)(a) to (E)(2)(o) of this rule. The
volunteer shall review
reasonably available information from previous
property investigations or other sources of
information. Propertyspecific
data shall be collected as needed. The collection of additional data or
information shall be by methods consistent with this rule. The evaluation of
information and collection of additional data shall be consistent with the data
quality objectives developed in accordance with paragraph (C) of this rule. The
review and evaluation shall address and include the following, as necessary:
(a) The characteristics of major
stratigraphic units and the associated depositional environments. A description
of the continuous profile of the stratigraphic units beneath the property,
including the thickness and lateral extent of each unit and the depth to
(b) Property-specific
physical characteristics of saturated or unsaturated soils or bedrock including
but not limited to the following:
(ii) Effective
(iii) Bulk
(iv) Moisture
(v) Grain size
(vi) Soil pH.
(vii) The vertical and horizontal hydraulic
conductivity of saturated and unsaturated zones.
(viii) The contaminant attenuation capacity
and mechanisms of attenuation of soil or bedrock including but not limited to
the following:
(a) Ion exchange
(b) Organic carbon
(c) Mineral
(d) Soil sorptive
Identification of regional aquifers and ground water zones beneath the
property, and a determination of the productivity of such aquifers.
(d) Identification of confining units that
may separate ground water zones and the ability of the confining units to
transmit or retard the movement of ground water, including an evaluation of the
hydraulic interconnectedness of such zones in the subsurface.
(e) Identification and characterization of
ground water recharge and discharge areas, and the amount of recharge and
(f) Estimates of
infiltration rates or evapotranspiration rates.
(g) A description, and the potential
orientation, of geomorphology and structural geologic features that may
influence the ground water flow system or unsaturated flow conditions,
including but not limited to topographical features, geologic stratification,
faults, joints, or fractures.
The occurrence, flow direction, and gradient of surface water or ground
(i) The absence or presence
of commingled COCs from multiple source areas.
(j) The natural quality of ground water and
surface water.
(k) Any
anthropogenic influences that may affect or alter the natural geology and
hydrogeology underlying the property or may provide preferential migration
pathways, including but not limited to, utilities, fill material, pavement,
buildings and building foundations, or grading activities.
(l) Identification of ground water use,
availability or special designations such as drinking water source protection
areas for a public water system using ground water or sole source aquifer
(m) Identification of
the presence of legally-enforceable restrictions on the use of ground water
including, without limitation, local rules and ordinances.
(n) Identification of regional availability
of surface water or ground water and reasonable alternative sources of drinking
(o) Any other
characteristics or information that may be useful to meet the data quality
objectives of the phase II property assessment or to determine compliance with
applicable standards or the need for remedial activities.
(3) The
volunteer shall identify the
COCs in
the identified areas by an evaluation of the following:
(a) Hazardous substances or
identified in a
phase I property assessment conducted in accordance with this
rule or rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code.
(b) Hazardous
substances or petroleum that are or were commonly used in industrial or
commercial activities similar to the activities conducted at the
(c) Hazardous substances
or petroleum that, based on reasonably available information, may be typical
constituents, components, additives, impurities, and degradation products of
hazardous substances or petroleum identified in paragraphs (E)(3)(a) and
(E)(3)(b) of this rule.
Constituents of hazardous substances for which a
method or
technology of
analysis is not available to measure the concentration of the
substance. The
volunteer shall obtain
analytical data
from an accredited or certified data
for each constituent or set of
constituents which are representative of a
hazardous substance even if the
constituents are not listed as a
hazardous substance.
(e) Naturally occurring hazardous substances
petroleum that occur in one environmental medium are considered potential
COCs if current or past activities involving the treatment, storage, or
disposal of hazardous substances or
petroleum are suspected to have caused the
transfer of these naturally occurring hazardous substances or
petroleum to
environmental media. Examples include the following:
(i) An acid spill that results in the
leaching of metals naturally found in soil to the underlying ground
(ii) The mobilization to
ground water of metals naturally found in soil when the mobilization is the
result of anaerobic ground water associated with the biodegradation of an
organic solvent ground water plume.
(4) Evaluate identified areas.
(a) The
volunteer shall evaluate all
identified areas and determine within each
identified area the following:
(i) All source areas that are
(ii) All affected media
that are present.
The volunteer shall consider information from a phase II property assessment to
determine if the existence, location, and dimensions of each identified area
designated pursuant to a phase I property assessment require adjustment. If the
existence, location, or dimensions of the identified areas require adjustment
or redesignation to reflect the phase II property assessment information, the
volunteer shall make the appropriate adjustments to the identified areas and
shall redesignate the identified areas in the phase II property
(5) Sampling
environmental media.
(a) The volunteer shall
collect samples from environmental media affected by a release in accordance
with the data quality objectives and sampling procedures developed under
paragraphs (C) and (D) of this rule. Sampling objectives shall be reliable and
representative for the environmental media sampled, as necessary to make the
determinations in paragraphs (F)(1) to (F)(10) of this rule.
(b) During the determination of how to
conduct sampling under paragraph (E)(5)(a) of this rule, the
volunteer shall
ensure that the data collected are sufficient to make the determinations in
paragraphs (F)(1) to (F)(10) of this rule for all points of compliance an
receptors, and meet the stated data quality objectives. The
volunteer shall
ensure that the data are representative and shall consider the following:
(i) The vertical and horizontal spatial
distribution of sampling locations.
(ii) Temporal variations in the media or in
the concentrations of COCs contained in the media.
(6) Identification of current and
reasonably anticipated
property use and
receptor populations.The
populations. The volunteer shall identify the current
and reasonably anticipated uses of the
property using the data quality
objectives as provided in paragraph (C) of this rule. The
volunteer shall also
identify all
receptor populations reasonably anticipated to be exposed to
on the
property, and all off-
property receptor populations reasonably
anticipated to be exposed to
COCs from the
Receptor populations that
shall be identified for the purpose of making the determinations contained in
paragraph (F)(1) of this rule include, at a minimum, the following:
(a) The volunteer shall identify the current
and reasonably anticipated uses of the property using the data quality
objectives provided in paragraph (C) of this rule.
(b) The
volunteer shall identify all
populations reasonably anticipated to be exposed to
COCs on the
property, and
all off-
property receptor populations reasonably anticipated to be exposed to
COCs from the
Receptor populations that shall be identified in order
to make the determinations in paragraph (F)(1) of this rule include, at a
minimum, the following:
(i) Populations that
live on the property.
Populations that work on the property.
(iii) Populations on the property as
visitors, commercial consumers or recreational participants.
(iv) Populations on or off the property that
may be exposed to COCs in environmental media as a result of construction
(v) Populations on or
off the property that are reasonably anticipated to be exposed to COCs from the
property through ground water migration, surface water migration, dust
emissions, volatilization, and other mechanisms which transport COCs off the
(vi) Important ecological
resources that, considering the land use and the quality and extent of habitat
on the property and adjoining properties, reasonably would have been associated
with the property or adjacent properties were it not for the presence of COCs
from the property.
(7) The volunteer may need to conduct data
collection activities necessary to determine background levels in accordance
with paragraph (H) of this rule.
(F) Determinations under the
voluntary action
(1) Pathway completeness
(a) The
volunteer shall
evaluate the current and reasonably anticipated
exposure pathways and shall
identify the following.
(i) All source areas
or affected media contributing to the pathway.
(ii) The receptors identified under paragraph
(E)(6) of this rule and any applicable points of compliance.
