Subchapter 3 - Swine Feeding Operations
- § 35:17-3-1 - Purpose
- § 35:17-3-2 - Definitions
- § 35:17-3-3 - Citation [RESERVED]
- § 35:17-3-4 - Advisors [RESERVED]
- § 35:17-3-5 - [Revoked]
- § 35:17-3-5.1 - Expanding operations
- § 35:17-3-6 - License application for new facilities or expanding operations
- § 35:17-3-7 - Notice requirements
- § 35:17-3-8 - Application for license renewal
- § 35:17-3-9 - Issuance or expansion of license; hearings
- § 35:17-3-10 - Transfer of license
- § 35:17-3-11 - Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP)
- § 35:17-3-12 - [Revoked]
- § 35:17-3-13 - Criteria for liners
- § 35:17-3-14 - Swine Waste Management Plans
- § 35:17-3-15 - Odor Abatement Plans (OAPs)
- § 35:17-3-16 - Pest Management Plans (PMPs)
- § 35:17-3-17 - Carcass disposal
- § 35:17-3-18 - Employee education and training
- § 35:17-3-19 - Owner inspections
- § 35:17-3-20 - Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- § 35:17-3-21 - Other statutory authority
- § 35:17-3-22 - Violation points system
- § 35:17-3-23 - Receipt and resolution of complaint against owner
- § 35:17-3-24 - Biosecurity
- § 35:17-3-25 - Closure of swine waste retention structures
- § 35:17-3-26 - Variances
- § 35:17-3-27 - Licensed facilities not yet constructed
- § 35:17-3-28 - Codification [RESERVED]
- § 35:17-3-29 - Repealer
- § 35:17-3-30 - Commencement of construction
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.