Utah Admin. Code R311-202-1 - Incorporation by Reference
(1) This rule
incorporates by reference 40 CFR Part 280 , the federal underground storage
tank regulations, in effect as of October 13, 2015, except that:
(a)40 CFR
280 Subpart J is not incorporated by
(b) the definitions of
Class A operator, Class B operator, Class C operator, and Training program in
40 CFR
280.12 are not incorporated by
(c) the date October 13,
2015 in 280.10(a)(1)(ii), 280.10(a)(1)(iii), 280.20(c)(3), 280.35(b)(1),
280.35(b)(2), 280.42(a) note, 280.42(e), 280.45(a), 280.251(a)(1),
280.251(a)(2), 280.251(b), 280.252(b), 280.252(e), 40 CFR Part 280 appendix 1,
and 40 CFR Part 280 appendix 2 is, in each instance, changed to January 1,
2017; and
(d) the date April 11,
2016 in 280.20, 280.20(f), 280.41(a)(1), 280.41(a)(2), 280.41(b)(1), and
280.41(b)(2) is, in each instance, changed to January 1,
(2) Owners or
operators of APSTs must follow the requirements and standards as set forth in
40 CFR Part 280 Subparts E, F, and H.
(a) Any
references in these Subparts to USTs, UST systems, UST owners or operators, UST
excavation zones, UST program, UST release, or UST sites also apply to
(b) Releases of hazardous
substances, as referenced in 40 CFR 280.12, from ASTs are not
subject to Subsection
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.