Or. Admin. Code § 629-020-0070 - Coordination with Affected State and Federal Agencies and Special Districts
The Department shall coordinate with state and federal agencies and special districts on Department projects or actions affecting land use when necessary. Additionally, the Department may coordinate with state agencies, federal agencies, and others on land use issues of concern to the Department. Generally, this type of coordination is to provide to state agencies, federal agencies and others, the Department's perspective on the compatibility of programs or actions that others have proposed with the policies and programs of the Board of Forestry. Department contacts for interagency coordination will be determined by the type of program or action, and may include the Department Land Use Coordinator, a representative from the affected Department program, or local (field) land use planning coordinator (as designated by the District Forester).
Stat. Auth.: ORS 197
Stats. Implemented: ORS 197.180
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.