(iii) The transport mechanisms for the
(b) The
volunteer shall determine which current and reasonably anticipated pathways are
complete. Exposure pathways shall be based on propertyspecific data collected
in accordance with the procedures described in this chapter and shall be
evaluated in accordance with the procedures described in this chapter. A
pathway is considered to be complete if all three of the pathway components
described in paragraphs (F)(1)(a)(i) to (F)(1)(a)(iii) of this rule are
present. All exposure pathways determined to be complete under this paragraph
shall be identified in the phase II property assessment report.
(c) If the volunteer determines that any of
the exposure pathways on or adjoining the property are not reasonably
anticipated to be complete for the COCs, the phase II property assessment
report shall include a written justification for the elimination of those
exposure pathways from further consideration.
(2) Determination of
ground water zones and
confining units.
(a) The volunteer shall
determine ground water zones and confining units beneath the property, as
necessary, for the purposes of ground water protection or classification. The
information listed in paragraph (E)(2) of this rule shall be used, as
necessary, to determine the extent to which saturated zones in the subsurface
should be divided or grouped into ground water zones. The volunteer shall
determine whether any confining units are present, and, if present, how such
confining units separate the ground water zones.
(b) During the evaluation of whether the
uppermost saturated zone is a
ground water zone, the
volunteer may assume that
the saturated zone contains
ground water, or may provide a demonstration that
the saturated zone does not contain
ground water. If the
volunteer chooses to
make a demonstration that the uppermost saturated zone does not contain
water, the
volunteer shall bias the following determinations to the area of
highest expected outcome of the testing:
Determine the ground water yield in accordance with paragraph (F)(8) of this
rule, using a sufficient number of properly developed wells that are
constructed to the minimum standards of a two-inch diameter, five-foot long
manufactured screen placed in the saturated zone in a six-inch diameter
(ii) Determine the in
situ hydraulic conductivity of the saturated zone using appropriate field test
methods. Sampling points shall be sufficient in number to represent the
hydraulic conductivity of the saturated zone underlying the property.
(3) Determination of
whether the provisions for protection of
ground water that meets unrestricted
potable use standards apply, or whether
ground water classification is
required. If a
ground water zone is determined to meet unrestricted potable use
standards, the provisions in paragraph (F)(4) of this rule and paragraph (D) of
3745-300-10 of the
Administrative Code apply to the
ground water zone underlying the
property. If
ground water zone is determined to exceed unrestricted potable use standards,
the classification of the
ground water zone shall be determined in accordance
with paragraph (B) of rule
3745-300-10 of the
Administrative Code. Either generic or
property-specific unrestricted potable
use standards may be used to make this demonstration. For each
ground water
zone underlying the
property, the
volunteer shall demonstrate whether the
ground water in the zone meets or exceeds unrestricted potable use standards by
use of one of the following methods:
Sample the
ground water within the zone to determine whether the
ground water
in that zone meets or exceeds unrestricted potable use standards. The
shall collect one or more
ground water samples to determine the concentration
COCs in the
ground water.
(i) Ground water
samples shall be collected in accordance with paragraph (F)(6)(d) of this rule
from one or more ground water monitoring wells located immediately
down-gradient of the source area or down-gradient and as close as possible to
the source area. The samples shall be analyzed by a
laboratory for the concentrations of the
COCs at the property. If more than one ground water sample is collected from a
well, the second sample shall be collected within forty-eight hours to ninety
days after collection of the first ground water sample.
(ii) To evaluate whether more than one
water sample is warranted to determine if the
ground water meets or exceeds the
unrestricted potable use standards, the
volunteer shall consider all temporal
variations that could impact the determination of whether the provisions apply
to the
ground water zone. If additional
ground water sampling events are
warranted due to temporal variations, then a sufficient number of additional
ground water samples shall be collected over an appropriate time period to
adequately characterize a representative concentration of the COC in
water. Temporal variations include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Seasonal variations that result in either
increased or decreased recharge and thus fluctuations in the water table
(b) Other variations
that result from the impact of geologic heterogeneity (permeability, fractures,
etc.), contaminant source heterogeneity, or the transient nature of contaminant
(iii) A
minimum of two
ground water samples are needed to determine that the
water in a zone exceeds the unrestricted potable use standards, unless one or
both of the following conditions apply:
The concentrations of the first sampling event exceed unrestricted potable use
standards by at least one order of magnitude.
(b) The concentrations of the first sampling
event exceed unrestricted potable use standards and historical ground water
data at the property indicates that releases from source areas have impacted
the ground water zone underlying the property in excess of unrestricted potable
use standards.
During a demonstration of whether
ground water meets or exceeds unrestricted
potable use standards, a cumulative adjustment for multiple chemicals shall be
conducted in accordance with paragraph (A)(2)(b) of rule
3745-300-08 of the
Administrative Code. The cumulative adjustment for multiple chemicals is
required for both generic and
property-specific risk-derived unrestricted
potable use standards. However, the generic unrestricted potable use standards
based on maximum contaminant levels or other regulatory established criteria
under paragraph (E)(3) of rule
3745-300-08 of the
Administrative Code shall not be included in the cumulative adjustment for
multiple chemicals in the
ground water zone. The risk for potable use of
water shall not be summed with the risk from
exposure pathways other than
potable use of
ground water.
Ground water with free product exceeds applicable standards for unrestricted
potable use of ground water.
(b) The
volunteer may justify that sampling
of a
ground water zone underlying the
property is not necessary to determine
that the
ground water in the zone does not contain concentrations of any
that exceed unrestricted potable use standards. Based on this justification,
volunteer may apply the provisions to protect
ground water that meets
potable use standards in paragraph (F)(4) of this rule and paragraph (D) of
3745-300-10 of the
Administrative Code. As part of this justification, the
volunteer shall
document that it is reasonable to assume
ground water does not exceed the
unrestricted potable use standards based on a weight-of-evidence approach using
information, including the following, as necessary:
(i) The nature, type, concentration, and mass
of the COCs released, and the time of release.
(ii) The type, concentration, and mass of
COCs present in the the following:
Subsurface soil or bedrock above the ground
water zone
that requires protection.
Subsurface soil or bedrock between
ground water zones.
(iii) The physical and chemical
characteristics of the soil or bedrock beneath the property including, but not
limited to, the secondary features, soil or bedrock type, heterogeneity of the
subsurface soil or bedrock, or the integrity of any confining units that
separate ground water zones.
The separation distance between the source area and the ground water zone, or
the separation distance between ground water zones.
(v) The results of modeling conducted in
accordance with paragraph (G) of this rule, as applicable.
(vi) The presence or absence of off-property
source areas that may have impacted ground water on, underlying, or emanating
from the property. The impact of off-property source areas shall be determined
in accordance with paragraph (F)(9) of this rule.
(vii) Any other lines of evidence the
volunteer believes support the determination that the ground water in a zone
underlying the property does not contain concentrations of any COCs above
unrestricted potable use standards.
