Utah Admin. Code R657-54a - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Taking Wild Turkey

  1. § R657-54a-1 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Purpose and Authority
  2. § R657-54a-2 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Definitions
  3. § R657-54a-3 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Obtaining Permits for Wild Turkey
  4. § R657-54a-4 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Authorized Weapons
  5. § R657-54a-5 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Shooting Hours
  6. § R657-54a-6 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] State Parks
  7. § R657-54a-7 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Falconry
  8. § R657-54a-8 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Live Decoys and Electronic Calls
  9. § R657-54a-9 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Baiting
  10. § R657-54a-10 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Sitting or Roosting Turkeys
  11. § R657-54a-11 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Tagging Requirements
  12. § R657-54a-12 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Identification of Species and Sex
  13. § R657-54a-13 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Use of Dogs
  14. § R657-54a-14 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Closed Areas
  15. § R657-54a-15 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Possession of Live Protected Wildlife
  16. § R657-54a-16 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Spotlighting
  17. § R657-54a-17 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Exporting Wild Turkey from Utah
  18. § R657-54a-18 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Waste of Game
  19. § R657-54a-19 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Purchasing or Selling Wild Turkey Parts
  20. § R657-54a-20 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Wild Turkey Poaching-Reported Reward Permits
  21. § R657-54a-21 - [Effective until 12/6/2024] Season Dates, Bag and Possession Limits, and Areas Open


Utah Admin. Code R657-54a
Authorizing, and Implemented or Interpreted Law
23A-2-304; 23A-2-305
8/8/2024, exp. 12/6/2024 (Emergency)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.