Or. Admin. Code § 603-057-0145 - Pesticide Consultant Standards of Competence
(1) As provided in ORS
634.132, competence of a
pesticide consultant to advise or make recommendations concerning the use,
handling, or selection of restricted-use pesticides shall be determined on the
basis of a written examination. As a supplement to the subject matters set
forth in subsection (2) of ORS
634.132, the examination shall
also include the subject matters set forth in OAR 603-057-0120(1) relating to
the General Standards of Pesticide Applicator Competence.
(2) A pesticide consultant licensed pursuant
to this section may not advise or make recommendations in subcategories (a) or
(b) of 603-057-0115(4), Regulatory Pest Control, regarding the use, handling,
or selection of the M-44 Device containing sodium cyanide or the livestock
protection collar containing sodium fluoroacetate (Compound 1080).
(3) A pesticide consultant licensed pursuant
to this section may add the category Demonstration and Research, as defined in
OAR 603-057-0110 (3), to his/her license following successful completion of the
written examination for the Demonstration and Research category.
(4) A pesticide consultant licensed pursuant
to this section in the category Demonstration and Research is eligible to be
licensed as a pesticide applicator in the category of Demonstration and
Research without further examination. An application for such applicator's
license, or for the addition of the category to an existing license, and the
appropriate fee payment must be made separately from the application for, or
the addition to, a pesticide consultant's license.
(5) If an applicant for a pesticide
consultant's license has passed a current written examination accredited by
another state with which the Department has a reciprocal agreement on
certification or licensing, and submits evidence of the same to the department
at the time of submitting his license application with applicable fee, the
license examination may be waived.
(6) An applicant for a pesticide consultant's
license renewal shall be required to take and successfully complete a
reexamination each fifth year after taking the original examination, and be
subject to the provisions of this section in regard thereto. However, if the
Department's records indicate the applicant for license renewal has complied
with the provisions of OAR 603-057-0150, the written reexamination shall be
(7) In the event an
applicant for a pesticide consultant's license fails the written examination or
reexamination, the applicant shall be qualified to take the examination again
upon submitting a new application for the same.
(8) A pesticide consultant licensed pursuant
to this section shall also be eligible to be licensed as a private applicator
for the purpose of purchasing, using or supervising the use of any restricted
use or highly toxic pesticides for the purpose of producing agricultural
commodities or forest crops on land owned or leased by the person. An
application and fee payment for a private applicator's license must be made
separately from the application and fee payment for the pesticide consultant
license. The certification date of the Private Applicator license will be
consistent with that of the consultant license.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 561 & 634
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 634.306(5)
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