(4) Demonstration of continuing compliance
with the provisions to protect
ground water meeting unrestricted potable use
(a) When the provisions for
ground water apply to a
ground water zone in accordance with
paragraph (D) of rule 3745-300-10, the
volunteer shall demonstrate that
shall not migrate to the
ground water zone at concentrations that exceed
unrestricted potable use standards. To demonstrate this, the
volunteer shall do
either of the following:
(i) Demonstrate that
the COCs in the subsurface do not exceed values that would result in
unrestricted potable use standards being exceeded in the ground water
(ii) Demonstrate that the
provisions to protect
ground water that meets potable use standards shall not
be violated, using a weight-of-evidence approach. As part of this
weight-of-evidence approach, the
volunteer shall
document that it is reasonable
to assume the
ground water zone will not exceed unrestricted potable use
standards in the future using relevant
information, including
the following, as necessary:
(a) The nature,
type, concentration, and mass of the COCs released, and the time of
(b) The type,
concentration, and mass of COCs present in the subsurface soil or bedrock above
the ground water zone that requires protection or between ground water
(c) The physical and
chemical characteristics of the soil or bedrock beneath the property including,
but not limited to, the secondary features, soil or bedrock type, heterogeneity
of the subsurface soil or bedrock, or the integrity of any confining units that
separate ground water zones.
The separation distance between the source area and ground water, or the
separation distance between ground water zones.
(e) The results of modeling conducted in
accordance with paragraph (G) of this rule, as applicable.
(f) The presence of man-made structures on
property that reduce or prevent infiltration and leaching of any
COCs to
ground water zone. Man-made structures which inhibit infiltration are
considered engineering controls and shall be maintained under an
operation and
maintenance plan in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code.
(g) Any other
lines of evidence the volunteer believes support the determination that the
ground water in a zone underlying the property shall not exceed concentrations
of any COCs above unrestricted potable use standards.
(b) If it cannot be demonstrated
in accordance with paragraph (F)(4) of this rule that
COCs shall not leach or
otherwise migrate into the
ground water zone underlying the
property, the
volunteer shall implement a
remedy in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code that prevents the
ground water zone underlying the
from exceeding unrestricted potable use standards.
(5) Determination of
applicable standards.
Applicable standards shall be determined for all
COCs with respect to all
exposure pathways determined to be complete under paragraph (F)(1) of this rule
for which the
volunteer intends to demonstrate compliance with
standards in accordance with paragraph (I) of this rule. The
volunteer shall
determine and derive the
applicable standards for each
complete exposure
pathway in accordance with this chapter.
volunteer shall determine the applicability of generic numerical standards
at the
property in accordance with paragraph (A)(1)(a) of rule
3745-300-08 of the
Administrative Code. If generic direct-contact soil standards for restricted
land uses are used to meet
applicable standards, institutional controls shall
be used to limit the
property's land use as described in paragraphs (B)(2)(d)
and (C)(2)(c) of rule
3745-300-08 of the
Administrative Code. The institutional controls shall be implemented in
accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code.
(b) When a
property-specific risk assessment is performed at the
property, the
shall determine the applicability of standards derived through a
property-specific risk assessment conducted in accordance with paragraph (A) of
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code.
(c) The
volunteer shall determine the applicability of any other standards in this rule
or in rule 3745-300-08, 3745-300-09, 3745-300-10, or
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code.
(d) The
volunteer shall consider the performance of a
remedy employed at the
when the
remedy's use is intended to meet or maintain
applicable standards. The
remedy shall be implemented in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code.
(e) The
volunteer does not need to determine
applicable standards in accordance with
3745-300-08 or
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code for
COCs when the concentrations of the
COCs from the
property are at or below
background levels determined in accordance with
paragraph (H) of this rule.
(f) The
volunteer does not need to determine
applicable standards for
COCs, if any of
the following apply:
(i) The
COCs were the
result of a
release in a de minimus area or a previously addressed area as
determined in accordance with paragraph (E)(2)(a) of rule
3745-300-06 of the
Administrative Code.
(ii) The
volunteer makes the determination that infrequent detections of
COCs are a
product of artifacts in the data and may not be related to the site operations
or disposal practices. The determination shall be based on a demonstration of
sufficient weight of evidence. Examples of evidence for consideration include
the following:
(a) Historical information
reported in the phase I property assessment report and other historical data
from the property.
(b) The
concentrations at which the detections are reported, provided that detection
limits are not elevated due to matrix interferences.
(c) The detections do not indicate the
presence of previously unknown areas of high concentration.
(d) The COC is not detected in any other
sampled environmental media.
The likelihood that the detected constituents are degradation or by-products of
COCs on the property.
(iii) The COCs are demonstrated by the
laboratory to be tentatively
identified compounds without an indication of historical use on the property or
evidence that the COCs might be degradation compounds or by-products of one or
more other COCs used at the property.
(iv) The COCs are demonstrated through
appropriate quality assurance and quality control data to be the result of
contamination due to field sampling activities or laboratory
(v) The COCs are
essential human nutrients that are present due to the release or potential
release of a hazardous substance or petroleum, and may be toxic only at very
high concentrations. These chemicals include iron, magnesium, calcium,
potassium, and sodium.
(vi) The
COCs are determined to contribute to less than one per cent of the estimated
risk or hazard attributed to a pathway-receptor combination in accordance with
the procedures in U.S. EPA's "Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Volume I:
Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part A)" following a procedure analogous to
section 5.9.5 of the document.
(6) Determination of the concentrations of
chemicals of concern (
COCs) in identified areas or in
exposure units. The
volunteer shall determine the concentrations of the
COCs in accordance with
paragraphs (F)(6)(a) to (F)(6)(e) of this rule as necessary to make the
determinations in paragraph (F) of this rule.
Exposure unit determinations
shall consider current and future land use
exposure scenarios in accordance
with paragraph (D)(3)(b) of rule
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code, and sampling shall be appropriate for the
scenario. All samples collected in accordance with this paragraph shall be
analyzed by
accredited or certified laboratory
, and
certified data provided, in order to support the determinations.
(a) To determine the concentrations of the
COCs in surface water, the
volunteer shall follow a sampling and analysis plan
developed in accordance with the following:
(i) Ohio EPA's "Biological Criteria For the
Protection of Aquatic Life: Volume II: User's Manual For Biological Field
Assessment Of Ohio Surface Waters."
(ii) Ohio EPA's "Manual of Ohio EPA
Surveillance Methods and Quality Assurance Practices."
(b) To determine the concentrations of the
COCs in sediments to compare the concentrations to the
applicable standards
identified in paragraphs (G) and (H) of rule
3745-300-08 of the
Administrative Code, the
volunteer shall sample the sediments in the identified
areas in accordance with the procedures in
Ohio EPA's "
Sediment Sampling Guide
and Methodologies." The data collected shall be analyzed by
an accredited
or certified laboratory to determine the representative concentration or
maximum concentration in the
identified area. To determine representative or
maximum concentrations in identified areas, the
volunteer shall derive the
concentrations in accordance with paragraph (F)(6)(c) of this rule.
(c) To determine the concentrations of the
COCs in soil to demonstrate compliance with
applicable standards, the samples
collected shall be analyzed by
an accredited or certified laboratory
, and certified data provided, to determine the
representative concentrations or maximum concentrations of the
COCs in the
identified area or
exposure unit. To determine representative or maximum
concentrations of the
COCs in identified areas or
exposure units, the
shall do one of the following:
(i) Derive the
representative concentration by calculating the ninety-five per cent upper
confidence limit of the arithmetic mean. The ninety-five per cent upper
confidence limit of the arithmetic mean shall be calculated for each data set.
