Or. Admin. Code § 629-020-0030 - Compliance with the Statewide Planning Goals

(1) The Department shall attempt to achieve goal compliance whenever possible by taking actions that are compatible with the acknowledged comprehensive plans of the applicable local governing body.
(2) Except where it is necessary for the Department to adopt findings for compliance with the statewide planning goals, the Department shall achieve goal compliance by acting compatibly with acknowledged comprehensive plans and land use regulations.
(3) An action within a land use program of the Department is considered by the Department to be in compliance with the statewide planning goals when such action is compatible with the acknowledged comprehensive plan and land use regulations of the applicable local governing body.
(4) In the event that the Department is required to adopt compliance findings against any of the statewide goals, the Department shall adhere to the following procedures:
(a) Confirm that a situation exists pursuant to OAR 660-030-0065(3) which requires the Department to adopt findings of compliance with one or more of the statewide planning goals;
(b) Identify the specific statewide planning goal(s) or goal requirements the Department must address;
(c) Consult directly with the affected jurisdiction(s);
(d) Request interpretive guidance from DLCD and the Attorney General's office;
(e) Rely on any relevant goal interpretations for state agencies adopted by LCDC under OAR Chapter 660;
(f) Adopt any necessary findings to assure compliance with the statewide planning goals.


Or. Admin. Code § 629-020-0030
FB 7-1990, f. 9-21-90, cert. ef. 10-1-90

Stat. Auth.: ORS 197

Stats. Implemented: ORS 197.245 & ORS 197.250

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.