1. § 839-005-0000 - Purpose and Scope of these Rules
  2. § 839-005-0003 - Definitions: Enforcement of Laws Prohibiting Unlawful Practices
  3. § 839-005-0005 - Unlawful Discrimination Defined
  4. § 839-005-0010 - Discrimination Theories: Employment
  5. § 839-005-0011 - Constructive Discharge from Employment
  6. § 839-005-0013 - Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ) and Affirmative Action Plan Exceptions in Employment
  7. § 839-005-0014 - Successors in Interest: Employment Discrimination
  8. § 839-005-0021 - Discrimination Based on Sex
  9. § 839-005-0026 - Employment Protections and Rights Relating to Pregnancy
  10. § 839-005-0030 - Sexual Harassment in Employment
  11. § 839-005-0031 - Exceptions to Discrimination in Employment and Housing Based on Sexual Orientation or Religion
  12. § 839-005-0033 - Renumbered
  13. § 839-005-0036 - Commissioner's Complaint for Discrimination Based on Employment Status
  14. § 839-005-0060 - Purpose and Scope of these Rules
  15. § 839-005-0065 - Definitions Regarding Employer Obtainment or Use of Credit History Information
  16. § 839-005-0070 - Unlawful Discrimination Based on Credit History of Applicant or Employee
  17. § 839-005-0075 - Exceptions to Application of Prohibition on Obtainment or Use of Credit History
  18. § 839-005-0080 - Determining whether Credit History Is Substantially Job-Related
  19. § 839-005-0085 - Enforcement and Retaliation Regarding Unlawful Obtainment or Use of Credit History
  20. § 839-005-0125 - Discrimination in Retaliation for Opposing Unlawful Practices
  21. § 839-005-0130 - Discrimination Against Employees Serving or Scheduled to Serve as Jurors
  22. § 839-005-0135 - Insurance Coverage for Employees Serving as Jurors
  23. § 839-005-0138 - Discrimination in Employment Based on Child Support Obligations
  24. § 839-005-0140 - Accommodation of Employee Religious Practices
  25. § 839-005-0160 - Unlawful Employment Practices Against Victims of Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault or Stalking
  26. § 839-005-0170 - Reasonable Safety Accommodation; Certification; Records Confidential
  27. § 839-005-0195 - Purpose and Scope
  28. § 839-005-0200 - Definitions: Housing Discrimination
  29. § 839-005-0205 - Prohibited Discrimination in Real Property Transactions
  30. § 839-005-0206 - Discrimination Theories: Housing
  31. § 839-005-0210 - Exceptions to Application of Housing Discrimination Statutes and Rules
  32. § 839-005-0215 - Religious Exemption
  33. § 839-005-0220 - Discrimination in Real Property Transactions Against Individuals Based on Disabilities
  34. § 839-005-0300 - Purpose and Scope
  35. § 839-005-0305 - Definitions: Career Schools
  36. § 839-005-0310 - Unlawful Discrimination by Career Schools or Agents
  37. § 839-005-0315 - Discrimination Theories: Career Schools
  38. § 839-005-0320 - Authority of Superintendent of Public Instruction Related to Complaints under ORS 345.240
  39. § 839-005-0325 - Retaliation or Discrimination by Career Schools Prohibited
  40. § 839-005-0400 - Unlawful Employment Practice

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.