Utah Admin. Code R315-264-1083 - Waste Determination Procedures
(a) Waste determination procedure to
determine average volatile organic (VO) concentration of a hazardous waste at
the point of waste origination.
(1) An owner
or operator shall determine the average VO concentration at the point of waste
origination for each hazardous waste placed in a waste management unit exempted
under the provisions of Subsection
from using air emission controls in accordance with standards specified in
through 1087, as applicable to the waste management unit.
(i) An initial determination of the average
VO concentration of the waste stream shall be made before the first time any
portion of the material in the hazardous waste stream is placed in a waste
management unit exempted under the provisions of Subsection
from using air emission controls, and thereafter an initial determination of
the average VO concentration of the waste stream shall be made for each
averaging period that a hazardous waste is managed in the unit; and
(ii) Perform a new waste determination
whenever changes to the source generating the waste stream are reasonably
likely to cause the average VO concentration of the hazardous waste to increase
to a level that is equal to or greater than the applicable VO concentration
limits specified in Section
(2) For a waste
determination that is required by Subsection R315-264-1083(a)(1), the average
VO concentration of a hazardous waste at the point of waste origination shall
be determined in accordance with the procedures specified in
40 CFR
265.1084(a)(2) through
(a)(4), which are adopted by reference.
(b) Waste determination
procedures for treated hazardous waste.
An owner or operator shall perform the applicable waste determinations for each
treated hazardous waste placed in waste management units exempted under the
provisions of Subsections
R315-264-1082(c)(2)(i) through
(c)(2)(vi) from using air emission controls
in accordance with standards specified in Sections
through 1087, as applicable to the waste management unit.
(i) An initial determination of the average
VO concentration of the waste stream shall be made before the first time any
portion of the material in the treated waste stream is placed in the exempt
waste management unit, and thereafter update the information used for the waste
determination at least once every 12 months following the date of the initial
waste determination; and
Perform a new waste determination whenever changes to the process generating or
treating the waste stream are reasonably likely to cause the average VO
concentration of the hazardous waste to increase to a level such that the
applicable treatment conditions specified in Subsection
are not achieved.
The waste determination for a treated hazardous waste shall be performed in
accordance with the procedures specified in
40 CFR
265.1084(b)(2) through
(b)(9), which are adopted by reference, as
applicable to the treated hazardous waste.
(c) Procedure to determine the maximum
organic vapor pressure of a hazardous waste in a tank.
(1) An owner or operator shall determine the
maximum organic vapor pressure for each hazardous waste placed in a tank using
Tank Level 1 controls in accordance with standards specified in Subsection
(2) The maximum organic vapor
pressure of the hazardous waste may be determined in accordance with the
procedures specified in
40 CFR
265.1084(c)(2) through
(c)(4), which are adopted by reference.
(d) The procedure for
determining no detectable organic emissions for the purpose of complying with
through 1090 shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures specified in
40 CFR
265.1084(d), which is
adopted by reference.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.