Title 132T - Walla Walla Community College
- Chapter 132T-04 - [Repealed] Bylaws (§ 132T-04-001 to 132T-04-120)
- Chapter 132T-05 - [Repealed] Faculty qualifications (§ 132T-05-010 to 132T-05-070)
- Chapter 132T-06 - Tenure regulations (§ 132T-06-010 to 132T-06-110)
- Chapter 132T-09 - Practice and procedure (§ 132T-09-001 to 132T-09-480)
- Chapter 132T-12 - Miscellaneous (§ 132T-12-010 to 132T-12-020)
- Chapter 132T-16 - Negotiations by certificated personnel (§ 132T-16-003 to 132T-16-057)
- Chapter 132T-32 - Integration of State Environmental Policy Act policies and procedures into capital construction projects (§ 132T-32-010)
- Chapter 132T-90 - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (§ 132T-90-010 to 132T-90-110)
- Chapter 132T-100 - Student code of conduct (§ 132T-100-010 to 132T-100-400)
- Chapter 132T-105 - Supplemental Title IX student conduct rules (§ 132T-105-010 to 132T-105-090)
- Chapter 132T-113 - Legislative liaison (§ 132T-113-010 to 132T-113-020)
- Chapter 132T-116 - Parking and traffic rules (§ 132T-116-010 to 132T-116-050)
- Chapter 132T-175 - Public records (§ 132T-175-010 to 132T-175-990)
- Chapter 132T-180 - College Professional Negotiations Act (§ 132T-180-010 to 132T-180-060)
- Chapter 132T-190 - Use of the college facilities (§ 132T-190-010 to 132T-190-070)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.