Data sets shall be comprised of a sufficient number and quality of samples as
to derive a normal, log-normal, or other applicable frequency distribution. In
addition to compliance with paragraph (D) of this rule, the volunteer shall use
techniques for sampling normal or log-normal distributions based on appropriate
equations in U.S. EPA's "Calculating Upper Confidence Limits for Exposure Point
Concentrations at Hazardous Waste Sites," or by other peer-reviewed statistical
methodology for normal or log-normal distributions. Calculating the
representative soil concentration using the ninety-five per cent upper
confidence limit is inappropriate for vapor intrusion demonstrations.
(ii) Derive the maximum concentration within
identified area. The
volunteer may use the maximum concentration in the
data set to represent the
identified area concentration, provided that the
volunteer can reliably bias sampling activities both vertically and laterally
within the
identified area to the point of highest concentration. A sufficient
number of samples shall be collected in order to evaluate all source areas and
exposures for each
receptor determined in accordance with paragraph (F)(1) of
this rule, provided that a minimum of three or more samples are collected from
identified area and are analyzed by
an accredited or certified laboratory
, and certified data are provided.
(iii) Derive the representative concentration
using the
incremental sampling technique based on guidance provided in Mason's
"Preparation of Soil Sampling Protocols: Sampling Techniques and Strategies,"
Gerlach and Nocerino's "Guidance for Obtaining Representative
Analytical Subsamples from Particulate
Laboratory Samples" and the interstate
technology regulatory council's "
Incremental Sampling Methodology." The
volunteer may use the representative concentration from
incremental sampling
conducted in the
identified area or
exposure unit, provided that the samples
are analyzed by
accredited or certified laboratory.
(d) To determine the concentrations of the
COCs in
ground water to demonstrate compliance with
applicable standards, the
volunteer shall perform sampling activities in compliance with the following
(i) The method of sample collection
shall be capable of producing ground water quality appropriate to evaluate the
pathway of concern.
(ii) The
volunteer shall collect a sufficient number of samples to adequately
characterize a representative concentration of the
COCs in
ground water. To
determine the number and timing of samples collected, the
volunteer shall
consider temporal variations that could result in an exceedance of
standards. Temporal variations include, but are not limited to the following:
(a) Seasonal variations that result in either
increased or decreased recharge and thus fluctuations in the water table
(b) Other variations
that result from the impact of geologic heterogeneity (permeability, fractures,
etc.), contaminant source heterogeneity, or the transient nature of contaminant
(iii) Sample
locations shall be appropriately located to evaluate all reasonably anticipated
pathways to ensure
applicable standards shall not be exceeded at the points of
compliance or receptors based upon the following:
(a) The direction of ground water
(b) The size of the
(c) The date of the
(d) Field screening
techniques and methods.
(e) Other
methods or information, as appropriate.
(iv) One or more sampling locations shall be
biased toward the location that is, or would be anticipated to be, the area of
highest concentration of COCs. If sample locations cannot be reliably biased
towards the area of highest concentration, the volunteer shall take samples
from a number of additional sample locations sufficient to determine the area
of highest concentration.
(v) All
samples collected in accordance with this paragraph shall be analyzed by
an accredited
or certified laboratory.
To determine compliance with applicable standards, the volunteer shall evaluate
the data from each location separately.
(vii) If it is necessary to take a ground
water sample directly beneath a source area, the volunteer shall use methods
for monitoring well installation, construction, sampling, and maintenance that
shall not cause cross-contamination between ground water zones.
(viii) Methods and procedures shall be
followed, according to the limitations and intended uses of the methods and
procedures, and based on either of the following:
(a) Documents that provide techniques for
data collection, field testing, and sampling which conform to the following:
(i) Are field-validated.
(ii) Are documented and
(iii) Ensure the
representativeness of samples taken following the technique.
(iv) Are proven capable of achieving the data
quality objectives identified in paragraph (C) of this rule.
(b) Ohio EPA's "Technical Guidance
Manual for Hydrogeologic Investigations and Ground Water Monitoring." If any
portion of the "Technical Guidance Manual for Hydrogeologic Investigations and
Ground Water Monitoring" document would be inconsistent with the purpose of the
phase II property assessment and this chapter, that portion should not be
(e) To
determine the concentrations of the
COCs in either soil gas or indoor air, for
a demonstration of compliance with
applicable standards, the
volunteer shall
conduct sampling activities in compliance with the following criteria:
(i) The method of sample collection shall be
capable of producing results appropriate to evaluate the pathway of
(ii) The
volunteer shall
collect a sufficient number of samples to adequately characterize a
representative concentration of the
COCs in either soil gas or indoor air. To
determine the number and timing of samples to collect, the
volunteer shall
consider temporal variations including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Temporal variations in the water table
elevation, or concentrations of hazardous substances or petroleum in ground
(b) Temporal variations that
result from interior building pressure changes as a result of the use or
non-use of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems during
different heating and cooling seasons.
(iii) Sample locations shall be appropriate
to evaluate all current and reasonably anticipated
exposure pathways. The
volunteer shall reasonably bias sampling activities in the
identified area to
the location that is, or is reasonably anticipated to be, the area of highest
concentration of
COCs. The selection of sample locations shall take under
consideration the following:
(a) Distribution
of COCs.
(b) Building occupancy,
including locations and receptors.
(c) Building partitions and the layout of
HVAC systems.
(d) Preferential
pathways, which may include, but are not limited to, utility conduits, sumps,
wall joints, and floor openings.
(e) Other variations that result from the
impact of geologic heterogeneity, such as permeability and fractures.
(f) Other information, as
(iv) All
samples collected in accordance with this paragraph shall be analyzed by
an accredited
or certified laboratory.
Methods and procedures shall be followed, according to the limitations and
intended uses of such methods and procedures, and shall be based on either of
the following:
(a) Documents containing data
collection, field testing, and sampling techniques which conform to the
(i) The data collection, field
testing, and sampling techniques are field-validated.
(ii) The data collection, field testing, and
sampling techniques are documented and peer-reviewed.
(iii) The data collection, field testing, and
sampling techniques ensure the representativeness of samples taken when the
techniques are followed.
(iv) The
data collection, field testing, and sampling techniques are proven capable of
achieving the data quality objectives identified in paragraph (C) of this
(b) Ohio EPA's
guidance document regarding sample collection and evaluation of vapor intrusion
to indoor air.
(f) Non-intrusive or indirect field testing
may be used to assist in the selection of sampling locations, but these
techniques shall not be used to demonstrate that concentrations of concern meet
or exceed applicable standards.
(7) Classify the
ground water. To classify
ground water zones in accordance with paragraphs (A) and (B) of rule
3745-300-10 of the
Administrative Code, the
volunteer shall conduct the following data collection
(a) The
volunteer shall determine
if the
ground water zone is being used. To make the determination, the
volunteer, at a minimum, shall do the following:
(i) Identify any visual evidence of ground
water use in areas where ground water has or is reasonably anticipated to have
concentrations of COCs in excess of unrestricted potable use
(ii) Review Ohio
department of natural resources water well log information for the properties
on which ground water contains or is reasonably anticipated to contain
concentrations of COCs in excess of unrestricted potable use
(b) To
determine that the yield of a
ground water zone falls below the criterion for
critical resource
ground water as described in paragraph (B)(1) of rule
3745-300-10 of the
Administrative Code, the yield of the
ground water zone shall be based on one
or more of the following sources of
information or methods:
(i) The ground water resource maps published
by the Ohio department of natural resources or other published and verified
data for the ground water zone being classified.
