34 Pa. Code § 125.6 - Decision on application

(a) The application of an applicant which meets the requirements of § 125.5 (relating to preliminary requirements) will be approved if the Bureau determines that the applicant has demonstrated that it possesses the financial ability to self-insure.
(1) An applicant shall demonstrate that it has adequate financial capacity by showing one of the following:
(i) The retention amount of the applicant's current or proposed excess insurance equals or is less than its authorized retention amount.
(ii) The applicant's catastrophic loss estimation is equal to or is less than its maximum quick assets exposure amount.
(2) An applicant shall demonstrate that it has adequate financial health, as follows:
(i) If a public employer, the applicant satisfies or will satisfy the requirements established for it under § 125.10 (relating to funding by public employers).
(ii) If a private employer, the applicant's level of financial stability, solvency and liquidity is such that it satisfies one of the following:
(A) The applicant, or its parent company for an application being processed under the conditions of § 125.4(e) (relating to application for affiliates and subsidiaries), possesses an investment-grade long-term credit or debt rating, or such a rating that is one generic rating classification below investment grade.
(B) For an applicant who does not receive a long-term credit or debt rating by an NRSRO, or whose parent company does not receive a long-term credit or debt rating by an NRSRO for an application being processed under the conditions of § 125.4(e), the Bureau estimates that the applicant, or its parent company for an application being processed under the conditions of § 125.4(e), would merit an investment grade long-term credit or debt rating, or a rating that is one generic rating classification below investment grade, if it were rated.
(C) An applicant that was approved to self-insure as of September 11, 2010, that possesses an actual or Bureau-estimated long-term credit or debt rating more than one generic rating classification below investment grade shall be deemed to possess adequate financial health if its generic rating does not decline further. This clause will no longer apply if the applicant's actual or Bureau-estimated long-term credit or debt rating subsequently increases to one generic rating classification below investment grade or higher.
(b) The Bureau will consider the following information in assessing an applicant's financial ability to self-insure:
(1) The applicant's level of financial health, or its parent company's level of financial health for an application being processed under the conditions of § 125.4(e), based upon the applicant's or its parent's long-term credit or debt rating, if any, or upon an evaluation by the Bureau of one or more of the following:
(i) The applicant's financial statements, or its parent company's financial statements for an application being processed under the conditions of § 125.4(e), which may include comparisons of the applicant's or its parent company's financial ratios to general or to industry ratios and cash flow analysis.
(ii) Public documents and reports filed with other state and Federal agencies including the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
(iii) Other financial analysis information provided to or considered by the Bureau, including financial analysis comparison databases and evaluation models.
(2) The amount of the applicant's quick assets at the end of its last 2 completed fiscal years as shown on the financial statements provided to the Bureau under § 125.3(c) (relating to application) or under § 125.4(e).
(3) The terms, conditions and limits of the applicant's existing or proposed excess insurance.
(4) For a public employer, its ability to satisfy or its past history in satisfying the requirements established under § 125.10.
(c) If the Bureau finds under subsection (a) that the applicant possesses the financial ability to self-insure, it will send to the applicant an initial decision approving the application and a list of conditions as set forth under subsection (c)(2) that must be met before the applicant will be issued a permit. The Bureau will issue a permit to a renewal applicant at the time of the initial decision when the renewal applicant is currently in compliance with the conditions set forth by the Bureau.
(1) An applicant has 45 days from the receipt of the initial decision approving the application to comply with the conditions set forth by the Bureau.
(i) The applicant may toll the 45-day compliance period by filing a request for a conference or notification of its intent to submit additional written information under subsection (e).
(ii) An applicant may be granted a 30-day extension to meet the conditions if the applicant requests an extension in writing. The Bureau must receive the extension request within the initial 45-day compliance period.
(iii) Unless a timely reconsideration is initiated under subsection (e), when the applicant does not meet the conditions within this compliance period, the application will be deemed denied.
(iv) A renewal applicant that does not meet the conditions within this compliance period and that has not timely initiated the procedures outlined in subsection (e) shall obtain workers' compensation insurance coverage effective the expiration date of the compliance period and provide evidence of the coverage, such as a certificate of insurance, to the Bureau no later than the coverage's effective date.
(2) The applicant will be issued a permit after all of the following have been filed with the Bureau:
(i) Security in an amount as set forth in § 125.9 (relating to security requirements) or funding as set forth in § 125.10.
(ii) A certificate providing evidence that the applicant has obtained excess insurance coverage with limits set forth under § 125.11(a) (relating to excess insurance), if required.
(iii) A guarantee agreement executed by its parent company or an affiliate as set forth in § 125.4, if required.
(iv) Contact information on the claims service company or in-house staff that will be handling the applicant's claims.
(v) Documents relating to any other requirement set by the Bureau to protect the compensation rights of employees.
