67 Pa. Code § 175.42 - Recording inspection
Fraudulent recording. Fraudulent recording of an inspection
will be considered cause for suspension of inspection privileges.
Signature. The certified
mechanic who performed the entire inspection shall place his signature in
accordance with the following recordkeeping requirements:
(1) At stations utilizing Form MV-431 or
MV-480, the certified mechanic who performed the entire inspection shall place
his signature in the appropriate column of Form MV-431 or MV-480 immediately
following the inspection. Both the mechanic exempted from performing the road
test under this chapter and the certified mechanic who performed the road test
shall place their signatures in the appropriate column.
(i) When the inspection information is
transferred from a work order to the Form MV-431 or MV-480 by anyone other than
the certified mechanic who performed the inspection, the work order shall
contain the certified mechanic's signature and be retained for audit.
(ii) The person who enters the information
shall place the name of the certified mechanic in the appropriate column and
the initials of the person putting the information on the form in the
appropriate column.
(iii) A
mechanic exempted from performing the road test under this chapter and the
certified mechanic who performed the road test shall sign the work
(iv) The person who
transfers the information shall place the names of both certified mechanics in
the appropriate column.
(2) At stations utilizing an electronic data
collection and storage program, the certified mechanic who performed the entire
inspection shall place his signature on the work order immediately following
the inspection. Both the mechanic exempted from performing the road test under
this chapter and the certified mechanic who performed the road test shall place
their signatures on the work order. Work orders shall be retained for
Records retention.
(1) The
original official inspection report sheet (Form MV-431 or MV-480) shall be
retained as a garage record and kept on file at the station for audit. At the
close of each inspection period, the official inspection report sheet shall be
placed in the station's files, even though all spaces may not have been used,
and a new inspection report sheet shall be started for the new inspection
(2) A work order signed by
the inspecting mechanic as required under this section shall be available for
inspection upon request by the inspection station supervisor or an authorized
representative of the Department .
Stations utilizing Form MV-431 or
MV-480. The paper inspection report sheet (Form MV-431 for passenger
cars, trucks and buses or MV-480 for motorcycles and trailers) shall be neat
and legible and completed in its entirety. Details pertinent to every vehicle
inspected, including rejections, shall be recorded on the report sheet at the
time of inspection. Items inspected, adjusted or repaired shall be recorded. If
the report sheet lists a piece of equipment which does not apply to the
specific type of vehicle being inspected, a dash shall be placed in the column
to indicate it has not been overlooked or neglected. Certificates of inspection
issued shall be listed in numeric order.
Temporary inspection approval indicators, if issued in lieu of a certificate of
inspection, shall be recorded on a separate report sheet (Form MV-431) and
shall be indicated in the area designated for the sticker number. This separate
report sheet shall be completed as described in this subsection except a "T"
shall be entered in the area designated for the sticker number to indicate that
a temporary inspection approval indicator was issued. An inspection station may
not impose a sticker charge for the issuance of a temporary inspection approval
indicator .
(ii) Upon the return of
a vehicle for which a temporary inspection approval indicator has been issued,
the station which originally affixed the temporary inspection approval
indicator shall:
(A) Verify the year, make,
body style, VIN and proof of financial responsibility for the vehicle presented
for a renewed certificate of inspection to ensure it is the same vehicle
indicated on the report sheet (Form MV-431) when the original inspection was
performed. This information shall be recorded as a new entry on the regular
report sheet (Form MV-431) where all inspection sticker serial numbers issued
are recorded.
(B) Record, on the
Form MV-431, the serial number of the new certificate of inspection to be
affixed to the vehicle along with the vehicle owner's name, address, VIN ,
license plate number, vehicle year make and body style. A reference to the date
and number of the original inspection performed shall be noted in the shaded
area to the left of the area designated for the sticker serial number and total
cost (that is, See T-inspection number 123 dated 01/01/97).
(C) Enter, in the appropriate area of the
report sheet (Form MV-431), the name of the certified inspection mechanic that
verified the original inspection information and that is replacing the
certificate of inspection.
Stations utilizing an electronic
data collection and storage program. The inspection record shall be
completed in its entirety. Details pertinent to every vehicle inspected,
including rejections, shall be recorded at the time of inspection. Items
inspected, adjusted or repaired shall be recorded. If the inspection record
lists a piece of equipment which does not apply to the specific type of vehicle
being inspected, it shall be designated in the inspection record as "N/A" to
indicate it has not been overlooked or neglected.
(i) For those vehicles which pass the safety
inspection but do not yet display a renewed emission certificate of inspection
as required, stations shall record a pending or incomplete safety inspection
without issuing a safety certificate of inspection.
(ii) The temporary inspection approval
indicator shall be affixed as described in §
175.41 (relating to procedure).
Upon the return of a vehicle for which a temporary inspection approval
indicator has been issued, the station which originally affixed the temporary
inspection approval indicator shall:
Verify the year, make, body style, VIN and proof of financial responsibility
for the vehicle presented for a renewed certificate of inspection to ensure it
is the same vehicle indicated on the inspector record when the original
inspection was performed.
Record, on the pending inspection record, the serial number of the new
certificate of inspection to be affixed to the vehicle .
(C) If the name of the certified inspection
mechanic that verified the original inspection information and that is
replacing the certificate of inspection is someone other than the certified
inspection mechanic who performed the original inspection, he shall also sign
the work order.
Replacing a certificate of
inspection. The certified inspection mechanic replacing the
certificate of inspection shall sign the back of the new certificate of
inspection and record the information from the original inspection entry
(wheels pulled, date of inspection, and the like) on the new certificate of
inspection before it is affixed to the vehicle .
Prohibitions against replacing a
certificate of inspection. Inspection stations may not replace a
certificate of inspection to which a temporary inspection approval indicator
has been affixed if one or more of the following apply:
(i) The inspection station did not perform
the original inspection of the vehicle or issue the temporary inspection
approval indicator affixed to the current certificate of inspection.
(ii) The vehicle does not display a renewed
emission certificate of inspection.
(iii) The original safety certificate of
inspection has expired.
(iv) The
vehicle is in an obviously unsafe condition, including, but not limited to,
bald tires, exhaust leaks, broken glazing and broken or missing
Nonrelated items. Gas, oil or other nonrelated items may not
be included in total charges for repair and inspection.
Classifications. The
form numbers listed in this subsection explain the general classification of
vehicles to be recorded on each type of inspection record:
Form MV-431. Motor
vehicles except motorcycles and motor-driven cycles shall be recorded on this
MV-480. Trailer , motorcycle and motor-driven cycles shall be recorded
on this form.
The provisions of this § 175.42 amended under the
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.