(ii) Determined from a sufficient number of
properly developed wells constructed to the minimum standards of an eight-inch
diameter manufactured screen in a twelve-inch diameter borehole, in accordance
with paragraph (F)(8) of this rule. The well screen shall extend through at
least eighty per cent of the thickness of the ground water zone, or the
volunteer shall otherwise demonstrate that shorter screen lengths would not
produce yield that results in a different classification of the ground
(c) To determine
that the yield of a
ground water zone falls below the criteria for class A
ground water in paragraph (B)(2) of rule
3745-300-10 of the
Administrative Code, the yield of the
ground water zone being classified shall
be determined in accordance with paragraph (F)(8) of this rule and shall
conform to the following:
(i) For an
unconsolidated ground water zone, a determination of yield based on a
sufficient number of properly developed wells, that are constructed to the
minimum standards of a four-inch diameter manufactured screen in an eight-inch
diameter borehole or a two-inch diameter manufactured screen in a six-inch
diameter borehole. When wells with dimensions of a two-inch diameter
manufactured screen in a six-inch diameter borehole are used to determine
yield, the yield shall be multiplied by a factor of
1.15 for purposes of this
paragraph. The well screen shall extend through at least eighty per cent of the
thickness of the ground water zone, or the volunteer shall otherwise
demonstrate that shorter intake lengths would not produce yield that results in
a different classification of the ground water.
(ii) For a consolidated ground water zone
that is monitored using wells with screens, a determination of yield based on a
sufficient number of properly developed wells, that are constructed to the
minimum of a four-inch diameter manufactured screen in an eight-inch diameter
borehole or a two-inch diameter manufactured screen in a six-inch diameter
borehole. When wells with dimensions of a two-inch diameter manufactured screen
in a six-inch diameter borehole are used to determine yield, the yield shall be
multiplied by a factor of
1.15 for purposes of this
paragraph. The well screen shall extend through at least eighty per cent of the
thickness of the saturated portion of the ground water zone, or the volunteer
shall otherwise demonstrate that shorter intake lengths would not produce yield
that results in a different classification of the ground water.
(iii) For a consolidated ground water zone
that is monitored using wells with open hole intakes, a determination of yield
based on a sufficient number of wells that are properly constructed and
developed to appropriate minimum standards of an eight-inch diameter borehole
or a six-inch diameter borehole. When wells with a six-inch diameter borehole
are used to determine yield, the yield shall be multiplied by a factor of
1.15 for purposes of this
paragraph. The open hole intakes shall extend through at least eighty per cent
of the thickness of the ground water zone, or the volunteer shall otherwise
demonstrate that shorter intake lengths would not produce yield that results in
a different classification of the ground water.
(d) To compare the yield of the
ground water
zone being classified to another
ground water zone present below the
in accordance with paragraph (B)(2)(c) of rule
3745-300-10 of the
Administrative Code, the yield of the other
ground water zone, which is the
likely source of water used for potable purposes within one mile of the
property, shall be determined based on the lowest yield of any wells within one
mile of the
property. If no wells used for potable purposes exist within one
mile of the
property, the
ground water resources maps published by the Ohio
department of natural resources may be used to determine the yield of another
ground water zone present under the
property, which would likely be the source
of water used for potable purposes within one mile of the
property should a
well be developed.
Determination of
ground water yield. When testing is conducted to determine the
yield of a
ground water zone underlying a
property, the
volunteer shall conduct
sufficient testing to determine the representative yield available from the
ground water zone for potable purposes. The determination shall be made in
accordance with the following:
(a) Temporal
considerations. The
volunteer shall demonstrate either of the following:
(i) The statistical average yield for the
ground water zone over a twelvemonth period.
(ii) The maximum yield for the ground water
zone, provided that yield tests are biased towards the period of the highest
(b) Spatial
considerations. The volunteer shall bias the yield testing locations to the
area of highest yield.
(9) Determination of
ground water source
areas. To determine whether
ground water contamination is attributable to
source areas located on the
property, source areas located off the
property, or
a combination of the two, the
volunteer shall conduct
ground water sampling
sufficient to determine the following:
(a) The
releases from source areas located on the property that contribute or
contributed to the COCs in excess of unrestricted potable use standards in
ground water.
(b) The extent to
which releases from on-property source areas have affected the ground
(c) If releases from
off-property source areas may have affected the ground water.
(d) The extent to which releases from
off-property source areas have affected the ground water.
(e) Compliance with rule
3745-300-10 of the
Administrative Code.
(10) Determination of contaminant
pass-through provision. When a
release from an off-
property source area has
affected the
property, the
volunteer is not responsible for compliance of
applicable standards at or beyond the
property boundary due to the excess
contribution of
COCs caused by the off-
property release, except when any of the
following apply:
(a) The owner of the
voluntary action property was an owner or operator of any property, other than
the voluntary action property, where any source area was located during the
owner's ownership of or operation on any such property, and hazardous
substances or petroleum have emanated from the off-property source area onto
the voluntary action property.
The volunteer, or owner if different from the volunteer, caused or contributed
to the source areas or the off-property release.
(c) The volunteer, or owner if different from
the volunteer, has entered into an agreement with any person with the purpose
or effect of creating a less stringent applicable standard than would otherwise
be applicable in this rule.
(d) The
volunteer is a parent, subsidiary, or other commonly owned entity of any party
identified in paragraphs (F)(10)(a) to (F)(10)(c) of this rule.
(G) Use of modeling.
(1) The
volunteer shall identify all models
relied upon as part of the
phase II property assessment activities to determine
property's compliance with
applicable standards or used to evaluate
activities conducted in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code. The modeling shall be conducted in accordance with this
(2) The model shall conform
to the following:
(a) The model shall be
either of the following:
(i) Generally
accepted within the scientific community and peer reviewed.
(ii) Scientifically valid for the processes
being modeled and codeverified. To be code-verified, the model shall be shown
to produce reliable and mathematically accurate results for all functions of
the model.
(b) The model
shall be used with assumptions and limitations reasonably consistent with
conditions throughout the modeled area. The assumptions and limitations of the
computer code, mathematical solution, technology utilized and computer code
structure shall be consistent with the conditions throughout the modeled area
and the application of the model.
(c) The model shall be used in a manner
consistent with the model's documentation and intended use.
(d) The model shall be appropriate for the
environmental media and application being modeled.
(3) Uses and limitations of modeling:
(a) A model may be used as a predictive tool
to support a demonstration of ongoing compliance with applicable standards, or
to evaluate whether an exposure pathway is reasonably anticipated to be
complete, subject to appropriate calibration and field verification.
(b) A model may not be used in lieu of
conducting sufficient sampling of environmental media in accordance with
paragraph (E)(5) of this rule to document existing environmental
(4) The
modeling shall adequately address the intended purpose of the modeling
evaluation, such as to show compliance with
applicable standards or to evaluate
remedial activities conducted in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code. Depending on the intended purpose of the modeling
evaluation or type of model, the model may need to be calibrated to the
geologic, hydrogeologic, or physical conditions throughout the modeled area.
The model may need to be field-verified to determine if favorable comparisons
exist between the modeled conditions and observed field conditions for the area
being modeled. In some cases, field verification may require monitoring and
evaluation under an
operation and maintenance plan.
