Or. Admin. Code § 407-005-0030 - Report of Discrimination and Other Remedies Available for Alleged Discrimination

(1) A client or client applicant or specific class of individuals or their representative(s) may file with the Department a Report of Discrimination based on disability in the following circumstances:
(a) The final result under OAR 407-005-0025 for a Reasonable Modification Request was denied or was approved with an alternative to the requested modification which is believed to be inadequate;
(b) A request for auxiliary aids and services was denied or was approved with an alternative to the request which is believed to be inadequate;
(c) A request for an alternate format communication was denied or was approved with an alternative to the request which is believed to be inadequate;
(d) Inability to access facilities used for Department programs;
(e) Denial of participation in Department programs and services.
(2) A Report of Discrimination must be filed within 60 calendar days of the date of the alleged discrimination unless otherwise set forth in these rules. In the Food Stamp program, a Report of Discrimination filed more than 60 but less than 180 days of the alleged discrimination will be referred to the Food and Nutrition Service for investigation and is not otherwise covered by this rule.
(3) A Report of Discrimination may be submitted verbally or on a Report of Discrimination Form available at any Department office or by calling any Department office.
(4) The claim of discrimination will be investigated and will include an interview with the complainant and upon conclusion of the investigation, a Letter of Determination shall be issued within (40) calendar days from the receipt of the Discrimination Report.
(5) An individual may appeal the Letter of Determination to the Civil Rights Review Board (CRRB) within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving the Letter of Determination. CRRB means a panel of Department employees appointed by the Director that reviews the decisions made by the Department ADA Coordinator or the Civil Rights Investigator on discrimination complaints filed with the Department.
(6) At the discretion of CRRB, this may include additional communication with the client.
(7) The remedies available under OAR 407-005-0000 through 407-005-0030 are available in addition to other remedies available under state or federal law or Oregon Administrative Rules, except that these remedies must be exhausted where exhaustion is a requirement of seeking remedies in another forum.


Or. Admin. Code § 407-005-0030
DHSD 1-2006, f. & cert. ef. 3-1-06

Stat. Auth.: ORS 409.050

Stats. Implemented: ORS 409.050

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