1. § 76.1 - Purpose of Rules
  2. § 76.10 - Definitions
  3. § 76.20 - Licensing Requirements - General
  4. § 76.21 - Requirements for Issuance of a Driller or Pump Installer License
  5. § 76.22 - Applications for Licenses and Renewals
  6. § 76.23 - Examinations
  7. § 76.24 - License Renewal
  8. § 76.25 - Continuing Education
  9. § 76.26 - A Person Assisting Licensed Driller or Licensed Pump Installers
  10. § 76.27 - Registration for Driller and/or Pump Installer Apprenticeship; Renewal
  11. § 76.28 - Standards of Conduct - Apprentice and Supervising Licensee
  12. § 76.30 - Exemptions
  13. § 76.62 - Responsibilities of the Department - Injurious Water or Constituents
  14. § 76.65 - Advisory Council
  15. § 76.70 - Responsibilities of the Licensee-State Well Reports
  16. § 76.71 - Responsibilities of the Licensee - Reporting Injurious Water or Constituents
  17. § 76.72 - Responsibilities of the Licensee and Landowner - Well Drilling, Completion, Capping and Plugging
  18. § 76.73 - Responsibilities of the Licensee - Standards of Completion for Public Water System Wells
  19. § 76.74 - Responsibilities of the Licensee - Marking Vehicles and Equipment
  20. § 76.75 - Responsibilities of the Licensee - Representations
  21. § 76.76 - Responsibilities of the Licensee - Unauthorized Practice
  22. § 76.78 - Responsibilities of the Licensee - Adherence to Manufacturer's Recommended Well Construction Materials and Equipment
  23. § 76.80 - Fees
  24. § 76.90 - Disciplinary Actions
  25. § 76.100 - Technical Requirements - Locations and Standards of Completion for Wells
  26. § 76.101 - Technical Requirements - Standards of Completion for Water Wells Encountering Water Injurious to Vegetation, Land or Other Water
  27. § 76.102 - Technical Requirements - Standards for Wells Producing Water Injurious to Vegetation, Land or Other Water
  28. § 76.103 - Technical Requirements - Re-Completions
  29. § 76.104 - Technical Requirements - Standards for Capping and Plugging of Wells and Plugging Wells that Penetrate Injurious Water Zones
  30. § 76.105 - Technical Requirements - Standards for Water Wells (Drilled before June 1, 1983)
  31. § 76.106 - Technical Requirements - Water Distribution and Delivery Systems
  32. § 76.107 - Technical Requirements - Chemical Injection, Chemigation, and Foreign Substance Systems
  33. § 76.108 - Technical Requirements - Pump Installation
  34. § 76.109 - Technical Requirements - Variances - Alternative Procedures
  35. § 76.110 - Appeals - Variances
  36. § 76.111 - Memorandum of Understanding between the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.