Or. Admin. Code § 603-057-0115 - Pesticide Operator, Applicator, and Trainee Subcategories

The following subcategories of pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees are hereby established within the categories set forth in OAR 603-057-0110:

(1) Under "Agricultural Pest Control":
(a) Insecticide and Fungicide: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of insecticides, fungicides, and/or nematicides in the production of agricultural crops, or on agricultural lands, grasslands, and non-crop agricultural lands;
(b) Herbicides: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of herbicides in the production of agricultural crops or on agricultural lands, grasslands, and non-crop agricultural lands;
(c) Soil Fumigation: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of soil applied fumigants in the production of agricultural crops or on agricultural lands, grasslands, or non-crop agricultural lands;
(d) Livestock Pest Control: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of pesticides in agricultural areas for control or eradication of such livestock pests as insects, mites and ticks;
(e) Vertebrate Pest Control: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of pesticides in agricultural areas for control of vertebrate pests other than livestock predators.
(2) Under "Industrial, Institutional, Health, and Structural Pest Control":
(a) Pest Control, General: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of pesticides, other than fumigants, in or around structures, institutions and establishments for the protection of stored, processed, and manufactured products or for the protection of human health;
(b) Structural Pest Control: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of pesticides, other than fumigants, in, on, or around structures for the control of wood-destroying pests (i.e., termites, carpenter ants, powder post beetles, etc.);
(c) Space Fumigation: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of fumigants in enclosed or confined areas or structures for the control of pests in structures, in stored food or feed, and in other agricultural products. Field treatment of utility poles, pilings, bridge supports, and similar elements of construction are excluded from this category;
(d) Moss Control: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of pesticides for the control of moss and algae on structures;
(e) Wood Treatment: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of pesticides to treat wood products (i.e., lumber, poles, ties, etc.) before the use of those products in construction, and to field treat utility poles, pilings, bridge supports, and similar elements of construction with fumigants or other pesticides.
(3) Under "Ornamental and Turf Pest Control":
(a) Insecticide and Fungicide: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of insecticides and fungicides in the establishment and maintenance of ornamental plantings and turf;
(b) Herbicide: This shall include pesticide operators, pesticide applicators, pesticide trainees, public applicators, and public trainees who use or supervise the use of pesticides in the establishment and maintenance of ornamental plantings and turf.
(4) Under "Regulatory Pest Control":
(a) M-44 Device: This shall include only employees of the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Animal Damage Control, who are licensed as public applicators and who use the M-44 device containing sodium cyanide for the control of coyotes and certain other wild canids, which shall be in the manner as specified by the administrative rules of the Department;
(b) Livestock Protection Collar: This shall include only employees of the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Animal Damage Control, who are licensed as public applicators and who use the livestock protection collar containing sodium fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) for the control of coyotes, which shall be in the manner as specified by the administrative rules of the Department;
(c) Weed Control: This shall include public applicators and public trainees who use or supervise the use of pesticides for the control of plants designated by local weed control districts or the Department as noxious weeds as set forth in ORS 570.510.


Or. Admin. Code § 603-057-0115
AD 1066(12-75), f. 8-11-75, ef. 10-15-75; AD 7-1977, f. & ef. 4-5-77; AD 12-1985, f. & ef. 11-27-85; AD 10-1987, f. & ef. 7-1-87; AD 6-1997, f. & cert. ef. 6-11-97; DOA 38-2023, amend filed 10/30/2023, effective 11/17/2023

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 561 & 634

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 634.306(2)

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