Or. Admin. R. 918-309-0070 - Miscellaneous

Special fees are established for the following items in lieu of fees set under OAR 918-309-0060.

(1) Permit for each domestic water or sewage pump, irrigation pump or circle and its associated controls, excluding service fee, $63;
(a) Single Circuit. If a well pump or sewage pump and its associated controls are serviced from the house main service, and the pump is installed and ready for inspection, no additional fee is charged. If the pump is installed by another contractor or later, an additional pump fee and a new permit is necessary under this part;
(b) Feeder. If the well has a subpanel, there is a fee for the feeder from the main service to the subpanel and a fee for branch circuits. If the pump is installed later, or by another contractor, a new permit and pump fee is required;
(c) Separate Service. If the well has separate service the fee is based on the service (amps) and the number of branch circuits. If the pump is installed later, or by a different contractor, a new permit and pump fee is required.
(2) Permit for the installation of each electrical sign or outline lighting system supplied by a single branch circuit, $63.
(3) Each limited energy circuit panel, one or more air-conditioning or heater thermostats installed at a job site, multiple circuit terminal board or installation or extension of limited energy circuits, $63.
(4) The permit fees in this rule, except as noted in subsection (11), are for up to two inspections and are charged in addition to other fees for electrical service.
(5) Note the exception under OAR 918-309-0030(3)(a)(A) dealing with residential limited energy.
(6) Installation of signal circuits in buildings over three floors. Each floor in excess of three is considered a separate panel for the purpose of calculating fees.
(7) Fees for inspections in excess of those allowed under OAR 918-309-0030 through 918-309-0060, $55.
(8) Fees for other inspections not covered by this rule. All inspections not provided in this rule must be charged at $86 per hour including travel and office time with a minimum charge of one hour.
(9) Fees for Bulk Labels:
(a) Bulk labels sold only to electrical contractors, $25 per label;
(b) Contractors working under a bulk label system are billed for any difference in the cost of the bulk label and the cost of the permit fees required in this rule.
(10) The fee for swimming pools is permitted as provided in OAR 918-309-0040 and 918-309-0060. The inspection of the grounding of the pool is included in the permit for the pool and counted as one of the number of allowed inspections under the permit.
(11) Permit fees for renewable electrical energy systems. For renewable electrical energy permit applications, see OAR 918-309-0410. For repairs and maintenance of renewable electrical energy systems, see OAR 918-309-0220(5).
(A) 5 KVA or less: $79;
(B)5.01 KVA to 15 KVA: $94;
(C)15.01 KVA to 25 KVA: $156.
(b) For wind generation systems in excess of 25KVA:
(A)25.01 KVA to 50 KVA: $204;
(B)50.10 KVA to 100 KVA: $469;
(C) For wind generation systems that exceed 100 KVA the permit fee is calculated in accordance with OAR 918-309-0040.
(c) For solar generation systems in excess of 25KVA:
(A) Each additional KVA over 25 will be charged an additional $6.25 per KVA.
(B) The permit charge will not increase beyond the calculation for 100 KVA.
(d) Permits issued under this sub-section include three inspections. Additional inspections will be billed at an hourly rate.
(12) Work Commencing before permit issuance. Any person who commences electrical work on a building or structure before obtaining the necessary permits will be subject to an investigative fee. The amount of the investigative fee is the average or actual additional cost of ensuring that a building or structure is in conformance with the Oregon Electrical Specialty Code and is in addition to the required permit fees.


Or. Admin. R. 918-309-0070
BCA 16-1990, f. 6-27-90, cert. ef. 7-1-90; BCA 6-1991(Temp), f. 3-21-91, cert. ef. 7-1-91; BCA 10-1991, f. 4-26-91, cert. ef. 7-1-91; BCD 19-1996, f. 9-17-96, cert. ef. 10-1-96, Renumbered from 918-260-0260; BCD 9-1998(Temp), f. 6-2-98, cert. ef. 7-1-98 thru 12-27-98; BCD 18-1998, f. 9-30-98, cert. ef. 10-1-98; BCD 19-1999, f. 12-30-99, cert. ef. 1-1-00; BCD 23-2000, f. 9-29-00, cert. ef. 10-1-00; BCD 9-2001(Temp), f. 8-15-01, cert. ef. 9-4-01 thru 3-3-02; BCD 10-2001, f. 9-28-01, cert. ef. 10-1-01; BCD 23-2001(Temp), f. 12-28-01, cert. ef. 1-1-02 thru 6-29-02; BCD 4-2002, f. 3-8-02, cert. ef. 4-1-02; BCD 9-2002, f. 3-29-02, cert. ef. 4-1-02; BCD 13-2010, f. 9-30-10, cert. ef. 10-1-10; BCD 12-2014, f. 9-30-14, cert. ef. 10-1-14; BCD 4-2016, f. & cert. ef. 4/1/2016

Stat. Auth.: ORS 479.870

Stats. Implemented: ORS 455.083 & 479.870

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.