(5) The modeling shall be evaluated to
determine the sensitivity of the model to the input parameters or other
components of the model (for example, boundary conditions). The
volunteer shall
consider the sensitivity of the input parameters when a model is utilized to
determine whether a
property meets the
applicable standards, or when
activities conducted in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code are evaluated. Input parameters or other components of the
model determined to be sensitive to the modeling results shall be either of the
(a) Based on scientifically-valid
conservative assumptions. The inputs shall be based on property-specific data,
or information from peer-reviewed literature and best professional
(b) Accounted for through
an uncertainty analysis to quantitatively determine compliance with
standards or to evaluate
remedial activities conducted in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code. The inputs for the uncertainty analysis shall be based on
the following:
(i) Property-specific data
collected in accordance with this rule.
(ii) Scientifically-valid and appropriate
assumptions using either best professional judgment or information from
peer-reviewed scientific literature or publications.
(6) The modeling evaluation and
the results shall be documented within the phase II property assessment report
or within a separate modeling report that addresses paragraphs (G)(1) to (G)(5)
of this rule. If a separate modeling report is written, the separate modeling
report shall be attached to the phase II property assessment report.
(H) Determination of
Background levels may be used as the applicable standard after a
demonstration is made that the
COCs are not the result of current or past
activities that involve the treatment, storage, or disposal of a
substance or
petroleum. The
volunteer shall provide a demonstration as part of
paragraph (J)(8) of this rule that
COCs for which a background determination is
being made comply with this paragraph.
Background levels that are determined in
accordance with this paragraph are considered
applicable standards under this
(1) Background levels in soil. If the
background levels, as determined in accordance with this rule, for a COC do not
meet the applicable standard derived for the
property in accordance with rule
3745-300-08 or
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code, the
volunteer can select, as the applicable standard, a
comparison that demonstrates that the concentration of any such COC on the
property is at or below
background levels.
To determine background levels in soils, the samples shall be taken in soil
media native to the property and may not be taken in areas identified in
paragraph (H)(1)(b) of this rule. Native fill may be used to determine
background levels when the native fill was not moved from or is not currently
in an area described in paragraph (H)(1)(b) of this rule. If no areas on a
property are appropriate under this rule to sample for background, to determine
background levels, the volunteer may collect samples from a nearby,
representative off-property location which would comply with this paragraph or
refer to an appropriate Ohio EPA "Evaluation of Background Metal Soil
Concentrations" summary report.
The following areas are inappropriate to sample to determine
background levels:
(i) The following types of fill areas:
(a) Engineered fill.
(b) Structural fill.
(c) Industrial fill.
(ii) Areas in which management, treatment,
handling, storage, or disposal activities of any of the following are known or
suspected to have occurred:
(a) Hazardous
substances or petroleum.
(b) Solid
or hazardous wastes.
(c) Waste
(d) Material handling
(iii) Areas
within three feet of a roadway. This restriction applies only when the a COC is
one that normally would be associated with the activities conducted on the
(iv) Parking lots and
areas surrounding parking lots or other paved areas. This restriction applies
only when the COC is one that normally would be associated with the activities
conducted in the parking lots.
Railroad tracks or railway areas or other areas affected by runoff from
railroad tracks or railway areas. This restriction applies only when the COCs
are those that normally would be associated with the activities conducted on or
around the railroad tracks.
Areas of concentrated air pollutant depositions or areas affected by runoff
from the areas of concentrated air pollution depositions.
(vii) Storm drains or ditches that presently
receive or historically received industrial or urban runoff.
(viii) Spill areas.
(c) Background levels shall be representative
of the zones or depth intervals to which the background levels may be
(d) The following
shall be followed to determine a representative numerical value for
levels in soils at a
(i) Collection
of background level samples. At a minimum, eight soil sampling points shall be
used to calculate a background level within each zone, or soil horizon which
shall be compared to samples taken to determine the concentrations of COCs in
identified areas.
Determination of the numerical value for background concentrations for
COCs at
property. The
volunteer may use any statistically valid methodology to
determine a background concentration whereby the statistical means of the
distribution of background and the impacted area data sets are compared. The
volunteer may refer to U.S.
EPA's "Guidance for Comparing Background and
Chemical Concentrations in Soil for CERCLA sites" and U.S.
EPA's "Statistical
Methods for Evaluating the Attainment of Cleanup Standards" for guidance.
Alternatively, a statistical
method that may be applied to establish background
concentrations is as follows:
(a) The
background mean, referred to as
Click to
view image
shall be calculated by dividing the sum of the total background
readings by the total number of background readings:
Click to
view image
The background standard deviation, referred to as S
shall be calculated by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of each
reading minus the mean, divided by the degrees of freedom, which is the total
number of background samples minus one (n
b- 1):
Click to
view image
The coefficient of variation, referred to as C
v shall be
calculated by dividing the background standard deviation by the background
Click to
view image
The coefficient of variation is used as a means to evaluate the
data distribution. Normally distributed background data should generally have
Cv less than 0.5 for granular soils, and less than 0.75
for cohesive soils, or an explanation accounting for higher
Cv values. If the Cv exceeds 1.0
and the volunteer determines that the data are not distributed normally, the
data may be normalized by an appropriate transformation and a maximum allowable
limit may be calculated for the transformed data in accordance with paragraph
(H)(1)(d)(ii)(d) of this rule. If Cv exceeds 1.0, the
volunteer shall conduct a thorough evaluation to account for this variability.
If the Cv exceeds 1.0 and the volunteer determines that
a data point does not accurately represent background conditions or if a
quality assurance and quality control problem exists which has invalidated the
data point, the invalidated and inaccurate data points may be dropped, or
additional samples shall be collected and analyzed to ensure a sufficient
representative data population is maintained.
(d) For normally distributed data apply:
Click to
view image
of background data as the maximum allowable limit or upper
limit, where 2 x SrepresentsSb
Sb represents two times the
standard deviation and
Click to
view image
represents the background mean.
Each sample point from the background data set shall be
compared to the calculated maximum allowable limit or upper limit analyzed from
background data. If a value from the background data set is found to be an
outlier which is not representative of background conditions, this outlier
shall be replaced by another sample that is not an outlier to maintain at least
eight samples for the background determination for soils.
Determination of soil
background levels from off-
property investigations. Upon
demonstration that it is not possible to find sampling locations in accordance
with paragraph (H)(1) of this rule, the
volunteer may use
information from
property investigations in accordance with this paragraph to determine the
background concentrations of
COCs at the
property. To evaluate the
applicability of the data collected as part of the off-
property investigation,
the criteria in paragraphs (H)(1)(b) and (H)(1)(c) of this rule shall be
satisfied to consider the data as potentially applicable to determine
background levels in soils for the purposes of this rule. If the
information is
not representative of conditions at the
property, the
volunteer may not use
method to demonstrate
background levels in soil. Appropriate off-
investigations that may be used for the purposes of this paragraph include
investigations that
user data demonstrated to be reliable and representative of
background levels for the
property. At a minimum, to be reliable and
representative, the investigations shall do the following:
(a) Investigations shall be conducted on soil
that is representative of the soil type at the property for which the
background level is being determined and are located within the state of
(b) Investigations shall
employ data demonstrated to be reliable and representative that, at a minimum,
meet the following criteria:
(i) Employ data
quality objectives consistent with paragraph (C) of this rule.
(ii) Employ quality assurance and quality
control procedures that serve to minimize sources of error and the potential
for cross contamination of field samples, and that maximize the
representativeness of the data collected.
(iii) Employ data collection and sampling
techniques that are consistent with the criteria listed in paragraphs (D)(1) to
(D)(3) of this rule.
