Or. Admin. R. 331-410-0020 - Application Requirements for Denture Technology Temporary License

An applicant for a denture technology temporary license must:

(1) Meet the requirements of OAR chapter 331 Division 30;
(2) Provide documentation of completing a qualifying pathway.:
(a) License Pathway 1 - Qualification through an associate degree program or equivalent education with 1,000 hours supervised clinical practice in denture technology within the education program. The applicant must submit:
(A) Official transcript, as defined in OAR 331-405-0020, demonstrating completion of an Office-approved associate degree program in denture technology or equivalent education listed under OAR 331-407-0000. The official transcript must document completion of 1,000 hours of supervised clinical practice as defined under OAR 331-405-0020(9);
(B) Proof of having completed and passed a Board-approved written examination within two years before the date of application; and
(C) Supervisor information on a form prescribed by the Office.
(b) License Pathway 2 - Qualification through an associate degree program or equivalent education with 1,000 hours supervised clinical practice in denture technology under an approved supervisor. The applicant must submit:
(A) Official transcript, as defined in OAR 331-405-0020, demonstrating completion of an Office-approved associate degree program in denture technology or equivalent education listed under OAR 331-407-0000;
(B) Documentation of 1,000 hours supervised clinical practice as defined under OAR 331-405-0020(9) under an approved supervisor pursuant to OAR 331-410-0012 on a form prescribed by the Office;
(C) Proof of having passed a Board-approved written examination within two years before the date of application; and
(D) Supervisor information on a form prescribed by the Office.
(3) All applicant examination scores must be submitted by the testing service directly to the Office including passed and failed examination scores.


Or. Admin. R. 331-410-0020
HD 11-1979(Temp), f. & ef. 8-23-79; HD 2-1980, f. & ef. 2-14-80; HD 25-1989(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 11-1-88; HD 4-1989, f. & cert. ef. 6-1-89; HD 10-1989, f. & cert. ef. 11-21-89; HD 13-1991(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 9-30-91; HD 3-1992, f. & cert. ef. 3-25-92; HD 22-1993, f. 12-30-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; HDLP 3-1998, f. 6-26-98, cert. ef. 7-1-98, Renumbered from 333-020-0015; HDLP 1-2001, f. 3-21-01, cert. ef. 4-1-01; HDLP 1-2002, f. 5-31-02, cert. ef 6-1-02; HLO 2-2004, f. 6-29-04, cert. ef. 7-1-04; HLO 2-2005, f. 12-15-05, cert. ef. 1-1-06; HLA 10-2013, f. & cert. ef. 7-1-13; HLO 70-2018, amend filed 02/28/2018, effective 3/1/2018; HLO 5-2019, amend filed 05/29/2019, effective 6/1/2019

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 680.515, ORS 680.565, ORS 676.615 & ORS 676.592

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 680.515 & ORS 680.565

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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