1. § 603-057-0001 - Definitions
  2. § 603-057-0006 - Pesticide Registration Fees
  3. § 603-057-0100 - License Fees
  4. § 603-057-0104 - Limitations on Pesticide Licensing Exemptions
  5. § 603-057-0102 - Pesticide Operator Financial Responsibility
  6. § 603-057-0106 - Immediately Supervised Pesticide Trainee
  7. § 603-057-0108 - Aerial Applications Generally
  8. § 603-057-0110 - Pesticide Operator, Applicator, and Trainee Categories
  9. § 603-057-0115 - Pesticide Operator, Applicator, and Trainee Subcategories
  10. § 603-057-0120 - General Standards of Pesticide Applicator Competence
  11. § 603-057-0125 - Special Standards of Pesticide Applicator Competence
  12. § 603-057-0127 - Pesticide Apprentice Standards of Competence
  13. § 603-057-0130 - Applicator's Records and Reports
  14. § 603-057-0135 - Private Applicator Standards of Competence
  15. § 603-057-0140 - Pesticide Dealer Records
  16. § 603-057-0145 - Pesticide Consultant Standards of Competence
  17. § 603-057-0150 - Alternative Requirements for Competence of Pesticide Applicator or Consultant License Renewal
  18. § 603-057-0160 - Pesticide Use for Experimental or Research Purposes
  19. § 603-057-0180 - Pesticide License Equivalency Provision
  20. § 603-057-0190 - License Equivalency Provision for Noncommercial Pesticide Use
  21. § 603-057-0200 - Limitations on Restricted Use Pesticides
  22. § 603-057-0205 - Listing of Restricted Use Pesticides
  23. § 603-057-0216 - Pesticide Residue Tolerances in Foods
  24. § 603-057-0301 - 2,4-D; High Volatile Esters
  25. § 603-057-0305 - Areas Affected
  26. § 603-057-0310 - Time Period
  27. § 603-057-0315 - Prohibited Acts
  28. § 603-057-0320 - Permits and Applications
  29. § 603-057-0325 - Sodium Cyanide and M-44 Device
  30. § 603-057-0335 - Sodium Cyanide and M-44 Device; Restrictions on Use
  31. § 603-057-0350 - Sodium Cyanide and the M-44 Device; Records and Reports
  32. § 603-057-0355 - Sodium Fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) and the Livestock Protection Collar
  33. § 603-057-0360 - Sodium Fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) and the Livestock Protection Collar; Restrictions on Use
  34. § 603-057-0365 - Sodium Fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) and the Livestock Protection Collar; Registrant of Livestock Protection Collars
  35. § 603-057-0375 - Sodium Fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) and the Livestock Protection Collar; Records and Reports
  36. § 603-057-0376 - Microencapsulated Methyl Parathion
  37. § 603-057-0378 - Limitations on Pesticide Products Containing Clopyralid
  38. § 603-057-0384 - Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Polutants
  39. § 603-057-0388 - Prohibits the Application of Four Neonicotinoid Insecticides
  40. § 603-057-0392 - Limitations on Pesticide Products Containing Aminocyclopyrachlor
  41. § 603-057-0405 - General Requirements
  42. § 603-057-0410 - Pesticide Users Required to Report
  43. § 603-057-0411 - Pesticide User Information
  44. § 603-057-0412 - Pesticide Product Identification; Date of Use; Amount
  45. § 603-057-0413 - Description of the Type of Site Where the Pesticide Was Used
  46. § 603-057-0414 - Description of the Purpose of Pesticide Use
  47. § 603-057-0415 - Location of Pesticide Use; Aggregation of Information
  48. § 603-057-0416 - Reports of Pesticide Use for Research
  49. § 603-057-0417 - Access to Reported Information
  50. § 603-057-0418 - Requests for Pesticide Use Information
  51. § 603-057-0420 - Civil Penalty Determination for Failure to Comply with Confidentiality Agreement
  52. § 603-057-0425 - Household Pesticide Use Information
  53. § 603-057-0500 - Definitions
  54. § 603-057-0502 - Civil Penalties Generally
  55. § 603-057-0505 - Consolidation of Proceedings
  56. § 603-057-0510 - Notice of Violation, Notice of Assessment of Civil Penalties, and Notice of Contested Case Rights and Procedures
  57. § 603-057-0520 - Entry of Order and Appeal Rights
  58. § 603-057-0525 - Civil Penalties; Magnitude of Violation and Gravity of Effect
  59. § 603-057-0529 - Civil Penalty For A Violation Occurring Before June 25, 2007; Formula for Amount
  60. § 603-057-0530 - Civil Penalty For A Violation Not Resulting From Gross Negligence or Willful Misconduct Between June 25, 2007 and December 31, 2015; Formula for Amount
  61. § 603-057-0531 - Civil Penalty For A Violation Not Resulting From Gross Negligence or Willful Misconduct on or after January 1, 2016; Formula for Amount
  62. § 603-057-0532 - Civil Penalty For A Violation Resulting From Gross Negligence or Willful Misconduct And On Or After June 25, 2007; Formula for Amount
  63. § 603-057-0535 - Pesticide Use on Crops Grown for Seed Production
  64. § 603-057-0545 - Limitations on Pesticide Products Containing Chlorpyrifos

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.