Employ methods to calculate background levels consistent with the methods
described in paragraph (H)(1)(d) of this rule or otherwise use methods that are
demonstrated to be statistically verifiable.
(3) Ground water background levels.
(a) Property-specific determination of
water background levels. If the
background levels, as determined in accordance
with this rule, for a COC do not meet the applicable standard derived for the
property in accordance with rule
3745-300-08 or
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code, the
volunteer can select, as the applicable standard, a
comparison that demonstrates that the concentration of any such COC on the
property is at or below
background levels. To determine
background levels in
ground water, samples shall be taken up-gradient at appropriate locations and
depths which are unaffected by contamination from activities involving
treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous substances or
petroleum. Background
sampling points may include points not hydraulically up-gradient of the
identified areas where either of the following occurs:
(i) Hydrogeologic conditions do not allow the
volunteer to determine which direction is hydraulically up-gradient.
(ii) Sampling at other points provides an
indication of background ground water quality that is representative or more
representative than that provided by the up-gradient points.
(b) The number and kind of samples
collected to establish background in
ground water shall meet the following
(i) Be appropriate for the method
used to determine whether concentrations of COCs exceed background, following
generally accepted principles.
As large as necessary to ensure with reasonable confidence that a contaminant
release to the ground water from a property shall be detected.
(c) The
method chosen shall be
applied separately for each COC and shall comply with the following performance
(i) Capable of accounting for data
below the limit of detection using the lowest practical quantitation limit that
can be reliably achieved within specified limits of precision and accuracy
during routine laboratory operating conditions that are available to the
volunteer. The practical quantitation limit shall be below the potable ground
water standard.
(ii) Provide
procedures to control or correct for seasonal and spatial variability as well
as temporal correlation in the data.
(iii) If a statistical method is chosen, the
method shall be appropriate for the distribution of chemical parameters or
hazardous constituents. If the distribution is shown to be inappropriate for a
normal theory test, then the data shall be transformed or a distribution-free
theory test shall be used. If the distributions for the COCs differ, more than
one statistical method may be needed.
(iv) Complies with the performance standards
provided in U.S EPA's "Statistical Analysis of Ground Water Monitoring Data at
RCRA Facilities: Unified Guidance."
(4) Determination of
ground water background
levels from off-
property investigations. Upon a demonstration that it is not
possible to find sampling locations in accordance with paragraph (H)(3) of this
rule, the
volunteer may use
information from off-
property investigations in
accordance with this paragraph to determine the background concentrations of
COCs at the
property. To evaluate the applicability of the data collected as
part of the off-
property investigation, the criteria in paragraphs (H)(3)(b)
and (H)(3)(c) of this rule shall be satisfied in order to consider the data as
potentially applicable to determine
background levels in
ground water for the
purposes of this rule. If the
information is not representative of conditions
at the
property, the
volunteer shall not use this
method to demonstrate
background levels in
ground water. Appropriate off-
property investigations that
may be used for the purposes of this paragraph include investigations that use
data demonstrated to be reliable and representative of
background levels for
property. At a minimum, to be reliable and representative, the
investigations shall meet the following criteria:
(a) Be conducted on soils and ground waters
representative of the soil type, ground water conditions, and ground water zone
at the property for which the background level is being determined and are
located within or immediately adjacent to the state of Ohio.
(b) Employ data demonstrated to be reliable
and representative and at a minimum meet the following criteria:
(i) Employ data quality objectives consistent
with paragraph (C) of this rule.
(ii) Employ quality assurance and quality
control procedures that serve to minimize sources of error and the potential
for cross contamination of field samples, and maximize the representativeness
of the data collected.
(iii) Employ
data collection and sampling techniques that are consistent with the criteria
listed in paragraphs (D)(1) to (D)(3) of this rule.
(c) Employ methods to calculate background
levels that are demonstrated to be statistically verifiable.
(5) If background levels in soil
or ground water cannot be determined using paragraphs (H)(1) to (H)(4) of this
rule, background levels may not be used as the applicable standards for either
the soil or ground water.
(I) Demonstration of compliance with
applicable standards.
(1) Data collection. The
data collected in accordance with this rule shall be sufficient to determine
applicable standards are met, or to determine that
remedial activities
conducted in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code result in compliance with
applicable standards. Data shall
be sufficient to assess existing
exposure pathways and reasonably anticipated
exposure pathways determined to be complete in accordance with paragraph (F)(1)
of this rule and all points of compliance for soil,
ground water, and other
environmental media, including the following:
(a) Points of compliance for soil.
(i) Applicable standards based on
direct-contact with soils. A
volunteer shall meet and maintain compliance with
the direct-contact soil standards to the following minimum soil depths:
(a) For properties that have unrestricted
land use or unrestricted residential land use, the point of compliance for
applicable standards is from the ground surface to a minimum depth of ten feet.
The volunteer shall comply with applicable standards at depths below ten feet
when soil may be made available for direct-contact through circumstances other
than those specified in paragraph (I)(1)(a)(i)(c) of this rule. In these
scenarios, the applicable point of compliance extends from the ground surface
to the maximum depth of reasonably anticipated activities.
(b) For properties that have institutional
controls that limit a
property's land use, and where the institutional controls
are implemented in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code, the
point of compliance for
applicable standards is from
the ground surface to a minimum depth of two feet. The
volunteer shall comply
applicable standards at depths below two feet when soil may be made
available for direct-contact through circumstances other than those specified
in paragraph (I)(1)(a)(i)(c) of this rule. The
volunteer shall comply with
applicable standards at depths greater than two feet when soil may be made
available for chronic, direct-contact
exposure through excavation, grading,
utilities maintenance, or other similar circumstances such as when soil below
two feet is brought to the surface and left on the surface or otherwise
incorporated into the soil that remains within the two-foot
point of
(c) For properties
where excavation, grading, or other construction activities may occur on the
property, the volunteer shall comply with applicable soil standards for such
construction activities. The point of compliance for applicable standards is
from the ground surface to a minimum depth equal to the maximum depth of
construction activities at the property.
(ii) Applicable soil standards based on
leaching of
COCs from soils to
ground water. The
point of compliance for
applicable soil standards based on leaching of
chemicals of concern from soils
ground water, when such leaching shall be prevented in accordance with
paragraph (D) of rule
3745-300-10 of the
Administrative Code, is the depth from the ground surface to the top of the
ground water zone that requires protection in accordance with paragraphs (F)(3)
and (F)(4) of this rule.
Applicable soil standards based on other identified complete
exposure pathways.
point of compliance for applicable soil standards developed pursuant to
3745-300-08 or
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code for complete
exposure pathways identified in paragraph
(F)(1) of this rule, other than those identified in paragraphs (I)(1)(a)(i) and
(I)(1)(a)(ii) of this rule, shall be determined so that the
exposure to
receptors is appropriately addressed.
(b) Points of compliance for
ground water.
The points of compliance for each
ground water zone on, underlying, or
emanating from a
property shall be determined for nonpotable
exposure pathways
determined in accordance with paragraph (F)(1) of this rule, and in accordance
with paragraphs (D) and (E) of rule
3745-300-10 of the
Administrative Code.
(c) Points of
compliance for other
environmental media. The points of compliance for each
complete exposure pathway identified in paragraph (F)(1) of this rule for each
environmental medium other than those identified in paragraphs (I)(1)(a) and
(I)(1)(b) of this rule shall be determined in accordance with rule
3745-300-08 or
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code.
