W. Va. Code R. agency 97, tit. 97, ser. 97-06 - Support Enforcement Activities Undertaken by the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement

  1. § 97-6-1 - General
  2. § 97-6-2 - Definitions
  3. § 97-6-3 - Obligations and rights of the obligee
  4. § 97-6-4 - Collection of support through the use of income withholding
  5. § 97-6-5 - Amounts to be collected through income withholding
  6. § 97-6-6 - Requests for reduction in the amount of withholding for arrears
  7. § 97-6-7 - Contest of the issuance of a notice of an income withholding
  8. § 97-6-8 - Modification and termination of a notice of income withholding
  9. § 97-6-9 - Rules relating to specific sources of income
  10. § 97-6-10 - Reporting support arrearages to credit bureaus
  11. § 97-6-11 - Collection of support through the use of a state income tax offset
  12. § 97-6-12 - Collection of Support through the use of a federal income tax offset
  13. § 97-6-13 - Appeals of the bureau's use of the federal income tax intercept process
  14. § 97-6-14 - United States passport denial, revocation and limitation
  15. § 97-6-15 - Federal administrative offset program
  16. § 97-6-16 - Suspension, restriction, denial and non-renewal of drivers' licenses and professional licenses
  17. § 97-6-17 - The filing of liens and writs of execution to enforce the payment of support obligations
  18. § 97-6-18 - Obtaining property of the obligor through the use of a suggestion
  19. § 97-6-19 - Enforcement of support obligations through the filing of a rule to show cause
  20. § 97-6-20 - Financial Institution Data Match
  21. § 97-6-21 - Posting of a bond to ensure payment of a support obligation or appearance at a hearing
  22. § 97-6-22 - Criminal prosecutions for non-payment of support
  23. § 97-6-23 - Suits against a source of income
  24. § 97-6-24 - Suits to set aside fraudulent transfers of real or personal property
  25. § 97-6-25 - Suits to enforce a foreign judgment
  26. § 97-6-26 - Miscellaneous legal actions
  27. § 97-6-27 - Bankruptcy as it affects support enforcement methods
  28. § 97-6-28 - Amnesty Programs
  29. § 97-6-29 - Grace period and the accrual of interest on unpaid support payments


W. Va. Code R. agency 97, tit. 97, ser. 97-06
Effective 5/11/2014

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.