Topic - Agriculture and Food
- Title R51 - Administration (Rule R51-1 to R51-7)
- Title R52 - Horse Racing Commission (Utah) (Rule R52-7)
- Title R58 - Animal Industry (Rule R58-1 to R58-28)
- Title R63 - Chemistry Laboratory (Rule R63-1)
- Title R64 - Conservation Commission (Rule R64-1 to R64-6)
- Title R65 - Marketing and Development (Rule R65-1 to R65-13)
- Title R66 - Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp (Rule R66-1 to R66-37)
- Title R68 - Plant Industry (Rule R68-1 to R68-41)
- Title R70 - Regulatory Services (Rule R70-101 to R70-960)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
- Title R51 - Administration (Rule R51-1 to R51-7)
- Title R52 - Horse Racing Commission (Utah) (Rule R52-7)
- Title R58 - Animal Industry (Rule R58-1 to R58-28)
- Title R63 - Chemistry Laboratory (Rule R63-1)
- Title R64 - Conservation Commission (Rule R64-1 to R64-6)
- Title R65 - Marketing and Economic Development (Rule R65-1 to R65-13)
- Title R66 - Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp (Rule R66-1 to R66-36)
- Title R68 - Plant Industry (Rule R68-1 to R68-41)
- Title R70 - Regulatory Services (Rule R70-101 to R70-960)