Data analysis. The
volunteer shall verify the assumptions and applicability of
models, statistical methods, or any other data analysis methods used to
determine compliance with
applicable standards, to determine the concentration
COCs, to derive
applicable standards, or to demonstrate the effectiveness of
a remedial activity. At a minimum, the following shall be demonstrated:
(a) Models were used in accordance with
paragraph (G) of this rule.
Statistical methods used are appropriate and valid for the intended use of the
statistical methods.
(c) Adjustment
applicable standards for multiple
COCs was conducted in accordance with
3745-300-08 and
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code, if applicable. All final cumulative human health
carcinogenic risk and non-carcinogenic hazard levels are based on one
significant figure.
(d) If non-certified laboratory data
or studies not conducted in accordance with this rule are used to partially
comply with this rule, the data shall be confirmed in accordance with
paragraphs (E)(1)(d)(iii) of this rule. The volunteer shall demonstrate in the
phase II property assessment report how the non-certified laboratory data was
confirmed using certified data.
(e)(d) If applicable
standards were not determined for COCs on the property because the COCs meet
the criteria of paragraph (F)(5) of this rule, the volunteer shall demonstrate
in the phase II property assessment report how the criteria are met.
(3) Compliance with
(a) The volunteer shall verify
compliance with applicable standards for all current exposure pathways and
reasonably anticipated exposure pathways determined to be complete in
accordance with the procedures described in paragraph (F)(1) of this rule, or
the volunteer shall implement a remedy pursuant to paragraph (I)(4)(b) of this
rule. The volunteer may make a determination of compliance with applicable
standards at any time during the voluntary action including and through
assessment and remedial activity implementation.
(b) To verify compliance with applicable
standards, the volunteer shall compare the concentration of each COC determined
in accordance with paragraph (F)(6) of this rule to the applicable standard
identified in paragraph (D)(2)(d) or (F)(5) of this rule. Compliance with an
applicable standard is verified if the concentration of each COC does not
exceed the applicable standard. All final cumulative human health carcinogenic
risk and non-carcinogenic hazard levels are based on one significant
(c) Applicable standards
may include but are not limited to standards derived from generic numerical
background levels determined in accordance with paragraph (H) of
this rule, a
property-specific risk assessment, or a combination of these
standards. If generic direct-contact soil standards for a restricted land use
are used to meet
applicable standards, institutional controls shall be used to
limit the
property's land use as described in paragraph (I) of this rule and
paragraph (C)(2)(c) of rule
3745-300-08 of the
Administrative Code. The institutional controls shall be implemented in
accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code.
Implementation of
remedial activities.
(a) If
concentrations of
COCs exceed
applicable standards for any existing
pathway or reasonably anticipated
exposure pathway determined to be complete in
accordance with paragraph (F)(1) of this rule, the
volunteer shall implement a
remedy in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code. If the applicable points of compliance for
media at the
property cannot be met or maintained, the
volunteer shall
implement a
remedy in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code.
(b) If
compliance with
applicable standards cannot be determined or is not determined
for an existing
exposure pathway or reasonably anticipated
exposure pathway
determined to be complete in accordance with paragraph (F)(1) of this rule, the
volunteer shall implement a
remedy in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code. The
volunteer shall demonstrate that the
remedy renders
the pathway incomplete as to all potential receptors and that all points of
compliance specified in paragraph (I)(1) of this rule are addressed.
(5) In cases where
standards were not derived, the
applicable standards consist of the standards
for each
complete exposure pathway identified based on paragraph (F)(1) of this
rule and allowable land uses at the points of compliance identified in
accordance with paragraph (I)(1) of this rule that met the requirements of rule
3745-300-08 or
3745-300-09 of the
Administrative Code at the time of issuance of the
no further action
(J) A
shall complete a
phase II property assessment written report in a format that
is acceptable to
Ohio EPA. At a minimum, the report shall include the
(1) An introduction that
identifies the property, including the legal description of the property, the
dates over which the phase I property assessment and the phase II property
assessment were conducted and the date that the written report for each was
finalized, and the name and job title of each person who conducted the phase II
property assessment.
(2) A summary
of any amendment to the phase I property assessment required by paragraph
(E)(1) of this rule.
(3) A
statement of the limitations or qualifications, if any, which impact the phase
II property assessment.
(4) A
graphic or written representation of the conceptual site model that describes
the relationships between contaminants, transport media, and receptors at the
time of the no further action letter issuance, consistent with paragraph (C) of
this rule.
(5) A summary of the
sampling procedures employed in accordance with paragraph (D) of this rule and
the rationale for the sampling and testing activities conducted in accordance
with this rule.
(6) A summary of
the data collection activities conducted under paragraph (E) of this rule, the
data collected as a result of these activities, and a determination of the data
usability based on the quality control information. The summary shall include a
discussion that notes whether the data meet the data quality objectives
required by paragraph (C) of this rule.
(7) A summary of the determinations made
under paragraphs (F)(1) to (F)(10) of this rule, and a summary of the rationale
for the determinations made under paragraphs (F)(1) to (F)(10) of this
(8) A summary of the
background determination activities, if any, conducted under paragraph (H) of
this rule.
(9) A summary of any
models used in accordance with paragraph (G) of this rule and inclusion of the
documentation required by paragraph (G)(6) of this rule.
(10) If an
urban setting designation is
relied upon in part to address potable use pathways, a summary of the
activities conducted in accordance with paragraph (C)(3) of rule
3745-300-10 of the
Administrative Code.
(11) If a
property-specific risk assessment was conducted to derive applicable standards,
a copy of the written risk assessment report shall be attached to or included
in a section of the phase II property assessment report.
(12) A summary of any remedial activities
implemented prior to the issuance of the no further action letter required by
paragraph (I)(4) of this rule.
A discussion of whether the
property complies with
applicable standards for
exposure pathway, and whether
remedial activities were or are implemented
to meet or maintain
applicable standards in accordance with rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code, and a summary of the
applicable standards demonstration
conducted in accordance with paragraph (I) of this rule.
(14) The following
property maps and
cross-sections, as applicable:
(a) Maps that
indicate the locations of all borings, monitoring wells, or other sampling
(b) Maps that depict the
existing topography with a contour interval of no greater than five feet and
delineates on or adjacent to the property any existing streams, swamps, lakes,
springs, or other surface water features.
(c) Geologic cross-sections that represent
the subsurface geologic and hydrogeologic conditions underlying the property,
including all ground water zones evaluated during the phase II property
(d) Property maps that
indicate the locations of the identified areas and exposure units at the
property, and the concentration and physical distribution of the COCs
identified in environmental media.
(e) Maps that indicate the portions of the
property where
remedial activities were implemented pursuant to rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code, including the institutional controls,
risk mitigation
measures, and engineering controls. If a remedial activity does not apply to
the entire
property, include a plat that shows the boundary survey of the
portion of the
property to which the remedial activity applies. The survey plat
shall be completed (signed and sealed) by a professional surveyor under Ohio
law. The survey plat may be included in the
operation and maintenance plan,
risk mitigation plan, or
environmental covenant, as applicable, written
pursuant to rule
3745-300-11 of the
Administrative Code, instead of in the
phase II property assessment
(15) A
bibliography of references which identifies, to the extent available, the
description, date, source, and location of the documents reviewed as part of
the phase II property assessment, and the identification of all laboratories
that performed analyses as part of the phase II property assessment.
(16) Appendices for appropriate supporting
including attachment of data verification
checklists and any data validation reports.