Chapter 3364-70 - Research Protection and Practices

  1. § 3364-70-01 - Financial conflicts of interest
  2. § 3364-70-02 - Research data and responsible conduct of scholarship and research
  3. § 3364-70-03 - Research council
  4. § 3364-70-04 - Patent Policy
  5. § 3364-70-05 - Protection of human subjects in research
  6. § 3364-70-06 - Use of biohazardous materials, recombinant and synthetic nucleic acids, stem cells, and toxins in research
  7. § 3364-70-09 - Compensation for treatment of injuries to subjects in covered commercially sponsored clinical trials
  8. § 3364-70-10 - Laboratory animal welfare, care and use
  9. § 3364-70-12 - Material transfer policy
  10. § 3364-70-13 - Disposition of start-up equity
  11. § 3364-70-14 - Copyright policy
  12. § 3364-70-15 - Commercialization policy
  13. § 3364-70-16 - Research-related centers and institutes
  14. § 3364-70-18 - Faculty and staff compensation and budgeting for sponsored programs
  15. § 3364-70-21 - Policy on integrity in research and procedures for investigating allegations of research misconduct
  16. § 3364-70-22 - Principal investigator's responsibilities on sponsored projects
  17. § 3364-70-23 - Facilities and administrative "F&A" costs for sponsored research and programs
  18. § 3364-70-26 - Audio/visual recording in university of Toledo ("UToledo") animal housing and use areas
  19. § 3364-70-27 - The use of controlled substances and dangerous drugs in animal and in-vitro research
  20. § 3364-70-28 - Internal auditing of clinical research policy
  21. § 3364-70-29 - Dual use research of concern (DURC) - research involving select agents or toxins that provides knowledge but can also be misapplied

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.