(d) If an applicant does not meet the requirements of § 125.5 or if upon review under subsection (a) the Bureau finds that the applicant has not demonstrated that it possesses the financial ability to self-insure, the Bureau will send to the applicant an initial decision denying the application. The initial decision will state the documents, data, information, explanation and corrections received from the applicant or otherwise reviewed or considered by the Bureau in rendering its initial decision. A renewal applicant shall obtain workers' compensation insurance coverage effective no later than 30 days after its receipt of an initial decision denying the renewal application and shall provide evidence of the coverage, such as a certificate of insurance, to the Bureau no later than the coverage's effective date, unless the applicant has timely initiated the procedures outlined in subsection (e).
(e) The applicant may request a conference with the Bureau to submit additional materials to support its application or the alteration of the conditions required in the initial decision, or to challenge the accuracy of underlying calculations made or data considered by the Bureau in its decision or conditions. The applicant may also notify the Bureau of its intention to submit these materials directly in writing without a conference. The Bureau must receive a request or notification within 20 days of the date of the Bureau's initial decision.
(1) Upon its receipt of the request or notification, the Bureau will schedule a conference. If a conference is not requested, the applicant shall provide the additional materials within 21 days of its receipt of written notification from the Bureau of its need to do so, or by a later date if requested by the applicant and approved by the Bureau.
(2) The prior permit of a renewal applicant that has filed a timely request for a conference or notification of intent to submit additional materials will be automatically extended beyond the permit's original expiration date until the Bureau issues a reconsideration decision on the renewal application under subsection (f). During the time the permit is extended, the prior conditions established by the Bureau, as set forth under subsection (c)(2), shall continue to apply.
(f) After a conference or the receipt of additional materials, the Chief of the Self-Insurance Division of the Bureau will review the entire record of the application and will issue a reconsideration decision on the application.
(1) The applicant shall have 30 days from its receipt of a reconsideration decision approving an application to comply with any conditions set forth by the Bureau in that decision.
(i) Unless a timely appeal is filed under subsection (g), when the applicant does not meet the conditions within this 30-day period, the application will be deemed denied.
(ii) A renewal applicant that does not meet the conditions within this 30-day period shall obtain workers' compensation insurance coverage effective the expiration of the compliance period and shall provide evidence of the coverage, such as a certificate of insurance, to the Bureau no later than the coverage's effective date, unless the applicant has timely initiated the procedures outlined in subsection (g).
(2) Upon the issuance of a reconsideration decision denying a renewal application, the renewal applicant shall obtain workers' compensation insurance coverage effective no later than 30 days after its receipt of the reconsideration decision and provide evidence of the coverage, such as a certificate of insurance, to the Bureau no later than the coverage's effective date unless the applicant has timely initiated the procedures outlined in subsection (g).
(g) An applicant shall have the right to appeal a reconsideration decision issued under subsection (f). The Bureau must receive the appeal within 30 days of the date of the reconsideration decision. The prior permit of a renewal applicant that filed a timely appeal shall be automatically extended beyond the permit's original expiration date, until a presiding officer issues a written decision on the appeal. During the time the permit is extended, the prior conditions established by the Bureau, as set forth under subsection (c)(2), shall continue to apply. Untimely appeals will be dismissed without further action by the Bureau.
(1) The Director of the Bureau will assign the appeal to a presiding officer who will schedule a hearing on the appeal from the reconsideration decision. The presiding officer will provide notice to the parties of the hearing date, time and place.
(2) The hearing will be conducted under this subsection and 1 Pa. Code Part II (relating to General Rules of Administrative Practice and Procedure) to the extent not superseded in paragraph (6). The presiding officer will not be bound by strict rules of evidence.
(3) Hearings will be stenographically-recorded. The transcript of the proceedings will be part of the record.
(4) The presiding officer will issue a written decision and order under 1 Pa. Code Chapter 35, Subchapters G and H (relating to proposed reports; and agency action) to the extent not superseded in paragraph (6). The presiding officer will determine whether the Bureau abused its discretion or acted arbitrarily in the reconsideration decision. The applicant has the burden to prove that the Bureau abused its discretion or acted arbitrarily in the reconsideration decision.
(5) A party aggrieved by a decision rendered by the presiding officer may appeal the decision to Commonwealth Court.
(6) This subsection supersedes 1 Pa. Code §§ 35.131, 35.190, 35.201, 35.211-35.214 and 35.221.
(h) An applicant which has been denied self-insurance may reapply after audited financial statements are published subsequent to the latest ones submitted with the denied application.


34 Pa. Code § 125.6
The provisions of this § 125.6 amended September 10, 2010, effective 9/11/2010, 40 Pa.B. 5147.

The provisions of this § 125.6 amended under sections 305(a) and 435(a) of the Workers' Compensation Act (77 P. S. §§ 501 and 991(a)) and section 2205 of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 565).

This section cited in 34 Pa. Code § 125.2 (relating to definitions); 34 Pa. Code § 125.3 (relating to application); 34 Pa. Code § 125.7 (relating to permit); 34 Pa. Code § 125.10 (relating to funding by public employers); 34 Pa. Code § 125.16 (relating to reporting by runoff self-insurer); and 34 Pa. Code § 125.19 (relating to additional powers of Bureau and orders to show cause).

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